Tripping the fuck off ambien WTF? weird..


Well-Known Member
I was DESPERATELY trying to go to sleep.. DESPERATE. I took 5 benadryl.. Then 30 min later I found some ambien (LUCKY).. Took one 10mg.. Felt kinda strange, walking felt strange. Not very tired 45 min after. So I take one more, still not that tired but feel weird 30-45 min after. I then snort the last ambien (fucking hurts like a bitch, almost of par with 2ce, but not quite) I then start feeling pretty weird, feel ultra relaxed, but not very tired (STRANGE?) So then I go smoke the rest of my mid grade marijuana (premature sensimilla), I fucking started hallucinating so strangely. All of a sudden everything got all sparkly, then I would close my eyes, and I'd get in this weird awake-dream state (I guess this is almost as deep as the kinda of state you are in when you sleep drive on ambien/sleep eat, etc.) I wouldn't realize it for a few seconds, but I'd see a boy doing weird things and HE WAS TALKING TO ME (in the corner of my ceiling). Whenever I would realize consciously what was happening it would dissapear.

Then all of a sudden I literally was in a dream while awake. My mother came in my room (I don't even live with her), it fucking WAS HER, super life-like. She started having a long conversation with me. Then I was like, "HOW ARE YOU HERE?!" And she just dissapeared into thin air and I was like WTF is happening. The strangest thing though was I was awake and everything was still sparkly and then all of a sudden I started hearing things. I fucking was sitting there and all of a sudden reality started transfiguring (like it looked like that wave effect if you jump in a pool, everything was moving in front of me in waves (not like lsd, much bigger waves) and out of the waves came a voice, "Hello, my name is Dan". I was like WTF, this is getting creepy. It honestly was exactly like a anticholinergic trip (Datura, Dimenhydate), but without that horrible feeling of disgustingness I get from them, instead it was really relaxing and felt awesome.
Obviously this is not a "psychedelic experience", but it has insane real visuals, no kind of contemplation/epiphanies like you get with psychedelics, it just was REALLY fun, and really awesome because the relaxness makes you not as scared as you would be if you took a anticholinergic.
Great experience just because of the relaxedness/insane visuals (I wonder if the 5 benadryl contributed to the hallucinations, even though that is a low dose)
I was DESPERATELY trying to go to sleep.. DESPERATE. I took 5 benadryl.. Then 30 min later I found some ambien (LUCKY).. Took one 10mg.. Felt kinda strange, walking felt strange. Not very tired 45 min after. So I take one more, still not that tired but feel weird 30-45 min after. I then snort the last ambien (fucking hurts like a bitch, almost of par with 2ce, but not quite) I then start feeling pretty weird, feel ultra relaxed, but not very tired (STRANGE?) So then I go smoke the rest of my mid grade marijuana (premature sensimilla), I fucking started hallucinating so strangely. All of a sudden everything got all sparkly, then I would close my eyes, and I'd get in this weird awake-dream state (I guess this is almost as deep as the kinda of state you are in when you sleep drive on ambien/sleep eat, etc.) I wouldn't realize it for a few seconds, but I'd see a boy doing weird things and HE WAS TALKING TO ME (in the corner of my ceiling). Whenever I would realize consciously what was happening it would dissapear.

Then all of a sudden I literally was in a dream while awake. My mother came in my room (I don't even live with her), it fucking WAS HER, super life-like. She started having a long conversation with me. Then I was like, "HOW ARE YOU HERE?!" And she just dissapeared into thin air and I was like WTF is happening. The strangest thing though was I was awake and everything was still sparkly and then all of a sudden I started hearing things. I fucking was sitting there and all of a sudden reality started transfiguring (like it looked like that wave effect if you jump in a pool, everything was moving in front of me in waves (not like lsd, much bigger waves) and out of the waves came a voice, "Hello, my name is Dan". I was like WTF, this is getting creepy. It honestly was exactly like a anticholinergic trip (Datura, Dimenhydate), but without that horrible feeling of disgustingness I get from them, instead it was really relaxing and felt awesome.
Obviously this is not a "psychedelic experience", but it has insane real visuals, no kind of contemplation/epiphanies like you get with psychedelics, it just was REALLY fun, and really awesome because the relaxness makes you not as scared as you would be if you took a anticholinergic.
Great experience just because of the relaxedness/insane visuals (I wonder if the 5 benadryl contributed to the hallucinations, even though that is a low dose)

