or Hennessy.

I’d ask what specific heresy is in play, but if the user had any fact-based response, we would already have it. I tire of sloganeering and other repetitions of dishonest sentiment.
Do you really think he meant to say heresy? It makes no sense within the context of the sentence, unless he thinks Trump represents the voice of God. I guess we can't rule that out but that's a bit of an extreme place to begin a conversation from. That's why I think he meant hearsay and just misspelled it.
Do you really think he meant to say heresy? It makes no sense within the context of the sentence, unless he thinks Trump represents the voice of God. I guess we can't rule that out but that's a bit of an extreme place to begin a conversation from. That's why I think he meant hearsay and just misspelled it.
No; my opinion is that (he) really does mean heresy, with all the attendant cognitive effects that implies. I could be wrong, but with the bar of fact set low from the first post, I am diffident that we will get a consistent rebuttal, and more diffident that this notional rebuttal would be escorted by explanatory links.
This article says the outcome from the jury deliberation won't affect what Trump will do.

But I think a guilty verdict will make him howl and act even more irrationally than he is now.

I can wait.

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To the last paragraph: how?

The only path by which I am aware any control can be exerted on a Scotus justice is via impeachment (by a simple majority in the House) followed by conviction by 67 or more senators. With red states handily outnumbering blue ones, and with Republicans now uniformly indifferent to misdeeds by their own, this is de facto never going to happen.

Something big would be needed, such as 37 states ratifying an amendment adding new and streamlined mechanisms for discipline and removal of criminal justices, like the four or more who got their posts by lying to Congress. Again, I estimate the likelihood of that happening as vanishingly small.

Unless you have a viable process that I missed, I don’t think it can be done without full-on pillow guy ideas, like a supervillain using some sort of brain-control-at-a-distance projector in an act of vigilantism.

I'm not saying I know how it can be done, just that it should. There should way to fire, impeach or hang, draw and quarter those judges who flat out lied thru their teeth to gain their positions of ultimate trust and power that they are now blatantly abusing with nefarious intent massively eroding the public trust.

A brain-control-at-a-distance projector in an act of vigilantism in the right hands could be a good thing. We'll call it the Dark Brandon Brain Bender. :)

This article says the outcome from the jury deliberation won't affect what Trump will do.

But I think a guilty verdict will make him howl and act even more irrationally than he is now.

I can wait.

View attachment 5395815

Love the gif :bigjoint:
This article says the outcome from the jury deliberation won't affect what Trump will do.

But I think a guilty verdict will make him howl and act even more irrationally than he is now.

I can wait.

View attachment 5395815
At least he will have a new media name: Convict
I'm not saying I know how it can be done, just that it should. There should way to fire, impeach or hang, draw and quarter those judges who flat out lied thru their teeth to gain their positions of ultimate trust and power that they are now blatantly abusing with nefarious intent massively eroding the public trust.

A brain-control-at-a-distance projector in an act of vigilantism in the right hands could be a good thing. We'll call it the Dark Brandon Brain Bender. :)

They can be impeached and removed from office but it's the same process required to remove the President so, this is just a point of fact but not practice.
With each state providing two senators, and with underpopulated states being heavily Republican, getting sixty-seven senators to convict even the Hamburglar ain guna happen.
Not now and maybe not ever. But give it time. Ten years of this kind of shit show might put an end to the Constitution or it might create the kind of unity needed to make it happen. I believe that democracy will prevail.
I’ve said this before and weakly apologize for the redundancy, but the template was in place before that man ever set foot in the white house.

Republican legislators were all in for not-sure-how-long. They wore the exteriors of more or less reasonable humans — until that man’s getting away with any crime signaled their rather coordinated molt into late-stage neoliberal protofascists. The infamous “base” is still strong enough to keep most of them in power primarily to clog the jets of government.

Perhaps the worst damage that man and his flying monkeys wreaked was the installation of three reptilians (figuratively) in Scotus. Barring a radical move, like adding a few extra justices if the Democrats make big gains in the legislature (and hold a majority and the chairmanship of the judiciary committee), we are gonna have to outlast the Federalist Society parasites on the bench today. At the rate they are dismantling law and government, I’m not optimistic that the republic will escape lasting injury.
I agree seeds had been scattered prior to Trump,but this horrendous clown is TWEED/Tammeny Hall on steroids and on the FKN Federal level to boot,I did not think my nation was capable of such lows in terms of acceptance/refusal to accept fact from Jan. 6,2021 to present,do these people think there voting for this UBER-flawed man-child to be president of a country club???? I hated the prick pre escalator ride myself but it's post Jan 6 that has me miffed,angry,dissappointed,incredulous,dizzy and a host of others that he's even in the batter's box again w/zombie like support.
Not now and maybe not ever. But give it time. Ten years of this kind of shit show might put an end to the Constitution or it might create the kind of unity needed to make it happen. I believe that democracy will prevail.
I confess to being clouded by doubt. In any case, I hope that you are right.

However, the level of failure to prosecute Republicans (and obstructing those few prosecutions that have made it before a judge), starting with spraytan Satan and proceeding on down to other conspirators including Alito and both Thomases … is astonishing to me. Had I placed any wagers three-and-a-half years ago, I’d have lost the lot.
I confess to being clouded by doubt. In any case, I hope that you are right.

However, the level of failure to prosecute Republicans (and obstructing those few prosecutions that have made it before a judge), starting with spraytan Satan and proceeding on down to other conspirators including Alito and both Thomases … is astonishing to me. Had I placed any wagers three-and-a-half years ago, I’d have lost the lot.
edit to add: and who are in frank and unconcealed collusion with powers hostile to our and other republics
I agree seeds had been scattered prior to Trump,but this horrendous clown is TWEED/Tammeny Hall on steroids and on the FKN Federal level to boot,I did not think my nation was capable of such lows in terms of acceptance/refusal to accept fact from Jan. 6,2021 to present,do these people think there voting for this UBER-flawed man-child to be president of a country club???? I hated the prick pre escalator ride myself but it's post Jan 6 that has me miffed,angry,dissappointed,incredulous,dizzy and a host of others that he's even in the batter's box again w/zombie like support.
No dissent to your particulars, but his wild ride tends to eclipse the grim reality that the GOP was on an antirepublican trajectory long before he and his cossacks tore the mask of decency off an already indecent (in its previously less-disclosed migration to power over principle) political party and movement.

Now that he blew through every tatter of genteel camouflage, note how the rest of the party is celebrating his authoritarian intentions and demands. This is only possible because he is not the cause of the party’s tyrannical program, but its effect.

Project 2025 lays it all bare. They are telling us directly who they are, and obstructing his prosecutions has precisely dick to do with his guilt or innocence.
It’s more about that, after decades of laying the groundwork, the neoliberals/fascists can taste victory. We are coming into the full-court* press stage of the plan.

*notably including the stacked Scotus
Mr. Blanche better watch out, Merchan isn't having it today.....

"JUSTICE MERCHAN: I think that comment was outrageous, Mr. Blanche. You know as someone who has been a prosecutor that it's simply not allowed, period. It's hard to see how that was an accident. I'm going to give the curative instruction. "

Closing arguments are today for both the prosecutors and the defense

Blanche is a moron....js