True men are feminist, a progressive thread!


Ursus marijanus
Wow i honestly thought this thread would of worked out, but obviously not.

just to clarify, for you uneducated idiots. White suprimisy capitalst patriachy is a term that is used to describe how and why sexism is applied to daily life in our society. Who votes and set the rules? WHITE SUPRIMIST, what system are we in? CAPITALISM, and as for PATRIARACHY, that simply means men over power women physicaly and emotionaly.

I truly hope you assholes stop repling in this thread, take your hate elsewhere, let the progressive people have a thread where we do not talk down on women or people.

So sad that this is funny to some of you. Truly is. Yall should stop growing amd smoking weed, it is of course a female, and it is of course apart of Mother Nature, how about grow pollen sacks and put those in your mouth and smoke it. Not that theres anything wrong if thats what u prefer. Lgbt movement is feminism as well.
If weed were only female, it would not survive. Are you outing yourself as a member of the camp who wishes that men weren't necessary because they are hateful beasts? Forgive those of us who get that impression.

As for the white suprimisy (sic!) argument, it's broken by the existence of sexism across Earth and throughout history. A sly injection of Marx isn't the answer unless you reframe the problem. The problem is, your reframing relies on discarding facts.

And this is how real feminism has been made unpalatable, by coattail agendas.


Well-Known Member
Wow i honestly thought this thread would of worked out, but obviously not.

just to clarify, for you uneducated idiots. White suprimisy capitalst patriachy is a term that is used to describe how and why sexism is applied to daily life in our society. Who votes and set the rules? WHITE SUPRIMIST, what system are we in? CAPITALISM, and as for PATRIARACHY, that simply means men over power women physicaly and emotionaly.

I truly hope you assholes stop repling in this thread, take your hate elsewhere, let the progressive people have a thread where we do not talk down on women or people.

So sad that this is funny to some of you. Truly is. Yall should stop growing amd smoking weed, it is of course a female, and it is of course apart of Mother Nature, how about grow pollen sacks and put those in your mouth and smoke it. Not that theres anything wrong if thats what u prefer. Lgbt movement is feminism as well.
Who are you and what have you done with unclebuck? :razz:


Well-Known Member
What does feminism have to do with race, racism, capitalism or patriarchy?
This is where I despair. Radical feminism oversteps the boundary: it seeks to become a supremacist movement in its own right. "Women are actually BETTER than men."

Feminism as I remember it was a response to chauvinism and the oppression that devolved from it. It was a bid for equality in the eyes of the law. "Pay us the same money for the same job done. Allow us to vote as men do. Give us the same access to the benefits of a notionally egalitarian society and state."

It is when the egalitarian but pluralist nature of feminism becomes co-opted by the radical revolutionaries, who have an agenda of going around and breaking stuff, who pee in the punch bowl, that the rest of us say the punch tastes bad. It didn't need to taste bad, and it would have reached a much bigger audience. It would not have enabled all the sour-grapes chauvinists to entrench and point at the overreachers and toss out the baby of equality with the bathwater of Marx. I don't think the revolutionaries did a service to the women's movement; do you? i mean really?
did you just ask what feminism has to do with patriarchy?

i can understand separating feminism from race and capitalism, even though the racists use the same power dynamic tools as the misogynists do, but patriarchy?

really bear?


Ursus marijanus
did you just ask what feminism has to do with patriarchy?

i can understand separating feminism from race and capitalism, even though the racists use the same power dynamic tools as the misogynists do, but patriarchy?

really bear?
Here's what I've got.


noun, plural patriarchies. 1.a form of social organization in which the father is the supreme authority in the family, clan, or tribe and descent is reckoned in the male line, with the children belonging to the father's clan or tribe.

2.a society, community, or country based on this social organization.

Is this synonymous with misogyny? Where is my mistake? I'll listen.


Well-Known Member
Here's what I've got.


noun, plural patriarchies. 1.a form of social organization in which the father is the supreme authority in the family, clan, or tribe and descent is reckoned in the male line, with the children belonging to the father's clan or tribe.

2.a society, community, or country based on this social organization.

