Donald Trump arraigned on his criminal indictment BUT judge imposes NO conditions on his release

13,094 views Jun 13, 2023 #TeamJustice
For the first time in American history, a criminal former president of the United States has appeared in court and been arraigned on his criminal indictment. This is an important step in the direction of accountability.
However, the judge imposed virtually NO conditions on Donald Trump's pretrial release. Does this represent equal justice and equal treatment under the law?

This video discusses that question by comparing the favorable treatment Trump received to the treatment of another defendant who was just ordered detained pending trial for mishandling classified documents and national defense information.
they are leaving the door ajar & hoping he will flee to Russia....
Interesting…and ALL those leapt to mind regarding witches?

and…seriously…why does reference to witches put “cults” in your mind?

gotta admit, I take umbrage @ the notion the *THE REPUBLICANS* know *anything* about sacred kingship: it predates Christianity, for one thing…& the poor sods know nothing about their own belief system, for another
He got indicted, hoping for him to end the day in a cell was unrealistic.
If he gets too incendiary, I'm pretty sure they'll muzzle him. In fact, i think it may be coming soon, with him making as many personal attacks as he is.
I didn't want to see him locked up, but it happens to everybody else for this shit. If he is running around loose that's bad news for the republicans when he turns on them and he will. He will fuck up their nomination process and let's hope he wants to pick candidates again! He will also drive democratic turnout and is a big boogeyman for them, but he won't make it to the election, a year from now puts him in the primaries, but he should be on trial or convicted of state and federal crimes by election day. Florida is famous for the "rocket docket", speedy trials and quick justice.

Jack never opposed his release pending trial, that kinda says something, it says Jack doesn't mind Donald out running around making life complicated and miserable for the republicans. It seems the courts and Jack are not gonna dispose of Donald for the GOP hopefuls just yet, they are gonna twist in the wind for a spell.
they are leaving the door ajar & hoping he will flee to Russia....
I wouldn't second guess Jack, but if he wanted to, he could make one Helluva case for holding Trump in custody, he didn't ask for a thing, usually in these kinds of cases people are held in custody upon arrest until trial. Curious that he never made the effort yet, maybe he is waiting for judge Cannon, then he will make the motion and let her make the call and jail him or break precedent and give him a pass. If she cuts him loose, she is responsible for him, and it could be a way to get rid of her, maybe Jack will wait for a bit then after Donald does something stupid, he will act.
Let's see if the same forces that made an example out of Bill Cosby, Jeffrey Epstein, Bernie Madoff, Harvey Weinstein and Martha Stewart

and didn't out of Michael Jackson, Woody Allen and OJ Simpson

make it happen

Donald Trump arraigned on his criminal indictment BUT judge imposes NO conditions on his release

13,094 views Jun 13, 2023 #TeamJustice
For the first time in American history, a criminal former president of the United States has appeared in court and been arraigned on his criminal indictment. This is an important step in the direction of accountability.
However, the judge imposed virtually NO conditions on Donald Trump's pretrial release. Does this represent equal justice and equal treatment under the law?

This video discusses that question by comparing the favorable treatment Trump received to the treatment of another defendant who was just ordered detained pending trial for mishandling classified documents and national defense information.
OMG, Trump was given favorable treatment.
It's almost 3 o clock!!!

The irony; isn't 3 (a.m. i believe specifically) the "Witching Hour"? And doesn't trump cry that this whole thing is a witch hunt? Boy, he really fancies himself a witch, doesn't he :lol:
a cult is a cult...some of them are just more benign than others.
I'm probably stepping all over a joke but here to point out that Trump is referring to a historical event, the Salem Witch Trials that ended with 19 people being hung for the crime of witchcraft or some such consorting with demons. Basically Trump is alluding to his being charged with crimes he did not commit and being persecuted by Democrats for no good reason.

There is no serious allusion here regarding cults or the supernatural. In fact, the people who were hung were executed by a cult. His is just another goddamn claim of a grievance about some unfair treatment of Defendant Trump.
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wait.. let me get this right, if trump wins trail goes away, right? so all the judge has to do is stall the hearings till then

i better not be right again :wall: what would another 4yrs even look like,would there be any secrets or allies left after another term
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Crazy idea:

what if tRump made a deal with desantis for a pardon and then agreed to be his VP. Not that I am in favor of any presidential R ticket but I think that would win and insure he doesn’t see a jail cell. The problem is he is such a grandiose narcissist I am not sure he is capable of it. These charges are serious.
Interesting…and ALL those leapt to mind regarding witches?

and…seriously…why does reference to witches put “cults” in your mind?

gotta admit, I take umbrage @ the notion the *THE REPUBLICANS* know *anything* about sacred kingship: it predates Christianity, for one thing…& the poor sods know nothing about their own belief system, for another
you asked which definitions of cult was i using...those are the ones that seem to apply most.
Republicans know about all kinds of myths, they've built their entire poolitical philosophy on myths and lies. (the extra o was a typo, but i like it, it applies itself to republican political thought.
it doesn't matter what the ignorant fucks know, what matters is what they think they know...and what they can convince weak minded people to believe. Is trump so obviously guilty he should spend the rest of his life in a cell? Of fucking course he is, but they've convinced a significant number of people that that isn't true, despite the glaring proof of his guilt. Is the single biggest factor in the epidemic of gun deaths guns? Of fucking course they are, but republicans have convinced an even larger portion of the country that that isn't true. Do the republicans have any proof that the Bidens, father or son, have committed any crimes? Not one fucking iota, but they've convinced a lot of really stupid, gullible idiots that they do...Substance is inconsequential, propaganda changes (small, bigoted, uneducated, stupid) minds.
I'm probably stepping all over a joke but here to point out that Trump is referring to a historical event, the Salem Witch Trials that ended with 19 people being hung for the crime of witchcraft or some such consorting with demons. Basically Trump is alluding to his being charged with crimes he did not commit and being persecuted by Democrats for no good reason.

There is no serious allusion here regarding cults or the supernatural. It's just another goddamn claim of a grievance about some unfair treatment of Defendant Trump.
the entire republican party is a cult...they have all the trappings, the secret ceremonies, the obscure ranks, THE HORDE OF MINDLESS FOLLOWERS...
supernatural? no, i'm not a believer in the supernatural...but a cult? you're fucking right the entire party is a cult.