Trump goes to Kenosha


So you are ok with heavily armed brainwashed teenagers running around in cities that they don't live in, hanging out with potential domestic terrorists, and killing people because he got scared after killing someone else?
Nope, he had no business being there with an AR-15.
I would go further, he had no business going there with a gun period.

It really bums me out that this kid was so brainwashed into thinking the way he did that has now ruined his entire life. This attack on our citizens needs to end.
Jacob Blake should not have resisted arrest, the cops should not have shot him 7 times, the protests should not have turned into an arson festival, a teen boy should not have been playing armed vigilante...
I would go further, he had no business going there with a gun period.

It really bums me out that this kid was so brainwashed into thinking the way he did that has now ruined his entire life. This attack on our citizens needs to end.
I'd need a bit more clarification on what you mean by "brainwashed into thinking the way he did". He is 17 and fully capable of forming his own opinions. I'm not going to be very satisfied if he gets let off from a murder charge by invoking the Twinkies defense.
I would go further, he had no business going there with a gun period.

It really bums me out that this kid was so brainwashed into thinking the way he did that has now ruined his entire life. This attack on our citizens needs to end.
it really bums me out that people were shot because some dumbass who buys into all the bullshit the fallen right thoughtlessly spits out, believed it was his duty to scare rightfully upset protesters into submitting with his big gun... the little bitch should have his life ruined... he murdered people.
I'd need a bit more clarification on what you mean by "brainwashed into thinking the way he did". He is 17 and fully capable of forming his own opinions. I'm not going to be very satisfied if he gets let off from a murder charge by invoking the Twinkies defense.

I don't think he should get off, he killed those people regardless of him being scared or brainwashed.

By brainwashed I really think this ladies story about her 13 year old kid getting brainwashed by the 'alt-right' is worth reading.

This kid had supportive parents that actually allowed him to go to a hate rally and he got to meet his 'heroes' up close and personal, and realized they are idiots.

The murderer in Kenosha never had that chance with a mom who watched too much Terminator it seems to want to LARP as Sarah Connor.


(I don't know about the her driving him home thing)
it really bums me out that people were shot because some dumbass who buys into all the bullshit the fallen right thoughtlessly spits out, believed it was his duty to scare rightfully upset protesters into submitting with his big gun... the little bitch should have his life ruined... he murdered people.
I dont disagree.
Arsonists started the fires. The fires were preceded by protests. I am not able to say that the arsonists were protesters. Could all just be a big coincidence. Feel better?
Could be a coincidence, but I would instead suggest looking at the all of the domestic terrorists who have been shown to have been doing the violence in our cities and not allow Trump programming to blend it into one big branding of 'the left' that is currently being done on a epic level by Trump and the trolls he has out pushing his propaganda.
Jacob Blake should not have resisted arrest, the cops should not have shot him 7 times, the protests should not have turned into an arson festival, a teen boy should not have been playing armed vigilante...
How about she shouldn’t have called the cops on him in the first GD place?
Thsts what most people in politics are...look at the avg amerikan...a puking narci something or another...ive lived here since birth...i know what these selfish people in here are worth...phuk all!!! Too many republicans in this country