Trump is already making my world great. Dow above 20,000


Well-Known Member
Tbh, I don't care if trump's plan is better.

As long as I don't get penalized for not having insurance, I'm good :)

Socialism is more like you thinking I should be required to pay for your insurance because you can't afford to. Fuck that

When I say your I don't mean you in general, ttytikk.

stay smokin'
Yet you're more than happy to take advantage of free healthcare the rest of us pay taxes to support.

Socialist hack.


Well-Known Member
It is. Especially seeing as how I haven't been to the doctor in 2 years.
I would've paid 4000$+ towards buying someone else's insurance.

Socialism at its finest!

Fuck that.

I have life insurance though, if i die my family is covered.
Good thing Obama didn't get to fucking wreck that.

I'm a bit confused how anyone could argue that obummercare isn't borderline socialism?

stay smokin'
Lying selfish socialist hack.