Trump has Coronavirus

*puts on aluminum foil hat*

The photo on the right looks like the white house.

and why would you interrupt your work, put on a blazer, and go to another room if it wasn't a photo opportunity. Also, I cant really tell because it wont let me enlarge, but even his stationary looks different.

okay i just used my loop on the pic and can see he's not wearing makeup and his hair looks like dryer's a propaganda photo nothing more.
Bacon is my favourite food group. Just ask my cardiologist.

me too and my cholesterol was 210, i have to cut back on pandemic eating of basically whatever i want and ice cream all summer long..i figured if were all going to die might as well be happy and do the thing i like before we go..long dog walks, naps, vaping, reading all day.
I was looking for the OJ Simpson trial stuff from SNL, but I really couldn't find much at all on it.
It’s why I love Norm MacDonald. He got fired from SNL because he wouldn’t stop with the OJ jokes so I’m sure they got rid of the evidence.
I’m with ya on the Molsons but if I remember that’s what they drank on the show.

I’ve developed a taste for local micro brew beers. They deliver.
Aren't we Canadians suppose to be liberal communists or something? That micro brewery stuff sounds kinda bourgeoisie to me, tell me ya don't eschew Tim's for a latte at starbucks! :D
Yeah, no photos from the hospital he is at looks like the room on the right. Its not even the same design as the rest of the hospital. There is video from him in the room also. Tons of people are googling this lmao

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Plenty of spots to do work without walking around to rooms that don't exist spreading COVID.

nice i was looked under Walter Reed Presidential suite and got a whole bunch of old black and whites maybe i should've scrolled down but don't they put the newest on top? weird.
the more i think about this the more i think how easy it would be to slip in infected silverware or glass for him to use at the WH.

thank you China!:clap:

someone had to do it- he was becoming annoying.
This is what walter reed conference rooms look like. Totally a fake photo op for trump, I would stick up for him if this wasn't the case. But it is.
nice i was looked under Walter Reed Presidential suite and got a whole bunch of old black and whites maybe i should've scrolled down but don't they put the newest on top? weird.
Its like all the photos of inside the place are being wiped. hard to even find a conference room pic EVEN THOUGH THEY ROUTINELY HOST CLINICS IN THEM.
Aren't we Canadians suppose to be liberal communists or something? That micro brewery stuff sounds kinda bourgeoisie to me, tell me ya don't eschew Tim's for a latte at starbucks! :D

speaking of starbucks..did you know back in the '50s and '60s a cup of joe at .50 increased due to the fact they started using arabica beans in the 70s which is much more costly but a better cup of coffee people think it's due to inflation but it's not..just better coffee.
We'll see.
Yes, we shall.
I just see many, many past historical references to societies that due to greed primarily, & combativeness/war/pestilence & distrust in the government fail/collapse.
Just look back 100 years and see what has changed.
Japan..... Destroyed
Germany..... Destroyed.
USSR.... Destroyed
GB & France & Italy almost destroyed.
Fucking insanity, right?
Do we as Americans really believe & feel that we're that fucking superior too even contemplate that we are that exceptional, that this Country, apparently blessed by someone's God, is sacrosanct & unable to fail?
Get fucking real.
This Nation, right now is on the fucking edge of a collapse & that's a very painfull fact.
Plague/unemployment/foreclosure/debt/racial division/climate change & the list goes on & fucking on.
At this moment this poem comes too my mind, about how fleeting/fragile life/existance really is.

Peace & stay safe :)