Wages are down
Health care is way up
Gas is way up
Stock market has no gains in 6 months
We’re in an unwinnable trade war
Russia owns us
Our allies do not respect us
North Korea still has nukes

Trump is destroying our country
Don't waste your time with facts on this troll cunt.
He's one of the 30% that would STILL support Trump if he actually did shoot someone in Times Square.
Oh by the way, I give him a week before it's adios motherfucker.
After IRANIAN president ROUHANI threatens united states with the tigers tail, president trump warns...

NEVER, EVER, THREATEN THE UNITED STATES AGAIN! and told IRAN if it they ever FUCK with us they will suffer historic consequences...hell yeah!

its about damn time we had a president with a backbone, FUCK IRAN, Obama wanted to appease them like a little child.
And give them millions of dollars to keep out of a war..trump said he will destroy them in short order..maybe they will think twice before opening their ignorant mouths again...if not..
HERE COMES THE BOOM! thank goodness we no longer have a pussy, appeasing, crybaby, backstabbing, no good, lying, candy-ass TRAITOROUS president in the WHITEHOUSE.!
Sounds like Trump and you Trumpers are making the case for Iran to work hard on building a nuclear deterrent.

North Korea will never give up its nukes for exactly the same reason.
What the fuck does that mean?
You do know that statement is an oxymoron?
Probably not

what that means is he thinks in the straight-line (linear) method of political spectrum rather than the full spectrum nazi's and democratic socialism are the same- they're not.

what he thinks:

what it really is more like: