
Ursus marijanus
Sometimes they put them in for a couple of days or a week as a warning, then it will be until trial if they fuck up again, she will do what is normal in these cases and stay well inside precedent. Donald could also have criminal indictments for jury or witness tampering, obstruction of justice etc.

Word is Jack might be going after his cash cow for mail and wire fraud making pretrial seizure possible. That will get him going, losing tens or hundreds of millions from his legal defense fund and if he was siphoning it off to support his businesses, then Jack will follow the money there too. I also think Donald's legal troubles and muzzle will embolden establishment republicans to "bait" Trump so he will be locked up pretrial. Running for election while under federal indictment is a very bad idea for several reasons and Donald is about to discover them.
Sometimes does not apply here; detention is not gonna be a spanking for bad behavior. That is the part of your concept that imo needs adjusting. Detention will very likely be all/nothing, since the proximate reason is the threat he poses to the people arrayed against him.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes does not apply here; detention is not gonna be a spanking for bad behavior. That is the part of your concept that imo needs adjusting. Detention will very likely be all/nothing, since the proximate reason is the threat he poses to the people arrayed against him.
Warnings first and then detention for whatever is the norm established by precedent I should think. The republicans in the house will go nuts and there will be heat on Kevin to impeach the judge or try and get her to recuse. She will need to be well inside the boundaries when she locks trump up, even though she could do it if she wanted to right now, based on his behavior, fuck the magats.

They will step lightly, all the witnesses against Trump will be republicans and a lot of republicans will go down with him, while others have kept a low profile or are running for cover, some are cooperating with Jack. Donald will go down and go down hard, it's just a question of timing and of him fucking up and getting locked up pretrial. After Donald (AD) there will be a lot of fall out and a lot more republican indictments, this will go on for years after Donald is a bad memory.

Let's hope for a good 24, the republican party is divided, confused and broke with a small hardcore of primary voter lunatics in the driver's seat and the republican politicians living in fear of them or they are just as nuts as the base.


Ursus marijanus
Warnings first and then detention for whatever is the norm established by precedent I should think. The republicans in the house will go nuts and there will be heat on Kevin to impeach the judge or try and get her to recuse. She will need to be well inside the boundaries when she locks trump up, even though she could do it if she wanted to right now, based on his behavior, fuck the magats.

They will step lightly, all the witnesses against Trump will be republicans and a lot of republicans will go down with him, while others have kept a low profile or are running for cover, some are cooperating with Jack. Donald will go down and go down hard, it's just a question of timing and of him fucking up and getting locked up pretrial. After Donald (AD) there will be a lot of fall out and a lot more republican indictments, this will go on for years after Donald is a bad memory.

Let's hope for a good 24, the republican party is divided, confused and broke with a small hardcore of primary voter lunatics in the driver's seat and the republican politicians living in fear of them or they are just as nuts as the base.
There is no real precedent for an ex-president. We already know he is not being treated like an ordinary case, with Teixeira providing the most recent contrast.


Well-Known Member
The orange avenger is really going off the rails today, basically saying J6 illegally destroyed they're records, it's trending now....biggest line of magastan bull i've ever heard....

hate to say this donnie pooh, all j6 records went online and to jack........


Well-Known Member
There is no real precedent for an ex-president. We already know he is not being treated like an ordinary case, with Teixeira providing the most recent contrast.
The "they" is an ever-expanding number of people that now includes a DC judge and soon will include a Georgia prosecutor and judge.


Well-Known Member
on the east coast near Sydney, bongsmilie... we can hear ya'll faintly over the ocean, shouting "lets go Brandon", must be a great guy
I'm in the other Sydney on the east coast of the Atlantic and we can hear just fine since the shouting is not far away.

To a Canadian, US politics is like being drawn to the living room window by shouts and curses, to stare in amazement as the drunk neighbors across the street wrestle naked in the snow on their front lawn...


Well-Known Member
Sometimes does not apply here; detention is not gonna be a spanking for bad behavior. That is the part of your concept that imo needs adjusting. Detention will very likely be all/nothing, since the proximate reason is the threat he poses to the people arrayed against him.
Donald is rolling the dice in an all or nothing bid, the Whithouse or the big house with nothing in between.


Ursus marijanus
Donald is rolling the dice in an all or nothing bid, the Whithouse or the big house with nothing in between.
Different all/nothing. I’m referring to a possible detention pending trial order. It’s pretty established that that man is using the campaign as a hail Mary play.

The disturbing bit is how the elected public servants of the party are running interference for him. That said, the phalanx of Biden-Garland-Smith-Chutkan(-Willis) is so far up to the task of neutralizing them. If SlOTH attempts impeachment, that’ll help break GOP imo.

This is perhaps the third time since the 18th century that US has been in a fight for its life. The other two were the Civil War and the early war in the Pacific.


Well-Known Member

Why Republicans are TERRIFIED of Donald Trump's recent behavior | The Warning with Steve Schmidt

34,967 views Aug 9, 2023 The Warning
Steve Schmidt breaks down Donald Trump's recent behavior and why it could spell doom for Republicans in 2024.


Well-Known Member
Soon to be out on bail in four courts and under the control of four judges and this is the GOP front runner, the best America has to offer for its highest office and greatest honor, its face to the world. These people are obviously insane and have a character defect rising to pathological levels, which means they are a danger to themselves and others. They are like someone unconscious driving a car at high speed the reality of the situation and facts have no impact on them, only the collision will move the body politic, and skewer it in the steering wheel!



Well-Known Member
Different all/nothing. I’m referring to a possible detention pending trial order. It’s pretty established that that man is using the campaign as a hail Mary play.

The disturbing bit is how the elected public servants of the party are running interference for him. That said, the phalanx of Biden-Garland-Smith-Chutkan(-Willis) is so far up to the task of neutralizing them. If SlOTH attempts impeachment, that’ll help break GOP imo.

This is perhaps the third time since the 18th century that US has been in a fight for its life. The other two were the Civil War and the early war in the Pacific.
I expect Donald to do everything he can think of to avoid prosecution or throw sand in the wheels of justice and pour smoke in the air. All he has left is his base and he will try to use them to put heat on Kevin, they won't impress the DC judge. When Donald was arraigned in court, there were several judges sitting in the back of the room, including the chief judge of the court who were there to show solidarity and support for the magistrate judge. Kevin will have his work cut out and risks obstruction of justice if he crosses the line and pisses off Jack or Garland.

I and most others expect Donald to fuck up repeatedly and then get locked up, he won't and is incapable of keeping his word to the judge. He has abused every right, responsibility and prerogative given to him and bail will be no different, what is different are the court's standing orders and this particular judge, who happens to own his ass until trial.


Well-Known Member
Special counsel won secret search warrant for Trump’s Twitter account
Special counsel Jack Smith subpoenaed and obtained a search warrant related to former President Trump’s account on X, according to court filings unsealed Wednesday.

The case, decided in July, ordered X, formerly known as Twitter, to turn over the documents sought by Smith and also fined the company $350,000 for a three-day delay in complying with a court order of the records.

The Justice Department (DOJ), which first sought the records in January, also obtained a nondisclosure order that prohibited X from disclosing the existence or contents of the search warrant to anyone, including Trump himself.

The filing details a months-long battle between X and the special counsel’s office over the efforts to get information tied to Trump’s account, with an appeals court backing a lower court ruling “in all respects.”

“The district court found that there were ‘reasonable grounds to believe’ that disclosing the warrant to former President Trump ‘would seriously jeopardize the ongoing investigation’ by giving him ‘an opportunity to destroy evidence, change patterns of behavior, [or] notify confederates,’” the U.S. Court of Appeals for D.C. noted in its ruling.

The lower court’s March ruling also found probable cause to search Trump’s Twitter account “for evidence of criminal offenses.”

The ruling does not offer specific details about DOJ’s warrant or the subpoena.

Trump on Wednesday bashed the move on social media, accusing DOJ of “making it a point not to let me know about this major ‘hit’ on my civil rights.”

The Justice Department routinely subpoenaed communications and tech companies, but efforts to seek so-called gag orders that block those companies from alerting the subject of the search have proven more controversial, raising First Amendment concerns.

The appeals court sided with Smith’s team, determining that the 180 window of silence sought by DOJ was within bounds given the sensitive nature of its investigation into Jan. 6 and Trump directly.