Is this synonymous with misogyny? Where is my mistake? I'll listen.
adjective: patriarchal

  • 1.
    of, relating to, or characteristic of a patriarch.

  • 2.
    of, relating to, or characteristic of a system of society or government controlled by men.

i really don't know what else to say, bear.

would there even be a need for feminism is a matriarchal society? in an egalitarian power structure?

tell me how i go about even separating the very ideas of feminism and patriarchy, because i can't seem to do it.


Well-Known Member
Feminism is only relevant in a society that claims to be egalitarian. In a patriarchal society, feminism is irrelevant because feminism is the quest for equal power, a concept that can't coexist with sole male power.

You have to evolve from patriarchal to egalitarian in order for feminism to make sense at all.


Ursus marijanus
I've looked at different dictionary entries and "controlled" is sometimes there and sometimes not.

I think (but am not certain) that the seam between patriarchy and feminism can be found in the term misogyny.
This raises in me the question: are patriarchy and misogyny necessarily part of each other?
Is a patronymic tradition (which is a manifestation of patriarchy) misogynistic?
Right now I don't know. Must think on it.


Well-Known Member
I've looked at different dictionary entries and "controlled" is sometimes there and sometimes not.

I think (but am not certain) that the seam between patriarchy and feminism can be found in the term misogyny.
This raises in me the question: are patriarchy and misogyny necessarily part of each other?
Is a patronymic tradition (which is a manifestation of patriarchy) misogynistic?
Right now I don't know. Must think on it.
i'll be turning this one over in my head to come up with a better response too, because all i can think is "should we start at page one of feminism 101 lit?".

desert dude

Well-Known Member
i'll be turning this one over in my head to come up with a better response too, because all i can think is "should we start at page one of feminism 101 lit?".
I hope not. There will be millions of us jumping off of buildings to avoid the boredom and silliness.


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Hello fellow sistas and brothas and anything inbetween :)

how about a thread on feminism, lets keep this progressive, this means please no talk of opression, so please, white supremist capitalist patriachy supporters STAY OUT!

Lets start by defining feminism.

Femisnism is movement to end opression caused by WHITE SUPREMIST CAPITALIST PATRIACHY. This is a term coined by feminist writer and true revolutinary activist bell hooks.

lets hear your definition of feminism and we will move on from there :)
much love
so "femminism" is marxism in a skirt.

and here everybody else thought "femminism" was about getting equal rights for the ladies...

how interesting.


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Wow i honestly thought this thread would of worked out, but obviously not.

just to clarify, for you uneducated idiots. White suprimisy capitalst patriachy is a term that is used to describe how and why sexism is applied to daily life in our society. Who votes and set the rules? WHITE SUPRIMIST, what system are we in? CAPITALISM, and as for PATRIARACHY, that simply means men over power women physicaly and emotionaly.

I truly hope you assholes stop repling in this thread, take your hate elsewhere, let the progressive people have a thread where we do not talk down on women or people.

So sad that this is funny to some of you. Truly is. Yall should stop growing amd smoking weed, it is of course a female, and it is of course apart of Mother Nature, how about grow pollen sacks and put those in your mouth and smoke it. Not that theres anything wrong if thats what u prefer. Lgbt movement is feminism as well.
so you wish to SEGREGATE this thread and make it EXCLUSIVE?

not very egalitarian of you.

your poorly spelled gibberish and horrifying grammar demonstrate why leftism fails. when faced with opposition, you resort to name calling, personal attacks, blanket proclamations, and childish tantrums.

if you wish to be the spokes-person for all women, lesbians, gays, bi-sexuals and transvestites, you should first take these steps:

2 ) acquire FACTS not baseless claims.
3 ) abandon marxism, claims of racism, and other such irrelevant twaddle.
4 ) remove your testicles and place them in a jar of formaldehyde.
5 ) hurl yourself into an operating gravel crusher.


