Trump continues attacking the poor

Horse shit

Republicans are just cutting funding to programs that affect people without the means to buy access to Republican politicians. They then turn around and borrow trillions to pay for tax cuts to the wealthy.

SNAP has very low rates of abuse.

The qualifying income for SNAP is 15k per year. In which universe would that require "recertification"? Shut the eff up. Lying assholes like you are why Republicunts can't wear a MAGA cap in public without taking abuse. Deservedly so, I'll add.
So you literally just showed how little you know about social welfare programs. You know you have to recertify almost yearly for ALL of them. Educate yourself or just shut the fuck up. We would all prefer the latter


Well-Known Member
Isn’t that funny. To complain about racism makes you black? A long time ago that might have been true but today whites have a greater understanding of what is. Cities, communities are culturally diverse, our friends, our neighbors, girlfriends, boyfriends, spouses, people we work with are other races. Whites now understand through seeing and feeling first hand, their friends, husbands etc...go through racism. That’s why today more than ever, many whites are just as upset over racism as blacks, and other people of color.

My Wife of 27-years know first hand. She would see changes in how some whites in the workplace would start acting towards her when the family pictures came out on her desk. Now days I tell not to put them on her desk anymore, just do the job and come home. It’s not worth the drama.
Ummm thats what you got out of that?...interesting.
Anywho..i heard a violin playing while i skimmed over your text. Cool story bruh


Well-Known Member
So you literally just showed how little you know about social welfare programs. You know you have to recertify almost yearly for ALL of them. Educate yourself or just shut the fuck up. We would all prefer the latter
You drooling idiot. You didn't see the quotation marks around that word in my post. Because you couldn't understand irony, I'll spell it out to you. Trump isn't just following procedures. He's going to to "recertify" by erasing benefits to people who previously qualified. In which universe is that "recertification"?

Try and sound out these words from an NPR article on the subject:

3 Million Could Lose Food Stamp Benefits Under Trump Administration Proposal

This is what they are cutting:
"low-income families who work but have huge child care, housing and other expenses that leave them with insufficient money to buy food. States now have the flexibility to not cut off benefits as soon as a family's gross income exceeds a certain level, but to more slowly phase out the food aid. "

In other words, people who are working their way out of poverty will be the most affected.

Now, then, about your claims of rampant fraud -- that was fake bullshit and I very easily answered your blind request for a citation. It was literally the first thing that popped up on a search about SNAP fraud. You are determined to stay ignorant. It would have been easy to learn for yourself but you are blinded by your political bias.

radiant Rudy

Well-Known Member
1/10 rating for a witty response. I know a lil social justice warrior living in your moms basement makes for a lot of time to be a keyboard warrior. Son I got more testerone in my left nut than you get from swallowing loads from all your gay lovers, closeted gay

Eunuch, it's a truism around here that when the most impotent cucks get spanked the first move is to get all noisy about cock, nuts and jizz.

you're like the 1000th red neck bitch to go into meltdown about dick. Youre a common f'en idiot boi.
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Eunuch it's a truism around here that when the most impotent cucks get spanked the first move is to get all noisy about cock, nuts and jizz.

you're like the 1000th red neck bitch to go into meltdown about dick. Youre a common f'en idiot boi.
Hahahaha so I guess the assumption is you spanked me? Must be your fantasy to spank me I guess. Kinda weird but I won’t kink shame. It seems you like to use overly dramatic words to describe a event that didn’t factually happen. A reoccurring theme I’m finding here with the left wing on this forum. Post responses with no substance or facts, then just attack anyone who disagrees.


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha so I guess the assumption is you spanked me? Must be your fantasy to spank me I guess. Kinda weird but I won’t kink shame. It seems you like to use overly dramatic words to describe a event that didn’t factually happen. A reoccurring theme I’m finding here with the left wing on this forum. Post responses with no substance or facts, then just attack anyone who disagrees.
Your posts have decidedly taken a sexual tone.

Now I understand why you are posting blindingly stupid shit in this forum.

Being humiliated in public gets you hot.


Well-Known Member
Oh you absolute dumb retarded fuck. The trump administration wants to do away with automatic re-enrollment. Don’t post a overly dramatic article that says 3 million COULD lose snap benefits. Because guess what simpleton, most will re-enroll and retain snap benefits. Now I can see you need things soon fed to you to understand them. That means every year you have to re-certify for snap. Just like almost every other social welfare program. So I’ll stop here and put the ball in your court since you think you know so much. Describe to me what happens in that recertification process
It does get you hot, doesn't it. Admit it, you are touching your man-nub and reveling in your humiliation. That's cool, "bra". Glad we can help.


Well-Known Member
Oh you absolute dumb retarded fuck. The trump administration wants to do away with automatic re-enrollment. Don’t post a overly dramatic article that says 3 million COULD lose snap benefits. Because guess what simpleton, most will re-enroll and retain snap benefits. Now I can see you need things soon fed to you to understand them. That means every year you have to re-certify for snap. Just like almost every other social welfare program. So I’ll stop here and put the ball in your court since you think you know so much. Describe to me what happens in that recertification process
Republicans in charge of SNAP are planning to make changes that would take state's discretion to cut off aid when a hard income limit is exceeded without taking into account other circumstances. Drooling idiot says "it's just a paperwork shuffle", also, too much fraud.

Gee, why does he come across as a snake oil salesman?


Well-Known Member
Oh i see. You went to college for that..i forgot. Or did you go to college to insult people on the webs. I dont know anyone that needs a college ed for either of those. Good luck on your successfullife lol.
The main role college played for me was to keep me from being as incurious and mentally impoverished as people like you are

I learned carpentry by doing. It is s fun pursuit I enjoy doing every day. Way better than just sitting at home growing a weed


Well-Known Member
Site a source, so you know what he wants to do? It’s about recertifting for the program. Social welfare programs are a privilege, not a right. I literally work with people everyday who use multiple social welfare programs. Section 8, snap, fuel assistance. I catch abuse hourly at my job. So don’t tell me their isn’t rampant abuse, because I see it DAILY

radiant Rudy

Well-Known Member
Hahahaha so I guess the assumption is you spanked me? Must be your fantasy to spank me I guess. Kinda weird but I won’t kink shame. It seems you like to use overly dramatic words to describe a event that didn’t factually happen. A reoccurring theme I’m finding here with the left wing on this forum. Post responses with no substance or facts, then just attack anyone who disagrees.
Whining stooge, youve had your wig split by pretty much everyone on the thread, so it's been a gang spanking, bitch.

" swallowing loads" is this what mean by substance, magat?
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Well-Known Member
The main role college played for me was to keep me from being as incurious and mentally impoverished as people like you are

I learned carpentry by doing. It is s fun pursuit I enjoy doing every day. Way better than just sitting at home growing a weed
Youre just jealous of me buck admit it. You have to work as a scrub bc you cant do anything else including grow good weed. Maybe Ill dry my weed in a room full of cat boxes..then Ill say its cat piss strain. Thanks for that awesome growers tip.

radiant Rudy

Well-Known Member
Oh you absolute dumb retarded fuck. The trump administration wants to do away with automatic re-enrollment. Don’t post a overly dramatic article that says 3 million COULD lose snap benefits. Because guess what simpleton, most will re-enroll and retain snap benefits. Now I can see you need things soon fed to you to understand them. That means every year you have to re-certify for snap. Just like almost every other social welfare program. So I’ll stop here and put the ball in your court since you think you know so much. Describe to me what happens in that recertification process

DAMN, turtling are you profiling for a gig as the ombudsman of Struggleville, you're not even a citizen of the US asshole
