Trump goes to Kenosha

Shoulder the door closed on him, take out his knee, get everyone out of his reach and secure the scene.

If there is a restraining order, maybe have a really good rehab system to help people learn how to deal with shit better and not freak out. Maybe not confront the guy in a violent manner having to 'dominate' the guy to death.

Of course it didn't, the trickle is part of the scam all of these videos are creating on our society. The troll is so obvious.
Try to honestly picture him as a white guy in the same situation and it would have turned out just the way you hope for. That’s the fucking problem, and the crime was indicative of it. yes that shooting was a crime. They probably would have given him a bottle of water.
So if he had resisted and the police did a proper job, he’d be fine? And not paralyzed.
Doesn’t seem like it’s his fault at all is that what you’re saying?
Impossible to say, was he going for a weapon? Had he grabbed a knife and turned on the cops he might be in as bad or worse shape. Had he not resisted, virtual certainty he would not be paralyzed today.
It appears you have a lot of insight on this topic. Show me specific articles to back up your claims of tasers, headlocks, resisting arrest and all the other bullshit you’re peddling.

If you can’t do that, I’m not interested in anything you’re reading.
I just did bruh. The referenced links at bottom of Wiki page take you to the articles. Not that you seem to care anyway.
Impossible to say, was he going for a weapon? Had he grabbed a knife and turned on the cops he might be in as bad or worse shape. Had he not resisted, virtual certainty he would not be paralyzed today.
If he was white, virtual certainty he would not be paralyzed today.
I believe I attached blame to the cops but to pretend the shooting victim acted to de-escalate the situation is ridiculous.

Well maybe that's where we differ then. I grew up being told cops swear an oath to protect and serve the community and all it's citizens. That includes "criminals" as well. They can only use REASONABLE force for arrest and face the same consequences for committing a crime.

There was absolutely NO reasonable force used to subdue the man in the video, before he got shot. Above all else there was absolutely NO reasonable force for that Pig to shoot the man. They had ample time to tackle him.

Impossible to say, was he going for a weapon? Had he grabbed a knife and turned on the cops he might be in as bad or worse shape. Had he not resisted, virtual certainty he would not be paralyzed today.

Purely circumstantial. He could have been reaching for his rego, or for a letter from his solicitor. Man had his kids in the car.
Seriously, what's your prejudice in all this?

Those cops were pigs.
Impossible to say, was he going for a weapon? Had he grabbed a knife and turned on the cops he might be in as bad or worse shape. Had he not resisted, virtual certainty he would not be paralyzed today.
I can see you assign all blame to him.
Come on give me a break. You’re as prejudice as tRump
Everything you’ve said is aimed to discredit the VICTIM. Remember he is the victim here.
When asked for links you say that there are many stories out there and we should ascertain the information which you seem to base your opinions on rather than just give a cut and dry answer.
I think everyone has a POV that has something, at least a tiny bit, based on their race.
I’m the least racist person you’ll ever meet. I’d like to be a nice cool blue color personally.
I can see you assign all blame to him.
Come on give me a break. You’re as prejudice as tRump
Everything you’ve said is aimed to discredit the VICTIM. Remember he is the victim here.
When asked for links you say that there are many stories out there and we should ascertain the information which you seem to base your opinions on rather than just give a cut and dry answer.
I think everyone has a POV that has something, at least a tiny bit, based on their race.
I’m the least racist person you’ll ever meet. I’d like to be a nice cool blue color personally.
So you disagree with my advice not to resist arrest. Free country.
Here shithead goes again, spewing the garbage that all the racial/social anxiety tearing this Nation apart right now is the fault of Antifa/Dems/Biden, it has nothing to do with him.

“To stop the political violence, we must also confront the radical ideology that includes this violence,” Trump said today in Kenosha.

“Reckless, far-left politicians continue to push the destructive message that our nation and our law enforcement are oppressive or racist.”

Trump, who said beforehand that the trip might “increase enthusiasm” rather than tensions, did not meet or speak with the family of 29-year-old Jacob Blake, a Black man who was shot in the back seven times by a White police officer in Kenosha last week.

And Blake's family basically said thanks for not coming/calling.

Asked whether he had anything he would like to say to Trump, Blake’s uncle, Justin Blake, referred to the president as “the orange man” and said he wished that Black people had the same ability to travel the country as they please as Trump does.

“All I ask is that he keep his disrespect, his foul language far away from our family,” Justin Blake said at a block party today organized by the Blake family and activists. “We need a president that’s going to unite and take us in a different direction. We want the same right he’s got, and we want to be able to get our children home safely. They should be able to go anywhere they want in this nation and get home safely, and not get shot seven times.”

So all fuckface did essentially in Kenosha was to have another campaign stop & sit there with Barr pitching his bullshit that the Dem's are responsible for the meltdown of this country, in spite of the fact that he & fellow Republicans are running the show & are the root cause of every single thing that has ripped this country apart.

62 more days until we can vote this pile of shite out of the WH.

It's just sad too think about what damage he will cause during that period, because you/I know he will fuck something up & more people are going to die as a result of his existence.