Trump goes to Kenosha

Yet you still feel the need to deflect from what actually occurred, by mentioning the restraining order. Like it's some kind of justification. They were Pigs. Period.
I was answering the question as to why the police had been called. He should not have fought the police, they should not have shot him. He did not deserve what he got but he played a role in bringing it on.
What fucking ever "fought the police". Wasn't exactly swinging was he. He stormed off in an angry strut, resisting arrest.

Those cops were Pigs.
The video did not capture the entire encounter. I will stand by my advice to not resist arrest.
The video did not capture the entire encounter. I will stand by my advice to not resist arrest.

Whatever happened leading up to events in the video matters zilch.
He was already surrounded. One cop already had a hand on him. From that very moment all he was doing was resisting arrest.

Those cops were pigs.

I agree with you.

Those cops were pigs.
I said he did not deserve what he got. According to the police, he had an officer in a headlock and did not submit after two stun gun shots.
Shoulder the door closed on him, take out his knee, get everyone out of his reach and secure the scene.

If there is a restraining order, maybe have a really good rehab system to help people learn how to deal with shit better and not freak out. Maybe not confront the guy in a violent manner having to 'dominate' the guy to death.

The video did not capture the entire encounter. I will stand by my advice to not resist arrest.
Of course it didn't, the trickle is part of the scam all of these videos are creating on our society. The troll is so obvious.
I said he did not deserve what he got. According to the police, he had an officer in a headlock and did not submit after two stun gun shots.
I’m pretty sure the stun guns failed. Do you know for certain he was tased twice?
Did he have a weapon?

I haven't dug into this story much and was wondering. Or did he take one of the officer's weapons? Or was he completely unarmed when they shot him?