Well-Known Member
Baiting Donald now that he's indicted in DC, if Donald freaks out it could put him in jail, they are setting him up for a muzzle at least and perhaps a jail cell. It is a way to get rid of Donald before the primaries by getting him put in jail and the way to do that is to bait him and call him a loser.

Let's talk about Pence, Barr, and Trump....


Well-Known Member
Trump: Jack Smith going before ‘judge of his dreams’
Former President Trump claimed Monday that special counsel Jack Smith was going before the “judge of his dreams” in U.S. District Judge for the District of Columbia Tanya Chutkan, who is presiding over the case linked to Trump’s efforts to hold power after the 2020 election.
Trump has repeatedly attacked the venue of the case — Washington, D.C. — and Chutkan since his indictment, arguing that he cannot get a fair trial in such a setting.

“Deranged Jack Smith is going before his number one draft pick, the Judge of his “dreams” (WHO MUST BE RECUSED!), in an attempt to take away my FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS,” Trump posted on Truth Social.

“This, despite the fact that he, the DOJ, and his many Thug prosecutors, are illegally leaking, everything and anything, to the Fake News Media!!!” Trump continued.

The latest messages are part of a wave from Trump, the leading contender for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, that have gone after Chutkan.
The judge, an appointee of former President Obama, was randomly assigned the case in D.C. A Trump appointee is presiding over a separate case on Trump’s handling of classified documents in Florida.

The case that Chutkan is presiding over in D.C. is also related to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, which took place just blocks from the courthouse.

Voters in D.C. overwhelmingly voted for President Biden in the 2020 election, another fact highlighted by Trump and his allies.
Trump was charged with four criminal counts related to his attempts to cling to power after he lost the 2020 election. He pleaded guilty to all four charges at an arraignment last week.

Chutkan, who was confirmed unanimously by the U.S. Senate, has developed a reputation for handing out tough sentencings in cases related to Jan. 6.
She ruled in favor of the Jan. 6 select committee investigating the attack on the Capitol, allowing it access to key records that helped it make its case against Trump. Many credit the Jan. 6 committee’s work with paving the way to the latest indictment against Trump.
In ruling against Trump, Chutkan wrote, “Presidents are not kings, and Plaintiff is not President.”

Over the weekend, Trump’s allies tried to make the case that Trump could not get a fair trial in D.C.
Several Trump allies-turned-critics, including former Attorney General Bill Barr and former New Jersey Governor and U.S. Attorney Chris Christie, rejected that argument, saying they are confident in the D.C. jurors.

"“Presidents are not kings, and Plaintiff is not President.”"

Well that does not sound like a Judge Canon.


Well-Known Member
Trump: Jack Smith going before ‘judge of his dreams’
Former President Trump claimed Monday that special counsel Jack Smith was going before the “judge of his dreams” in U.S. District Judge for the District of Columbia Tanya Chutkan, who is presiding over the case linked to Trump’s efforts to hold power after the 2020 election.
Trump has repeatedly attacked the venue of the case — Washington, D.C. — and Chutkan since his indictment, arguing that he cannot get a fair trial in such a setting.

“Deranged Jack Smith is going before his number one draft pick, the Judge of his “dreams” (WHO MUST BE RECUSED!), in an attempt to take away my FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS,” Trump posted on Truth Social.

“This, despite the fact that he, the DOJ, and his many Thug prosecutors, are illegally leaking, everything and anything, to the Fake News Media!!!” Trump continued.

The latest messages are part of a wave from Trump, the leading contender for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, that have gone after Chutkan.
The judge, an appointee of former President Obama, was randomly assigned the case in D.C. A Trump appointee is presiding over a separate case on Trump’s handling of classified documents in Florida.

The case that Chutkan is presiding over in D.C. is also related to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, which took place just blocks from the courthouse.

Voters in D.C. overwhelmingly voted for President Biden in the 2020 election, another fact highlighted by Trump and his allies.
Trump was charged with four criminal counts related to his attempts to cling to power after he lost the 2020 election. He pleaded guilty to all four charges at an arraignment last week.

Chutkan, who was confirmed unanimously by the U.S. Senate, has developed a reputation for handing out tough sentencings in cases related to Jan. 6.
She ruled in favor of the Jan. 6 select committee investigating the attack on the Capitol, allowing it access to key records that helped it make its case against Trump. Many credit the Jan. 6 committee’s work with paving the way to the latest indictment against Trump.
In ruling against Trump, Chutkan wrote, “Presidents are not kings, and Plaintiff is not President.”

Over the weekend, Trump’s allies tried to make the case that Trump could not get a fair trial in D.C.
Several Trump allies-turned-critics, including former Attorney General Bill Barr and former New Jersey Governor and U.S. Attorney Chris Christie, rejected that argument, saying they are confident in the D.C. jurors.

"“Presidents are not kings, and Plaintiff is not President.”"