Too simple man ... You mixed uppers and sleeping pills. Makes for weird shit and hallucinations most every time. Truth is, the 5 Benadryl alone could do weird shit.
Yeah Ambien is a trip if you can manage to stay awake... Dont know how you did lol... In high school i got prescribed it, took one pill(10mg maybe) and straight zonked out. Next morning i didnt even wake for school, apparently my mom poured a glass of water on me and all...

Dont know how you stayed awake with the benydryl either... 1 of those thinks and im zonked the fuck out...
Yeah Ambien is a trip if you can manage to stay awake... Dont know how you did lol... In high school i got prescribed it, took one pill(10mg maybe) and straight zonked out. Next morning i didnt even wake for school, apparently my mom poured a glass of water on me and all...

Dont know how you stayed awake with the benydryl either... 1 of those thinks and im zonked the fuck out...

Benadryl in higher doses is actually a stimulant, and can keep you up for a couple of days ;-)
When I took ambien, I also experienced the sparkly sensation that you described. No real hallucinations. I can fight off 12.5mg ambien no problem.... Once, I took 25mg and had a few beers, and I ended up blacking out, rolling a few blunts, and chilled for an hour or two. I woke up feeling like death the next morning. NEVER drink on ambien. Not only did it cause undesired effects, it could have turned into a dangerous situation. It was a good think I was out of alcohol, because I probably would have drank more in my blackout state.

I'm sorry, but I found timeismoney's comment to be comical. Although it was clearly a shot at haddaway.
Sorry i had to ask. He shoves everyother drug up his bunghole. Think what you want lol i find it funny :hug:

It's better than Iving (not in bioavailability, but just shooting up is much worse than rectal administration. I see it NO different from snorting except this society has a stigma about the rectum for some reason. In Europe it is a VERY common way of taking things. I have such a high tolerance I usually need to. The thing is ambien's BA is 90% oral, so rectal would be of no benefit. I do it for potentiation, not some weird shit you are implying (at least I think you are) It causes a lot of drugs to be almost 3x as potent, don't see a problem with it besides snickering from homophobic individuals..
Damn i def wasnt aware of that... Thanks for the info lol.
Not a stimulant in the regular sense, but it is a deliriant, and you will NOT sleep at higher doses, even though you feel like jello and cant walk cause your body feels exhausted, but your mind is on hyper drive..
Popping pills to get high is the dumbest thing ever.
As I said it was to go to sleep. I was NOT trying to get high. I was just desperate cause I have SEVERE insomnia problems. It just turned out this happened (was not expecting it at all) that way. Definitely wasn't trying to catch a buzz.. Just sleep lol
i would never take any drug that way but some people do. why be so negative about something you dont even do. different strokes for different folks. this is not a place to judges ones decisions.
It's better than Iving (not in bioavailability, but just shooting up is much worse than rectal administration. I see it NO different from snorting except this society has a stigma about the rectum for some reason. In Europe it is a VERY common way of taking things. I have such a high tolerance I usually need to. The thing is ambien's BA is 90% oral, so rectal would be of no benefit. I do it for potentiation, not some weird shit you are implying (at least I think you are) It causes a lot of drugs to be almost 3x as potent, don't see a problem with it besides snickering from homophobic individuals..

Im in europe and I dont know anyone who shoves it up the brown eye, this is OBVIOUSLY a lie :lol:
Im in europe and I dont know anyone who shoves it up the brown eye, this is OBVIOUSLY a lie :lol:
I didn't say everyone did it there, but it is MUCH more accepted.. (they tend to be more open-minded over there compared to the US) I'll find a source if you want..
ive never put anything up my arse. but i agree with hadd, that i see it no different than snorting something. its just away of administering a drug ffs. nothing gay about it. is it gay when a doctor sticks a thermometer up your ass or w/e he might need to? lol