Barr's use of the government to attack minority communities continues to ramp up.

There is not enough weed to stay mellow through Barr's 'I am a good guy who does good shit' statement.
Yer not the only one Brazen Bill is pissing off, he has no choice but to emulate Donald and bluff and bluster. He must answer direct questions that will out him as not just a legal criminal, but a constitutional one as well, or lie, either of which are impeachable after days on the hotseat and a shit load of evedence. If he's a no show after the ball is rolling they will arrest him for contempt, same thing if he lies(also contempt), try him in the full house and sentence him to ten years in the custody of the house, no pardon, just a jail cell in the city in DC. Most likely they will impeach him to drive a wedge between Trump and the senate, nobody gives a fuck what happens to Barr, or won't soon enough. The courts are hands off on the inherent powers of the first branch. Barr's own security would arrest and deliver him to the hot seat, where he will be remanded into custody while the committee gathers further evidence, Bill better pack a toothbrush, he'll miss the election, or be impeached, one or the other and possibly tried and jailed by congress, but the courts will have enough on Bill to send him away till he croaks. Bill is a desperate criminal and desperate criminals are dangerous, look at Donald.
There is not enough weed to stay mellow through Barr's 'I am a good guy who does good shit' statement.
Barr's biggest problem after this shit will be to find enough of a neck to put a rope around, cause I figure that is how he is gonna end up when he has to report the next day, or he figures he will be led out in cuffs. He looks like the suicide type, he's in too deep, will be humiliated and in prison for the rest of his life, the new DOJ are gonna make a "project" out of Billy. Bill desecrated the temple of justice and shit on the altar in public, they will have a real hard on for Billy's ass, I've seen a few future DOJ picks on TV, Joe will go with experienced government people, old hands who know the ropes and can act fast with the respect and support of subordinates they might already know, it will be the Obama administration with Joe at it's head.
Barr is being highly specific by saying 'these peaceful protests are being hijacked by very hardcore of violent instigators'. So while he is not giving us warning of the actual violent acts being done by online radicalized terrorists (boogaloo/QAnon/INCEL/Racists/and anyone else vulnerable Russia was able to find that were able to radicalization).

That way Dear Leader is not jammed up by answering questions about white nationalists/racists causing the mayhem, and he can still use the cover of the BLM movement to scare the people they have found are susceptible to believing his lies. That way Trump gives his cultists plausible deniability in their racism.
It was mentioned in the hearing that Trump is having Barr collecting the verbal data (people talking) to all of the phone-calls in the areas around the protests, on American citizens like they are the terrorists.

Right before Barr's break, the Republican mentioned the 'ANTIFA' mob that attacked a peaceful pro-police celebration.

I believe this is what he is referring to.
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A sea of white guys with a couple black people mixed in.

I noticed this was 'up next'. It is not surprising that Russian propaganda is in the middle of something that the Republican congressman was using to sell the violence Trump and his domestic terrorists are causing in the name of these lawful peaceful protests.

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It reminds me of the way the Russian set up the rallies that they did leading up to the 2016 election that we know they set up both sides of the protests.

It makes sense that these domestic terrorists that are radicalized online would be easy to coordinate the protests/counter protests and use basic internet tools to know where to show up by the number of people saying they are going to the pro-police protest and counter protest of it to blend in.

Makes me wonder which other 'organic' protest standoffs Russia has been on the scene of.

And if it is not Russia, it really doesn't matter anymore, because Dear Leader could just be doing this through his domestic terrorists.

Fucking Barr. "I didn't say that Antifa is a 'terrorist organization' but that they are investigating them as one." What a shitty way to admit that they are just using ANTIFA as a boogey man to not just admit that they are investigating everyone. And when he talks about the 'groups' he leaves it vague because he doesn't want to get caught in a lie about it being white nationalists and other radicalized crazies in our country.
It was mentioned in the hearing that Trump is having Barr collecting the verbal data (people talking) to all of the phone-calls in the areas around the protests, on American citizens like they are the terrorists.

Right before Barr's break, the Republican mentioned the 'ANTIFA' mob that attacked a peaceful pro-police celebration.

