Well-Known Member
lmao you want to keep a plant pointlessly illegal so you can mark up the worth by 900% ? I'm sorry but you're greedy as hell if you would rather people go to prison so you can make money. how about grow the fuck up and learn how to do something useful with your life. get a job a grower making 15$ hrly and work your way to the top. or start a bussiness. or do a co-op FARM like, actual farm. Lord knows you'll be qualified.
I don't want to keep anything illegal, I just want to keep making good money.
Don't you think that keeping any plant/substance illegal is pointless?
Prohibition has never worked.
I want weed to be legal just as much as the next person, but I don't want weed to become just another commodity that sells for .99¢/lb.
At that point you would really need acres upon acres of farm land just to live an average joe life, and that my friend would definitely be pointless.