Trump cuts Food Stamps

Of course he would have

Trump won because of white working class voters, the same demographic Clinton supporters were criticizing Sanders for appealing to before the election

Can't have it both ways
Turns out bernie only even came within 12 points of Clinton because of lots of help from russia.

Think Russian stooge tad Devine knew?
before I go any further. I have no use for trump or Clinton.i voted for Johnson. a complete moron.

I am from the school of thought. that the system is broke.
Remember when you were criticizing Sanders for appealing to white, working class voters?
That wasn't Buck, it was me. Also I wasn't criticizing him for appealing to white working class voters, I criticized him because he was appealing only to white voters and in some cases deliberately so. To quote him, "I think that people are tired of politically correct rhetoric", for example.
Of course he would have

Trump won because of white working class voters, the same demographic Clinton supporters were criticizing Sanders for appealing to before the election

Can't have it both ways
Trump didn't win "because of" the white working class vote. He won white votes across the economic spectrum.

You are bad at using statistics. Give it up.

"of course" Bernie would have won. LOL
I criticized him because he was appealing only to white voters and in some cases deliberately so.\
Except all those polls you discounted prove otherwise; Sanders had wide support among minorities and women

That's why I told you opinion polls actually do matter..
Except all those polls you discounted prove otherwise; Sanders had wide support among minorities and women

That's why I told you opinion polls actually do matter..
I don't discount those polls. If Sanders were in a popularity contest, he'd win hands down. It has nothing to do with elections. If I man use facts instead of subjective opinion, I'll quite factually say that Sanders had minuscule support from minorities in the only poll that matters, the election polls. He also failed to garner the majority of women voters in the only poll that mattered. If a liberal like Sanders can't win the majority of liberal voters, how can you possibly claim he'd win the majority of conservative voters?

Tell me that opinion polls are predictive of who will win an election. I'd like to see you make a fool of yourself again. There is plenty of contradictory and valid information that says opinion polls are terrible indicators of who will win an election.
Trump didn't win "because of" the white working class vote. He won white votes across the economic spectrum.

You are bad at using statistics. Give it up.

"of course" Bernie would have won. LOL
Clinton won the working class vote handily against both trump and bernard
Clinton won the working class vote handily against both trump and bernard
White working class vote, not so much. I'm inferring this from the exit poll data from white non-college educated voters. Trump won that group pretty handily, 70% of men and 61% of women who were white and not college educated voted for Trump. Trump won the overall white vote by enough of a margin to sneak in via the EC, just like the Republican president before him.

Absolutely true that Clinton trounced Sanders in the working class vote during the primary and as a group, the lower income brackets (below 50K income in 2015) also went to Clinton in the general election.
These puss fucks remind me of tbe ruling class in Hunger Games! If you want more than your rationed dry goods you'll have to enter your name an extra time for the lotto to be the state's Tribute at the annual Trump Games played on the Trumps gunfarm in NY...
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Well yeah, maybe he would have won, except for the fact that he lost. So aside from the whole part about him losing, he would have won. Or maybe he would have just been a double loser. He would have won if he wasn't so busy losing though.
He lost an unfair, unequal primary. Hillary Clinton had total control over the DNC. That's something you completely leave out of the analysis when stating Sanders lost.

Sanders lost, but he more than likely wouldn't have lost if Clinton didn't rig the Democratic primary to ensure she would win it. If he won the rigged Democratic primary, he would have easily beat Trump in the general election. So the fact that we have Trump now, as president, is a direct result of Clinton rigging the primary, and all of you who supported her.

So in the end, you only have yourselves to blame