I believe this is what he is referring to.
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A sea of white guys with a couple black people mixed in.

I noticed this was 'up next'. It is not surprising that Russian propaganda is in the middle of something that the Republican congressman was using to sell the violence Trump and his domestic terrorists are causing in the name of these lawful peaceful protests.

View attachment 4637574

It reminds me of the way the Russian set up the rallies that they did leading up to the 2016 election that we know they set up both sides of the protests.

It makes sense that these domestic terrorists that are radicalized online would be easy to coordinate the protests/counter protests and use basic internet tools to know where to show up by the number of people saying they are going to the pro-police protest and counter protest of it to blend in.

Makes me wonder which other 'organic' protest standoffs Russia has been on the scene of.

And if it is not Russia, it really doesn't matter anymore, because Dear Leader could just be doing this through his domestic terrorists.

Fucking Barr. "I didn't say that Antifa is a 'terrorist organization' but that they are investigating them as one." What a shitty way to admit that they are just using ANTIFA as a boogey man to not just admit that they are investigating everyone. And when he talks about the 'groups' he leaves it vague because he doesn't want to get caught in a lie about it being white nationalists and other radicalized crazies in our country.
This is just the opening round, we go from general to specific in these things, the devil is in the details and they will get to them in due course. Billy is not as smart as he thinks, there are better legal minds than his gunning for him and he is guilty, there are witnesses and documents, and he better bring some.
Look at that stupid cunt, this is just the opening rounds, wait till Bill digs himself further, here and on the streets. They are winding up to impeach him and perhaps use the inherent power of congress to get rid of him, before the election, one way or another, he's too dangerous.
Nadler Accuses Barr Of Aiding The 'Worst Failings' Of President Trump | MSNBC

Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., claimed that Attorney General William Barr played a role in President Trump's "worst failings" in his opening statement at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on oversight of the Justice Department.
Impeach Barr make the republican senate acquit him like Trump or turf his ass. Bill is not popular with the public and nobody gives a fuck about him, he will be forgotten by the public, but not the DOJ! Go for the documents with the inherent powers and get the covid shit while yer at it, give it to the press. Bill Barr is screwed, he must know the trap he is in, if Trump pardons him, congress will clean him out, or it's 10 years in a DC jail, pardon and all, if it sticks that is, cause it would be a corrupt pardon too and struck down by the SCOTUS.
This might be an unpopular sentiment, but the democrats are wisely using fear too, by giving Trump and Barr time to dig their hole deeper, deep enough to bury the GOP senate with them. Nancy is reluctant to use the inherent powers because it would cost the democrats votes, when the do impeach him they won't get any documents, but they will get a lot of witnesses for hearings on TV. If the senate wants to hold another evidence free trial, so be it, but Barr would resign before impeachment, if Donald forced the senate to defend Barr (it's his last hope) that's it for the party, Kaboom, elephant parts flying everywhere! :D
Bill Barr knows he is going to prison for the rest of his life if they lose the election, maybe to congressional jail, if the republicans fall on their sword and acquit him, it will be for nothing, Bill will still be behind bars and powerless to fuck with the election, if the house jails him for contempt, after the election, his example would make others think twice too. If they jail him in DC put him in an unclean cell previously occupied by a sick drunk, I'll bet time in a DC city jail would be an eye opening experience for Bill, he would probably confess and rat out Donald just to get into federal custody!