Well that does not sound like a Judge Canon.
I can't wait until he's standing before her while she tears a strip off his ass and he has to STFU and take it, or risk jail. Donald put himself at risk of a muzzle and then incarceration, perhaps for a week, to teach him a lesson and pretrial if he continues to fuck up. If he ends up in a cage for a week it will give him a preview of things to come and should make him freak out even more and bring reality crashing in.

Let's hope she schedules a speedy trial Trump has an army of lawyers and knew this was coming for a long time. The public has a right to a speedy trial, not just Trump and the public has a right to know if Trump is guilty of trying to steal the 2020 election, is a criminal and traitor to the US constitution, whether he broke his oath of office the last time he held it. There is an overriding public interest in a speedy trial and plenty of time before the election to have one. I figure if he fucks up and ends up in jail pending trial it will benefit the republican establishment the most, so look for them to turn on him, especially the potential witnesses. They will get him muzzled or jailed, why not, all the witnesses against him are republicans too, his prosecution is an exclusive republican show FFS! If he were to get jailed pending trial, guys like Mitch and Karl Rove would be delighted and proceed to put lipstick on the pig, something not possible while Donald is loose.


Ursus marijanus
I can't wait until he's standing before her while she tears a strip off his ass and he has to STFU and take it, or risk jail. Donald put himself at risk of a muzzle and then incarceration, perhaps for a week, to teach him a lesson and pretrial if he continues to fuck up. If he ends up in a cage for a week it will give him a preview of things to come and should make him freak out even more and bring reality crashing in.

Let's hope she schedules a speedy trial Trump has an army of lawyers and knew this was coming for a long time. The public has a right to a speedy trial, not just Trump and the public has a right to know if Trump is guilty of trying to steal the 2020 election, is a criminal and traitor to the US constitution, whether he broke his oath of office the last time he held it. There is an overriding public interest in a speedy trial and plenty of time before the election to have one. I figure if he fucks up and ends up in jail pending trial it will benefit the republican establishment the most, so look for them to turn on him, especially the potential witnesses. They will get him muzzled or jailed, why not, all the witnesses against him are republicans too, his prosecution is an exclusive republican show FFS! If he were to get jailed pending trial, guys like Mitch and Karl Rove would be delighted and proceed to put lipstick on the pig, something not possible while Donald is loose.
A fantasy for the next hearing:

Defense request a number of stays and delays, some lengthy. She grants the lot.

Then, almost incidentally, she orders him detained at once pending trial for his terms-of-release violations.


Well-Known Member
I'll go out on a limb and guess Jack Smith has a plan for whatever moves she makes. She's under the microscope.
The focus has shifted to DC with a better judge and a stripped-down case just for Trump that is built for speed. I think you will see more indictments added in the MAL Florida case, no way will it get to trial by the election, or it will happen during the election, which could be even worse for the republicans and Trump. They could have Donald convicted in DC by the time she begins her trial in May, provided she sticks to the date. She might end up screwing the republicans the most if she fucks up the trial date too long and ends up with a trial in October! They won't stop an ongoing trial for election season and shit will be coming out at all his trials the media will be full of it from the beginning of the year right up to election day.


Well-Known Member
A fantasy for the next hearing:

Defense request a number of stays and delays, some lengthy. She grants the lot.

Then, almost incidentally, she orders him detained at once pending trial for his terms-of-release violations.
I'm thinking that some republicans are gonna start baiting Trump and taking the hit for the home team just to get rid of him, more will join "hitman" Chris. Donald will respond and end up in prison, put there by his ego and the need to control the narrative that base gets, he needs to control the base to control the politicians. Pence is already subtilty baiting Donald and more potential witnesses might follow and it will force Donald to respond, when he attends a debate, it could be a bloodbath! These are predators and when they sense weakness in their alpha male... :lol:


Well-Known Member
We don't know what she will do because her track record consists of mistakes made due to either ignorance of the law or willful disregard of the law in favor of Trump.

I was referring to the DC judge, I figure Jack wrote Cannon off for a quick trial and will focus on DC. The DC judge will warn him first, but I believe she will also jail him, if he pushes the envelope. I'm waiting for Trump to try and get Kevin's house to impeach the judge.


Well-Known Member
Jack is throwing it all in his face in court and asking that he explain himself, the judge will want to know too. Legal system is now dealing with someone inciting his domestic terrorist supporters to intimidate witnesses, prosecutors, judges and jurors.

The clock is ticking for Trump’s team to respond to protective order request

95,815 views Aug 7, 2023 #Trump #Indictment #Politics
Donald Trump and his legal team have until 5 P.M. ET on August 7th to respond to a request from Special Counsel Jack Smith, who wants to stop Trump from sharing evidence that may impact his election interference case or even intimidate voters. Ana Cabrera digs into the latest legal developments with NBC News Correspondents Vaughn Hillyard and Blayne Alexander, as well as former U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade.