When you get ready to buy, add up what your taxes, homeowners insurance, and morgage will be...don't leave anything out, because once you buy, the bank owns your house untill it's paid off...I've watched alot of people lose their houses because they couldn't even sell them for what they owed...farm houses are sitting vacant all around me...the fuckin city will take your house too if you fall behind more than 3 years and can'y pay up...they can take a $200,000 house for $800 in back taxes, and who's ganna give you another loan if you have a morgage outstanding?...if you rent, you can only get evicted if things go bad...andthat takes longer than throwing you out of your own house!!...it's a fucked up system....I took my whole settlement and payed cash for my house and a 2010 Jeep Liberty....I have no morgage,no car payments, but the taxes and insurance = what I used to pay in rent...of course I'm better off, but if I had to borrow or I owed on this place, I'd be scared. I don't sleep now has it is...constantly thinking a tree is coming thru my roof, or the grow rooms going to light on fire!...lol...it's not a landlords problem anymore.