Bill Barr is an extremely dangerous and powerful criminal who is lashed to the mast of the Trumptantic, he was probably dirtied up like the others over the Ukraine conspiracy, a classic criminal one it there ever was one. That one alone could make Bill die in prison, maybe they will arrange for a cell marriage, so he doesn't feel so lonely, BEND OVER BILL! :D .
This is going to go very badly for Barr and the GOP, they were reading off some serious shit, the ball is rolling show up or get dragged to the hot seat, in a yellow jumpsuit would be my choice, if I had to invoke the inherent powers to get the fuck there and I'd go for every document in the WH while I was at it, in for a penny, in for a pound. The ball is rolling folks and it's gonna roll right over Billy boy, these guys are serious, the gloves are off.
She looks pissed. Only video source I could find.
Rep. Jayapal: I’m starting to lose my temper
Figured the clip was cut and that someone would post a better version of the truth. She was even more pissed and I can see why Fox would not want to show it all. This is what liberalism looks like, nice to see it! It's just the start, they have a plan and timing, the investigations continue as Bill diggs deeper on the streets of America. When does he appear next? Do they have him scheduled to appear again? Say tomorrow, or is a one time shot? He sparked a lot of questions and impeachment proceedings, that was the purpose. They are being advised by the very best experts and I'm sure this is part of a carefully executed plan to get him out of the way one way or another. Preferably while causing maximum damage to the GOP.
Here is a DOJ pick, chuck was the chief narc and he's got a hard on for Donald, but he conducts himself like he's in office, maybe because he figures he will be. He won't be busting anybody for pot though, maybe Donald or his minions, many DOJ alumni want their hands around their necks too. Joe will want experienced hand to start off with, it will be a mess.
Chuck was reduced to saying he missed sessions! :D
AG Barr’s Testimony Drives Former U.S. Attorney Chuck Rosenberg To Utter ‘I Miss Jeff Sessions’

Attorney General William Barr sits before the House Judiciary Committee for the first time amid a multi-front assault on the rule of law under Donald Trump
Figured the clip was cut and that someone would post a better version of the truth. She was even more pissed and I can see why Fox would not want to show it all. This is what liberalism looks like, nice to see it! It's just the start, they have a plan and timing, the investigations continue as Bill diggs deeper on the streets of America. When does he appear next? Do they have him scheduled to appear again? Say tomorrow, or is a one time shot? He sparked a lot of questions and impeachment proceedings, that was the purpose. They are being advised by the very best experts and I'm sure this is part of a carefully executed plan to get him out of the way one way or another. Preferably while causing maximum damage to the GOP.
It is hard to know what is next, the Democratic party leadership is playing it close to the vest and exposing Trump's use of propaganda as it pops up I think is what is going on.

I think we will know more once they talk with the FBI. Or Trump backs off his political campaign ads of gassing American citizens.
Trump's pimping out the Attorney General of the Unites States of America to give credibility to the right-wing hate monger Mark Levin's show. And he used it to further lie and politicize our Justice Department to keep Americans in the dark about what is really happening to them. The more they can show all this violence being perpetrated by white people and tie it to what he calls 'the left' and Black Lives Matter, the better they feel Trump's re-election chances are, and the longer Trump gets to put off his day in court.
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Nearly two weeks after Democrats grilled Attorney General William P. Barr over the Justice Department’s crackdowns on racial justice protests, Barr on Sunday evening lashed out at the opposition party and the Black Lives Matter movement.

Speaking to Fox News host Mark Levin, Barr said liberals are intent on “tearing down the system” and called protesters’ tactics “fascistic.”
“They are a revolutionary group that is interested in some form of socialism, communism,” Barr said of Black Lives Matter. “They’re essentially Bolsheviks.”

Democrats seek to shame Barr over politics at the Justice Department

Barr’s comments in the hour-long interview on “Life, Liberty & Levin” represent some of his harshest critiques yet of the protest movement, which he equated with antifa and compared to guerrilla warfare, and of the Democratic politicians who have accused the attorney general of subverting the Justice Department to do President Trump’s bidding.

Trump has also regularly expressed his disapproval of Black Lives Matter, accusing one of its members of “treason” and called the Black Lives Matter mural outside Trump Tower in New York “a symbol of hate.” Barr has also previously criticized the protests, which have been ongoing throughout the country since George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis in May, and personally ordered law enforcement to use force to clear a largely peaceful crowd outside the White House on June 1.

On Sunday, Barr accused Black Lives Matter of being an anti-government operation that has been co-opted by violent antifa members. Barr argued the group is part of a coordinated effort to push Trump out of office.

“The left wants power because that is essentially their state of grace in their secular religion,” he said. “They want to run peoples’ lives so they can design utopia for all of us and that’s what turns them on. And it’s the lust for power and they weren’t expecting Trump’s victory and it outrages them.”

The attorney general also accused Democrats of abandoning their traditional values.

“They’re not interested in compromise, they’re not interested in dialectic exchange of views. They’re interested in total victory,” Barr said. “It’s a secular religion. It’s a substitute for a religion.”

Barr went on to call antifa a “new form of guerrilla warfare,” arguing the group, which he said is “highly organized,” hides among peaceful protesters for protection.

“What they do is, they are essentially shielding themselves or shrouding themselves in First Amendment activity,” Barr said. “They hijack these demonstrations and they provoke violence. And they have various tiers of people from the sort of top provocateurs down to people who are their minions and run the violent missions.”

Despite Barr’s claims, there have been no arrests or solid proof connecting antifa to violence at Black Lives Matter protests, The Washington Post’s Fact Checker reported in June. The far-right boogaloo movement, meanwhile, has been tied to a murder and several bomb plots aimed at escalating violence.

As Trump warns of leftist violence, a dangerous threat emerges from the right-wing boogaloo movement

Barr also accused the media of willfully ignoring any coverage of alleged antifa violence at protests.

“Of course the media doesn’t take footage of what’s happening,” Barr said. “They don’t take footage of the rocks being thrown.”
Trump's pimping out the Attorney General of the Unites States of America to give credibility to the right-wing hate monger Mark Levin's show. And he used it to further lie and politicize our Justice Department to keep Americans in the dark about what is really happening to them. The more they can show all this violence being perpetrated by white people and tie it to what he calls 'the left' and Black Lives Matter, the better they feel Trump's re-election chances are, and the longer Trump gets to put off his day in court.
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Nearly two weeks after Democrats grilled Attorney General William P. Barr over the Justice Department’s crackdowns on racial justice protests, Barr on Sunday evening lashed out at the opposition party and the Black Lives Matter movement.

Speaking to Fox News host Mark Levin, Barr said liberals are intent on “tearing down the system” and called protesters’ tactics “fascistic.”
“They are a revolutionary group that is interested in some form of socialism, communism,” Barr said of Black Lives Matter. “They’re essentially Bolsheviks.”

Democrats seek to shame Barr over politics at the Justice Department

Barr’s comments in the hour-long interview on “Life, Liberty & Levin” represent some of his harshest critiques yet of the protest movement, which he equated with antifa and compared to guerrilla warfare, and of the Democratic politicians who have accused the attorney general of subverting the Justice Department to do President Trump’s bidding.

Trump has also regularly expressed his disapproval of Black Lives Matter, accusing one of its members of “treason” and called the Black Lives Matter mural outside Trump Tower in New York “a symbol of hate.” Barr has also previously criticized the protests, which have been ongoing throughout the country since George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis in May, and personally ordered law enforcement to use force to clear a largely peaceful crowd outside the White House on June 1.

On Sunday, Barr accused Black Lives Matter of being an anti-government operation that has been co-opted by violent antifa members. Barr argued the group is part of a coordinated effort to push Trump out of office.

“The left wants power because that is essentially their state of grace in their secular religion,” he said. “They want to run peoples’ lives so they can design utopia for all of us and that’s what turns them on. And it’s the lust for power and they weren’t expecting Trump’s victory and it outrages them.”

The attorney general also accused Democrats of abandoning their traditional values.

“They’re not interested in compromise, they’re not interested in dialectic exchange of views. They’re interested in total victory,” Barr said. “It’s a secular religion. It’s a substitute for a religion.”

Barr went on to call antifa a “new form of guerrilla warfare,” arguing the group, which he said is “highly organized,” hides among peaceful protesters for protection.

“What they do is, they are essentially shielding themselves or shrouding themselves in First Amendment activity,” Barr said. “They hijack these demonstrations and they provoke violence. And they have various tiers of people from the sort of top provocateurs down to people who are their minions and run the violent missions.”

Despite Barr’s claims, there have been no arrests or solid proof connecting antifa to violence at Black Lives Matter protests, The Washington Post’s Fact Checker reported in June. The far-right boogaloo movement, meanwhile, has been tied to a murder and several bomb plots aimed at escalating violence.

