Trump continues attacking the poor


Well-Known Member
How many poor democrats are still poor after all these years. Lmao its all so crazy
I can can tell you this, the only people’s lives that improves under Republican rule are the rich. The GDP, Job growth, and income growth are better under Democrats and you can research that yourself Dredge report, Cox news, and StormFront won’t be a good source. Did you vote against your own interests or did the dog whistles bring you out the woodworks like the rest of the rat filth?


Well-Known Member
I dont prefer any of the nonsense you spew. Yoy guys dont even research majority of the shit you write. You just look stupid day after day.
You call sitting home all day getting drunk working and contributing to missinfo on the ol rollitup forums. Geeesh. Youre so sad about your life you project it onto others. You and fathogharley should get matching hover rounds.
Those are just basic statistics about how different areas fared after the recovery

I’m eating lunch in the shade right now at a job site where I’ll be building a 500+ sq ft deck. I imagine you must be out working an actual job instead of sitting at home in your camper and hiring someone else to water your plants since you’re too lazy to, right?


Well-Known Member
I dont prefer any of the nonsense you spew. Yoy guys dont even research majority of the shit you write. You just look stupid day after day.
You call sitting home all day getting drunk working and contributing to missinfo on the ol rollitup forums. Geeesh. Youre so sad about your life you project it onto others. You and fathogharley should get matching hover rounds.


Well-Known Member
Those are just basic statistics about how different areas fared after the recovery

I’m eating lunch in the shade right now at a job site where I’ll be building a 500+ sq ft deck. I imagine you must be out working an actual job instead of sitting at home in your camper and hiring someone else to water your plants since you’re too lazy to, right?
Oh i see. You went to college for that..i forgot. Or did you go to college to insult people on the webs. I dont know anyone that needs a college ed for either of those. Good luck on your successfullife lol.


Well-Known Member
stupid effing way to make an argument. "I know one (or two) person who does it therefore it's common". Nope, the rate of fraud in SNAP is really, really low. Same with disability programs. What is on display in your post is your bias, not anything that is real.
And the shitty people he hangs out with. Trash in trash out

radiant Rudy

Well-Known Member
Hahaha look at all you angry left leaning bitches. Let me ask you, what do you people do to support the poor? I mean I run the section 8 program in the town I live in and see abuse with snap benefits all the time. But I’m sure you thin skinned bitches think you have it all figured out. You are truly the scum of the earth. Now please continue with your attempts at less than witty insults*

Turtles4eva said:
*You are truly a hateful piece of shit

Stop shitting yourself, son. Your "wit"? GTFOH common idiot.

Turtling, the only thing you run is word shits out of your f'en thought hole. You're as useless and impotent a cracker as found here in RIU. Your hysterical rants sound like hormone issues, swallow some more bullshit to gain testosterone

radiant Rudy

Well-Known Member
The 15billion is not going into his pocket. There IS alot of fraud. Tightening up the restrictions should not be a problem for those that truelly need it right. Im sure the 15 billion saved once this is done will go to other programs as per usual
FRAUD? stooge, worry about your own ignorance and groveling fear of being exposed as a leech.


Well-Known Member
Racist bitch why would you tell him to get out of America? Go suck trump cock more, closeted idiot. This thread is full of hate and you hypocrites "like" it.
Turning the other cheek played out a long time ago; it’s ineffective and that’s what racist want. That’s how groups like the Black Panther Party came into being, people were tired of turning the other cheek, only to be hit on that side also. Hate creates hate.


Well-Known Member
I dont prefer any of the nonsense you spew. Yoy guys dont even research majority of the shit you write. You just look stupid day after day.
You call sitting home all day getting drunk working and contributing to missinfo on the ol rollitup forums. Geeesh. Youre so sad about your life you project it onto others. You and fathogharley should get matching hover rounds.
You’re such a pathetic fat ass and if you are not 20# over it’s because of liposuction. But you can’t afford to get the flabby skin removed so basically you’re still a porker and very unhappy about it.

Or you’re a frigging user of stimulants. Meth, coke, crack. All the above.
another one

Nope, SNAP has a very low rate of fraud. Justifying cuts in the program because "I know somebody who knows somebody who cheats" is simply what dumbasses do when they follow their programming from right wing propaganda.
Site a source, so you know what he wants to do? It’s about recertifting for the program. Social welfare programs are a privilege, not a right. I literally work with people everyday who use multiple social welfare programs. Section 8, snap, fuel assistance. I catch abuse hourly at my job. So don’t tell me their isn’t rampant abuse, because I see it DAILY


Well-Known Member
Site a source, so you know what he wants to do? It’s about recertifting for the program. Social welfare programs are a privilege, not a right. I literally work with people everyday who use multiple social welfare programs. Section 8, snap, fuel assistance. I catch abuse hourly at my job. So don’t tell me their isn’t rampant abuse, because I see it DAILY
You should be better at your job. You should also be better at lying... and spelling, for that matter.


Well-Known Member
Wait a are a black man now? Did you do the opposite thingy that MJ did?
Isn’t that funny. To complain about racism makes you black? A long time ago that might have been true but today whites have a greater understanding of what is. Cities, communities are culturally diverse, our friends, our neighbors, girlfriends, boyfriends, spouses, people we work with are other races. Whites now understand through seeing and feeling first hand, their friends, husbands etc...go through racism. That’s why today more than ever, many whites are just as upset over racism as blacks, and other people of color.

My Wife of 27-years know first hand. She would see changes in how some whites in the workplace would start acting towards her when the family pictures came out on her desk. Now days I tell not to put them on her desk anymore, just do the job and come home. It’s not worth the drama.


Well-Known Member

What you think literally means nothing to me. You and your ambiguously gay duo buddy just go around the politics forum trying to be insulting in your comments. You’re a joke. Plain and simple
Then you should stop coming back here.

Have you always been ashamed at your gay feelings? There's nothing wrong with them. Embrace them and you can finally get laid.


Well-Known Member
Site a source, so you know what he wants to do? It’s about recertifting for the program. Social welfare programs are a privilege, not a right. I literally work with people everyday who use multiple social welfare programs. Section 8, snap, fuel assistance. I catch abuse hourly at my job. So don’t tell me their isn’t rampant abuse, because I see it DAILY
Horse shit

Republicans just cut funding to programs that affect people without the means to buy access to Republican politicians. They then turn around and borrow trillions to pay for tax cuts to the wealthy.

SNAP has very low rates of abuse.

The qualifying income for SNAP is 15k per year. In which universe would that require "recertification"? Shut the eff up. Lying assholes like you are why Republicunts can't wear a MAGA cap in public without taking abuse. Deservedly so, I'll add.
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