After IRANIAN president ROUHANI threatens united states with the tigers tail, president trump warns...

NEVER, EVER, THREATEN THE UNITED STATES AGAIN! and told IRAN if it they ever FUCK with us they will suffer historic consequences...hell yeah!

its about damn time we had a president with a backbone, FUCK IRAN, Obama wanted to appease them like a little child.
And give them millions of dollars to keep out of a war..trump said he will destroy them in short order..maybe they will think twice before opening their ignorant mouths again...if not..
HERE COMES THE BOOM! thank goodness we no longer have a pussy, appeasing, crybaby, backstabbing, no good, lying, candy-ass TRAITOROUS president in the WHITEHOUSE.!

When Putin told reporters that he ordered operatives to intervene in the American election so that Trump would win, undermining the democratic institutions that have stood the test of time until now- he winced. He was in the same fucking room. He was not able to call him out for shit. He cowered because he has NEVER had the balls to stand up to anybody. He has always had his lawyers, accountants, his wealth and his 'brand' do the talking for him.

When he met with Kim Jon from North Korea, he didn't get a single concession from them and yet cancelled military activities in the region which Kim didn't like. Again - he backed down because he doesn't know how to make a deal.

When a retired porn star and playboy model threatened his ambitions of power, he had his lawyers scrambling to fix it. He was too much of a coward to face the music.

When he was eligible to go to war in Vietnam - he had his daddy's doctor fill out bogus paperwork that he had a non-existent health condition to dodge the draft. He was too much of a coward to go fight alongside honorable men and women who had no choice because they didn't have that kind of money.

He is fucking coward. He is a weak leader. He is unfit for the office he holds.

He can talk big-game on twitter, on the Apprentice and in front of ignorant crowds....

when faced with REAL men who offer REAL resistance to whatever he brings up - he hides behind his wealth, his lawyers and his twitter account.

He is a COWARD.
When Putin told reporters that he ordered operatives to intervene in the American election so that Trump would win, undermining the democratic institutions that have stood the test of time until now- he winced. He was in the same fucking room. He was not able to call him out for shit. He cowered because he has NEVER had the balls to stand up to anybody. He has always had his lawyers, accountants, his wealth and his 'brand' do the talking for him.

When he met with Kim Jon from North Korea, he didn't get a single concession from them and yet cancelled military activities in the region which Kim didn't like. Again - he backed down because he doesn't know how to make a deal.

When a retired porn star and playboy model threatened his ambitions of power, he had his lawyers scrambling to fix it. He was too much of a coward to face the music.

When he was eligible to go to war in Vietnam - he had his daddy's doctor fill out bogus paperwork that he had a non-existent health condition to dodge the draft. He was too much of a coward to go fight alongside honorable men and women who had no choice because they didn't have that kind of money.

He is fucking coward. He is a weak leader. He is unfit for the office he holds.

He can talk big-game on twitter, on the Apprentice and in front of ignorant crowds....

when faced with REAL men who offer REAL resistance to whatever he brings up - he hides behind his wealth, his lawyers and his twitter account.

He is a COWARD.
Is there a video of Trump wrestling any Iranians yet?