As Trump warns of leftist violence, a dangerous threat emerges from the right-wing boogaloo movement

Barr also accused the media of willfully ignoring any coverage of alleged antifa violence at protests.

“Of course the media doesn’t take footage of what’s happening,” Barr said. “They don’t take footage of the rocks being thrown.”
Trump and Barr is allowing the attack by the Russian military to continue without even a loud warning to the communities being impacted.
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MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — When Claudia Guzman suspected she had caught the coronavirus, her friends and family were full of advice: Don’t quarantine. Don’t get tested. A homemade tea will help cure you.

“They were saying, ‘Don’t go to the hospital,’ because supposedly, if you are admitted into the hospital, they administer the virus into your body,” said Guzman, who was born in Chicago to parents from Mexico and now lives in Memphis, Tennessee.

False claims and conspiracy theories, ranging from bogus cures to the idea that the virus is a hoax, have dogged efforts to control the pandemic from the beginning. While bad information about the virus is a problem for everyone, it can pose a particular threat to communities of people of color who alreadyface worse outcomes from the virus.

These vulnerabilities have many causes. Among them are the fact that many Latinos are less likely to have health insurance or access to quality health care — sometimes because they can’t afford it and sometimes because of their immigration status. Many work in industries that are deemed essential and cannot be performed remotely, such as food service, sanitation, meat packing, construction and retail. And many live in larger, multigenerational households where social distancing is difficult.

Added to this already dangerous mix is a higher level of distrust in authority among Latinos — as is the case for other minority communities — that is helping fuel the spread of misinformation about the virus.

“If I’m hearing something from the government, from people who I, for a variety of reasons, don’t trust, then I’m not going to do anything,” said Monica Feliú-Mójer a Puerto Rican native and Harvard-trained neurobiologist who works to encourage Latinos to pursue science careers. “But if I hear this from my friend who I believe in, and who I trust, then it’s more likely that I’m going to act on that information.”

For many, the reluctance to get tested or seek treatment stems from fear of deportation in a community with a significant percentage of immigrants. That may be particularly true under President Donald Trump, said New York State Sen. Gustavo Rivera, a Democrat who represents a largely Hispanic district in the Bronx. Trump ran on promises to crack down on both illegal and legal immigration and has repeatedly painted immigrants — especially nonwhites — as posing a public health and safety danger.

That distrust could discourage people from getting treatment or from cooperating with government contact tracers trying to identify who an infected person had come into contact with.

“It’s a real concern,” Rivera said of the worries some Latinos have about contact tracing. “We need to secure that information, and there needs to be a guarantee of its privacy.”

Language barriers make the situation even worse. Many areas face a shortage of Spanish-speaking health care workers, and most of the accurate online information about the virus in the U.S. is in English. That forces some Latinos who need information in Spanish to rely on less-trusted sources like social media. And while a growing number of fact-checking organizations are trying to identify and correct false claims spreading online, very few publish their work in Spanish. The Associated Press publishes some of its fact checks in Spanish.

All of this means Latinos may not receive good information about how to slow the spread of the virus — and may not act on it if they do. Guzman, for instance, thinks she contracted the virus at a vigil last month for her grandfather, who died of cancer soon after. Many of the people there either weren’t wearing facial masks or didn’t have them on correctly. About 10 family members subsequently were diagnosed with the coronavirus.

Guzman, who is a medical assistant, knew to push back when friends and relatives passed along false claims and theories. For example, her parents suggested she wouldn’t have to quarantine if she drank a homemade tea of lemon, honey and ginger.

“I had to tell them, ‘No, that’s not true. In order to stop spreading it, you have to stay home,’” said the 27-year-old, who had mild symptoms that lasted a few days. She spent time in quarantine before returning to work.

Her boss, Venezuela-born Dr. Pedro Velasquez-Mieyer, is the chief medical officer of two clinics in Memphis that serve mainly Latino and Black patients. He said he’s heard from patients who won’t wear masks, or who liken COVID-19 to the chicken pox and say they want to get infected so they’ll develop immunity.

“They are part of their own network of misinformation, and nobody is actually saying, ‘This is false, this is not reliable,’” he said. “They keep sending the message.”

