Trump EO's on Border/Immigration

Physically go to Mexico City then spew your shit. You really don't understand being a keyboard commando. It's fucked up there....bad.
Well since I've been to factories their I understand. I think you proved my point. The companies of the world should pay the same wage. The problem is shareholders will suffer. Manufacturing is finished as far as being a large employer. 8.8% is the total workforce in the US. Automation will continue. The new Samsung factory is $1 billion and 100 employees. Watch the movie trading places. As driverless cars, automation and all of the tech replaces humans the system must change. But since I'm retired that's up to you guys to figure out. But some people really like end of world stuff and some prefer to make life better. Smile more.bongsmilie
Well since I've been to factories their I understand. I think you proved my point. The companies of the world should pay the same wage. The problem is shareholders will suffer. Manufacturing is finished as far as being a large employer. 8.8% is the total workforce in the US. Automation will continue. The new Samsung factory is $1 billion and 100 employees. Watch the movie trading places. As driverless cars, automation and all of the tech replaces humans the system must change. But since I'm retired that's up to you guys to figure out. But some people really like end of world stuff and some prefer to make life better. Smile more.bongsmilie
I'm retired.....from the .mil. But not ready to retire retire.

But I've don't Hum aid there. So seen more inside than I'd like to. At least Muslim people don't rape the women so much. Just the boys like the UB family.
watch out folks, we have a debonair international type here! totally not just some neo-confederate hick from backwoods south carolina.

Oh thank you. I was talking about your bigot buddy @Big_Lou referring to italians as guidos.....and black people as uncle toms........

Worst thread ever. -20rep


Oh, and speaking of dickless misogynists/guidos, your linked video provides a fantastic example....
You don't even tense. Contributes to illiteracy. I didn't have to provide for anyone in that past tense. It was in the 80's. You're so busy trying to sling shit I'm just ducking and looking at you with shit covered hands.

watch out folks, we have a debonair international type here! totally not just some neo-confederate hick from backwoods south carolina.


But you pushing what, 40 and not able to put 20% down on your home when combining yourself with your wealthy wife nor pay principle down enough in 3 years to avoid mortgage insurance even though, according to you that you and her combined income devoted to the mortgage 100% would be paid in full in only two years?

Financial nirvana right there.

Oh thank you. I was talking about your bigot buddy @Big_Lou referring to italians as guidos.....and black people as uncle toms........


Look yourself in the mirror and admit you're a racist, bigoted disability case.
that would require him to first admit it was a problem, and second to not be a socialist pos that thinks society owes him. benefits bestowed in benevolence(or the guise of) do not equal rights.
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