Trump EO's on Border/Immigration

you still trying to carry trum's water after he just made home ownership more expensive for americans and more profitable for banks?

what a pity.

I didn't give you a dollar therefore I just raised your expenses by a dollar. So fucking stoopid bad troll, make more bets.
you should not speak about something you've never had experience with, trailer dweller. you're just making yourself look more foolish.

Yeah, look how long it took me to keep paying PMI even though I claim to be wealthy..........

the mortgage insurance payments are fixed and we can get rid of them once we pay off 20% of principle. if we're lazy on payments and i don't build a greenhouse and stay inside, that'll take 4 years. if the greenhouse is up next spring and we just pay what we're paying now (aside from the GH income), it'll take a year or so.

our house is already worth $340k. not too many payments from getting rid of that pesky mortgage insurance and dropping it to $1100 or so.

we were a little shy of the approximately $50,000 we would've needed. oh well.

Oh wait that was you.
spin it whatever way you want, he just made home ownership more expensive for americans and more profitable for banks.

Holy fuck its like arguing with a turnip.........trump raised @Flaming Pies mortgage rate? She said its fixed rate, no PMI. So theres that.

Your own link clearly states policy was blocked that would have lowered the FHA interest rate. It remains the same. No increase.

Clearly reading your own links is just too difficult for you. Carry on though its funny.

Pretty simple, Obama lowered, Trump raised, in the first hour:-)
A lot less rapist and child molestors come from Canada.. I know you're not educated but if you ever visit Mexico City you'll see that 9 out of 10 girls are raped there by the time they're in their 20s. Lots of boys too....that's why UB dreams of vacationing there.
Maybe wages or do you think ethnicity? Those Canucks are pretty dangerous.
i'll also gladly pay a little more at a restaurant

Lol, no you won't, fat bastard.

i had a state trooper whip around in traffic to pull me over and give me a seatbelt ticket...and the fine is $25 with $130 in "fees." another example of generating revenue for the courts in the guise of 'doing things to help you." so i can buy and drink all the rotgut i want, which is exponentially more hazardous to my health that riding without a seatbelt...but that ok huh. why? because that rotgut is taxed, guess i just got taxed for not wearing a belt.

but fuck that shit, i didn't admit to not wearing a belt, and i had a friend in the car. i'm just going to go to court and fight this shit, and fuck a lawyer. anyone in nc have experience beating a seatbelt ticket?