While Twitter couched that as a First Amendment violation, the court noted the company remained free to otherwise discuss the investigation.

It rejected possible alternative plans for Twitter, including arguments that the “cat [was] out of the bag” because Trump already knew he was under investigation.

“The whole point of the nondisclosure order was to avoid tipping off the former President about the warrant’s existence,” the court wrote in its 34-page ruling.

Courts have previously allowed for such gag orders when there is fear of tampering with evidence, intimidation of potential witnesses, or other jeopardy to an investigation.

“The district court specifically found reason to believe that disclosure of the warrant would jeopardize the criminal investigation. We therefore conclude that the government’s asserted interests were unquestionably compelling,” the court wrote.

And buried in a footnote, the court says the lower court “also found reason to believe that the former President would ‘flee from prosecution.’”

The decision also details difficulties at Twitter in even relaying the subpoena during a chaotic chapter at the company, finding a website for legal requests to be “inoperative.”

The Justice Department came under fire early in the Biden administration for continuing to seek gag orders on subpoenas for the communications of several journalists first initiated under the Trump administration.

DOJ has since changed its policy to limit such searches on members of the media.

The rule, however, does not completely bar the practice of subpoenaing journalists.


Well-Known Member
Imagine the flip out Donald would have if Jack indicted him for mail and wire fraud while seizing his sucker money and forcing him to pay back money before he is even tried on it. With the amounts involved Donald would be looking at 20 years, as would anybody else involved in the conspiracy to defraud doners. Donald will be on bail after several warnings from the DC judge over his behavior and big mouth, so he won't be able to say much when Jack sucker punches him and takes his cash... :lol:


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Trump seeks to reestablish secure facility at Mar-a-Lago to review classified evidence
Donald Trump’s legal team is asking the government to reestablish a secure facility at Mar-a-Lago so that the former president can review classified discovery in the documents case.

The filing comes after Trump requested to review evidence in the documents case at his Florida home, something prosecutors dismissed as “extraordinary” given that it is the very location where he is charged with improperly handling some of the nation’s most closely guarded secrets.

“Re-establishing the same secure area that existed during President Trump’s term as President of the United States is a secure, efficient, and cost-effective way for these conversations to take place in a fully secure environment,” his attorneys wrote in the filing Wednesday.

“President Trump requests that the Court approve the renewed use of the previously approved and appropriately secure location so that he is then able to discuss the relevant classified information with his counsel without the need to mobilize his security detail and state and local law enforcement every time he has a conversation regarding his defense as it relates to purportedly classified information.”

The filing comes as prosecutors and Trump’s team haggle over a protective order that sets guidelines for how the highly confidential records at issue in the case regarding his attempts to stay in power after the 2020 election may be reviewed.

Special counsel Jack Smith’s team said the documents, as in other Espionage Act violation cases, must be reviewed in a sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF).

While the government created such a space within Mar-a-Lago for the duration of Trump’s presidency, it was “decertified” after his 2020 election loss.

Prosecutors fought an earlier request by Trump’s team to allow him to review and discuss evidence in the case at Mar-a-Lago or at Bedminster.

“Defendant Trump’s personal residences and offices are not lawful locations for the discussion of classified information, any more than they would be for any private citizen,” they wrote in the July filing.

“There is no basis for the defendant’s request that he be given the extraordinary authority to discuss classified information at his residence, and it is particularly striking that he seeks permission to do so in the very location at which he is charged with willfully retaining the documents charged in this case.”

Trump is set to be arraigned for a second time in the case Thursday after the Justice Department filed a superseding indictment alleging the former president was also central in directing an effort to destroy Mar-a-Lago video camera footage.

The indictment brought additional obstruction of justice-related charges for Trump, bringing to 40 the total counts he is facing in the matter, and also resulted in the naming of a new co-conspirator in the case, property manager Carlos de Oliveira.

The superseding indictment does not establish that the move was successful, but the latest filing from Trump’s team makes a brief reference to the new charges, denying the allegations.

“As relevant here, the charges allege various obstruction-related conduct arising out of false claims of efforts to destroy certain video tapes. No videotapes were deleted or destroyed, and the government does not so allege,” they write.