Well-Known Member
Wow i honestly thought this thread would of worked out, but obviously not. just to clarify, for you uneducated idiots. White suprimisy capitalst patriachy is a term that is used to describe how and why sexism is applied to daily life in our society. Who votes and set the rules? WHITE SUPRIMIST, what system are we in? CAPITALISM, and as for PATRIARACHY, that simply means men over power women physicaly and emotionaly. I truly hope you assholes stop repling in this thread, take your hate elsewhere, let the progressive people have a thread where we do not talk down on women or people. So sad that this is funny to some of you. Truly is. Yall should stop growing amd smoking weed, it is of course a female, and it is of course apart of Mother Nature, how about grow pollen sacks and put those in your mouth and smoke it. Not that theres anything wrong if thats what u prefer. Lgbt movement is feminism as well.
I don't care how you try to spin your comments, but that was definitely racist.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I don't care how you try to spin your comments, but that was definitely racist.
it was so difficult to parse, it could be interpreted as anything.

i doubt it is racism, racists generally have excuses and half assed justifications for their ignorance and bigotry.

this dipshit is apparently just a fool, trained to take the bridle from birth, little more than a trained animal performing for it's masters.


Well-Known Member
Yea i expected response like "poor grammar", "Marxism" "racist"etc etc

first off, seriously your going to try and bash everything i said because of typos caused by a broken iphone screen?

An no im not segerfgating, im simply trying to start a thread in which feminist ideas and concepts can evolve out of love and respect, you guys are prime examples of how fucked up everything is and cant have a decent conversation without HATE.

And 2nd no feminism is not marxism, sure they are similar in terms of ending oppression, but no they are not the same.
one can be feminist and not be a marxist such as myself.

and no im not racist im simply pointing out what is true. I can see why u would be offended assumig your white, but hey your getting a taste of what colored people go through on the daily for the past hundreds if not thousands of years.

why are you guys scared of women or feminism? Why would you want a war on women? Do you not have women in your lives? A daughter?

this is what i dont understand, seriously, if a women is beig raped would u try to stop it? Or laugh? If you choose laugh then you are not human. And if you choose to stand up for the victim, then this is a step towards feminism.


Ursus marijanus
Yea i expected response like "poor grammar", "Marxism" "racist"etc etc

first off, seriously your going to try and bash everything i said because of typos caused by a broken iphone screen?

An no im not segerfgating, im simply trying to start a thread in which feminist ideas and concepts can evolve out of love and respect, you guys are prime examples of how fucked up everything is and cant have a decent conversation without HATE.

And 2nd no feminism is not marxism, sure they are similar in terms of ending oppression, but no they are not the same.
one can be feminist and not be a marxist such as myself.

and no im not racist im simply pointing out what is true. I can see why u would be offended assumig your white, but hey your getting a taste of what colored people go through on the daily for the past hundreds if not thousands of years.

why are you guys scared of women or feminism? Why would you want a war on women? Do you not have women in your lives? A daughter?

this is what i dont understand, seriously, if a women is beig raped would u try to stop it? Or laugh? If you choose laugh then you are not human. And if you choose to stand up for the victim, then this is a step towards feminism.
Here's the thing from my perspective.
Your definition provided on the opening post is broken.

Feminism is about securing equal rights for women in both law and society.

It is emphatically NOT about race, ideology or revolution.

This is where I disagree i.a. with UncleBuck about Feminism 101, at least as I have experienced it. There are some actual feminists there, and some hyperfeminists as suggested by your OP definition. These are the overreachers.

Let me be clear: there is a war on women. (Although I suspect you and I would strongly disagree about its shape.) I want it to end. I am very suspicious though of tagalong agendas. You implied that to be a feminist, one needs to be nonwhite and Marxist. This I reject.

I saw your Bell Hooks quotes in a different thread. I find them good and true. Have you read them? Isn't she asking for equality? is there even a hint of crosstalk in there about race and economic politics? I admit I haven't read more of her, but going just by those two quotes, I like what I've seen. I'll stop that the moment I see any trace of political agenda (such as a demand for socialism) or the sort of sly reverse bigotry that says women are better than men. I've seen that viewpoint championed, and I see that as swapping one ill for another - patriarchy for matriarchy. Only through equality in rights and opportunities, combined with a respect for the real physical differences between the sexes and a willing to leverage those by cooperating, men with women and women with men, and all within their sexes too ... do I see a stable way forward.
I am a feminist.
But I reject hyper- and radical feminism.