Feliú-Mójer says it’s just as important to control rumors as it is to control the virus.

“Just like people can stay home and wear masks and wash their hands and keep their physical distance to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, people can also take simple steps to prevent the spread of misinformation,” she said.

The militarized trolls have been attacking our minority communities to create the sort of distrust that is causing so much havoc with this virus.

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Racists love using per capita numbers when it suits them I guess.

I guess Barr figures people can't be called racist if they don't have any dark skinned minorities around.
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WASHINGTON (AP) — A Justice Department investigation has found Yale University is illegally discriminating against Asian American and white applicants, in violation of federal civil rights law, officials said Thursday.

Yale denied the allegation, calling it “meritless” and “hasty.”

The findings detailed in a letter to the college’s attorneys Thursday mark the latest action by the Trump administration aimed at rooting out discrimination in the college application process, following complaints from students about the application process at some Ivy League colleges. The Justice Department had previously filed court papers siding with Asian American groups who had levied similar allegations against Harvard University.

The two-year investigation concluded that Yale “rejects scores of Asian American and white applicants each year based on their race, whom it otherwise would admit,” the Justice Department said. The investigation stemmed from a 2016 complaint against Yale, Brown and Dartmouth.

“Yale’s race discrimination imposes undue and unlawful penalties on racially-disfavored applicants, including in particular Asian American and White applicants,” Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband, who heads the department’s civil rights division, wrote in a letter to the college’s attorneys.

Prosecutors found that Yale has been discriminating against applicants to its undergraduate program based on their race and national origin and “that race is the determinative factor in hundreds of admissions decisions each year.” The investigation concluded that Asian American and white students have “only one-tenth to one-fourth of the likelihood of admission as African American applicants with comparable academic credentials,” the Justice Department said.

“Unlawfully dividing Americans into racial and ethnic blocs fosters stereotypes, bitterness, and division,” Dreiband said in a statement. “It is past time for American institutions to recognize that all people should be treated with decency and respect and without unlawful regard to the color of their skin.”

The investigation also found that Yale uses race as a factor in multiple steps of the admissions process and that Yale “racially balances its classes.”

The Supreme Court has ruled colleges and universities may consider race in admissions decisions but has said that must be done in a narrowly tailored way to promote diversity and should be limited in time. Schools also bear the burden of showing why their consideration of race is appropriate.

In a statement, Yale said it “categorically denies this allegation,” has cooperated fully with the investigation and has been continually turning over “a substantial amount of information and data.”

“Given our commitment to complying with federal law, we are dismayed that the DOJ has made its determination before allowing Yale to provide all the information the Department has requested thus far,” the university said in a statement. “Had the Department fully received and fairly weighed this information, it would have concluded that Yale’s practices absolutely comply with decades of Supreme Court precedent.”

The university said it considers a multitude of factors and looks at “the whole person when selecting whom to admit among the many thousands of highly qualified applicants.”

“We are proud of Yale’s admissions practices, and we will not change them on the basis of such a meritless, hasty accusation,” the statement said.

The Justice Department has demanded that Yale immediately stop and agree not to use race or national origin for upcoming admissions. The government also says that if Yale proposes that it will continue to use race or national origin as a factor in future admission cycles, the college must first submit a plan to the Justice Department “demonstrating its proposal is narrowly tailored as required by law, including by identifying a date for the end of race discrimination.”

The Justice Department has also previously raised similar concerns about Harvard University, which prosecutors accused of “engaging in outright racial balancing,” siding with Asian American students in a lawsuit who allege the Ivy League school discriminated against them.

A federal judge in 2019 cleared Harvard of discriminating against Asian American applicants in a ruling that was seen as a major victory for supporters of affirmative action in college admissions across the U.S. That ruling has been appealed and arguments are scheduled for next month.

In the Harvard case, the Justice Department had argued that the university went too far in its use of race, but the judge disagreed. Though the Supreme Court has ruled that colleges’ use of race in admissions must be “narrowly tailored” and can be only a “plus factor,” past rulings still give colleges wide latitude in considering a wide range of factors, including race, as they build their classes.