Well-Known Member
Haven't heard his name mentioned since.Didn’t she put Ornato in the eye of that storm? At some point I expect him to rise to the attention of the prosecutors.
edit; Tony Ornato and Don
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Haven't heard his name mentioned since.Didn’t she put Ornato in the eye of that storm? At some point I expect him to rise to the attention of the prosecutors.
In legal circles this will be known as the "happy time" as they clean these assholes out for every dime they have over the next few years, the DC lawyers are the most expensive... Even Trump is starting to feel the financial strain as his legal bills exceed the take from his suckers and that has been dropping with each new indictment. It also looks like nobody will show up to protest or riot outside the courthouse either and if they do they will be matched by those who want Trump in jail. I look forward to his TV trial in Georgia next year, hopefully Jack will have him convicted before his Georgia trial begins and he will appear as a prisoner on TV.Guess they didn't watch Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony. Get your own lawyer.
Jack wants complete cooperation before he will cut a deal and just waited for the Georgia indictments to drop and the cases in Georgia are helping his DC case a lot. When Mark cuts a deal, he has to confess his own crimes, plead guilty to those crimes they charge him with and tell them of any crimes by others that he has knowledge of and I'll bet he knows about a lot of crimes by congress people and can testify against them, probably with some receipts too. Mark has to tell Jack everything and be ready to testify in future trials. I'm sure Jack could put in a good word for Mark, if he was valuable enough, he doesn't need him to bust Trump and the rest, so he had better have something good to offer.Just FYI meadows is trying to be on the move too....he wants federal that's gonna happen
There’s some yellow ribbon to be tiedHaven't heard his name mentioned since.
edit; Tony Ornato and Don
There’s some yellow ribbon to be tied
on the ceiling if he’s guil…teee3 times.
There is a mandatory 5 year minimum in Georgia for RICO and no matter how good a deal he cuts or who he sells out he will have to serve it, if he is convicted of the crime. All who plead guilty should have to serve a minimum of 5 years in a Georgia state prison, better than 20 years I suppose. His problem is there are so many rats in Georgia that she doesn't really need him or Rudy but having them testify on TV in public about the lies and 2020 election might be worth something. Also, if Jack puts in a good word for him, she might reduce his charges, or he will just have to serve the 5 years and then he gets out with no federal indictments or minor ones. He doesn't die in prison like the rest, but for that to happen I figure Mark would have to cough up republican congress people and administrative officials too or go down with Trump, Jack will want everything or no deal.Just FYI meadows is trying to be on the move too....he wants federal that's gonna happen
If Rudy fully cooperated and got the mandatory minimum 5 years in Georgia, does anybody expect Rudy to still be around in 5 years? It would be a life sentence, so it will be the best deal he can cut in Georgia if he is convicted of RICO, that and a retirement type minimum security prison setting. I expect most to plead and cooperate in Georgia and what they say under oath on TV might be important enough to cut them some slack, the 5-year minimum. I figure there should be less than a dozen left to go to trial next year, maybe a half dozen, the legal bills will ruin them anyway, but would be simply too much for most of them to endure if they did not plead ASAP.The rat is broke and desperate Trump owes him 3 million and won't pay, so sell his ass to the highest bidder! He won't have to worry about retirement he will have federal housing and meals until he dies. Mark Meadows got in the prosecutor's door before him I think, and this will start a cascade that will end up as a chorus of rats squealing their heads off, pleading guilty to conspiracy and testifying at the TV trial.
Rudy Giuliani Set to Meet With Fani Willis in Georgia: CNN
Giuliani, once an attorney for Donald Trump, apparently wants to surrender before the former
In a case of this magnitude with no extenuating circumstances, I doubt they will make any exceptions, except for those cutting a deal perhaps. It's all up to the judge and I wouldn't expect this one the fuck around on sentencing. Even a year in prison would be the end of most of them, these people are not ready for prison life and never will be. Once Georgia is done with the central figures, the feds will take over and prosecute them for conspiracy over J6 so they will have to run the gauntlet again with even more legal bills.I sure hope they all get at least 5 years, but the Georgia sentencing isn't as immutable as "mandatory" would suggest.
A judge still has discretion.
What to Expect When You're Expecting a Georgia Indictment of Trump
Legal experts answer questions about what to expect in the anticipated Fulton County indictment of former President Donald
Georgia has a peculiar, standalone law whereby sentences that appear to be mandatory minimums can be probated at the judge’s discretion.
- GA Code § 17-10-1: “The judge imposing the sentence is granted power and authority to suspend or probate all or any part of the entire sentence under such rules and regulations as the judge deems proper, including service of a probated sentence in the sentencing options system, as provided by Article 9 of Chapter 8 of Title 42, and including the authority to revoke the suspension or probation when the defendant has violated any of the rules and regulations prescribed by the court, even before the probationary period has begun.”
There will be better pictures than that with the trial on TV, wait for the look on his face when they convict him, or better yet sentence him!I see a new set of coffee mugs in my future....
First mug shots released in Trump Georgia election case
The Fulton County Sheriff’s Office late Tuesday night released booking photos of the first two defendants to surrender after being charged with conspiring to overturn the results of Georgia’s 2020
I see a new set of coffee mugs in my future....
First mug shots released in Trump Georgia election case
The Fulton County Sheriff’s Office late Tuesday night released booking photos of the first two defendants to surrender after being charged with conspiring to overturn the results of Georgia’s 2020