Trump is already making my world great. Dow above 20,000


Why would anyone want Insurance if you have to pay 6500$ before they will cover anything ?

Say I cut a finger off, not at work. I go to the hospital And they send me a bill for 6200$. I HAVE TO PAY IT ALL!!
and that's after paying 150$ a month (almost 2000$ a year)
So at that point, I have paid 8000$ towards the hospital, and insurance, and have received NO BENEFIT from having the insurance. How does that make sense?
I would be better off saving my 2000$ in insurance pay. Then I could go to the doctor, pay the 6200$ and save myself 2000$.
Thats Obamacare.
It's worthless, and soon PRESIDENT TRUMP will throw it in the fucking trash, where it belongs.

Go donald trump :)

stay smokin'
What you going to do if all of a sudden you have cancer or appendix rupture or some kind of accident and chop a few fingers off. You know how much that shit cost?

Maybe work for a better place. I don't have to worry about because I have access to the VA health care.

I'm also covered under the wife's insurance. We have a deductible of 6 or 800 if I remember correct. Guess what. Union job.

What's that say? Maybe union jobs are better. Why fight against them so hard and elect a guy who wants to lower minimum wage?
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Noone ever cleans their guns or wears earplugs either. Michonne used a katana and carried two walkers with her without arms or jaws, they became passive and allowed her cover......end of the show right there, locate a katana store........... One episode there was a guy with an eye patch on his right eye, next scene it was on his left eye.

Unlike the Walking Dead gold is actually real. Unless you have gold stocks or certificates...........if that's the case, can I interest you in Amway?
Good luck trading that gold for a can of corn when there are no grocery stores left.
Anybody got a favorite strain?

Mines MOB (Dj Short Bluebbery x Jerry Berry)
1. Type "favorite/ favourite strain" into the search bar.
2. Type your strain reviews in an appropriate thread.
3. Stop pissing** on people for discussing politics in the politics forum. That's what it is for.
** I know if you're a trump supporter you might enjoy pissing on people, but you don't have to do everything he does.

I did more the last 40 years than you could do the next 100.
Free man my ass, you are shagged daily. marched in some violent protests. Collected disability. Looked up babies for gay couples to adopt..... congrats. You're accomplishments are staggering.