Trichy's Medical Garden


Well-Known Member
Update on the 2 Exodus Cheese females that have been flowering for 2.5 weeks now. Snapped some pics 2night. They are the bushiest plants I see. Normally I wouldn't admit that about girls but when it comes to these ladies I have to announce it loud n proud!!
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Those pictures are over 6 years old or your camera needs the date turned off.

I'm thinking the setting is called date stamp.

Beautiful plants by the way!


Well-Known Member
I agree with you Huel. Watering every other day sucks when you want to get away or have many things going on. The ease of filling a bucket of water and letting it sit for a week is very nice thus far.

And I'm sorry Marty bout the date. I promise you that those are current photos. For whatever reason the date must have gotten reset to the year of the camera cuz that's when I got it. But thanks for the compliment none the less!


Well-Known Member
Update On the DWC bucket. All was looking fine until I got back Sunday from a family gathering and noticed halfway down the roots had some discoloration to them. Just certain areas where its turning yellowish/brown. Here are some pics I snapped. The soil plants are the surviving purple pheno Fat Purple.

I'm using Dyna Grow Nutes for the bucket with a lil molasses added in. About 3 drops for 1 bucket. Temps range from 63 to 67 degrees. Anyone got clues? Is it something I have to worry about? I'm about to brew some bennies with ZHO by botanicare. Good idea?


Well-Known Member
Some more pics that I couldnt get to load with the last post. Like stated many times but this windows 8 shit sucks ballz.

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
I'd say the roots look fine, a little discoloring is normal. Its the actual chunks of slime you need to look out for. The first couple years I grew DWC I added beneficial bacteria in the form of compost teas, then I decided to try running a sterile rez so I stopped using the teas and started adding H2O2 instead. I honestly couldn't tell a difference between the two methods in terms of the plants health and yield but with H2O2 the rez and root mass looks cleaner so that's what I decided to stick with.


Well-Known Member
I was hoping you would be able to give me advice Huel. I'm glad to have you on these forums!! I was going to just stick the plant in the beneficial bucket for a day. Not actually mix it in the rez with the nutes. What do you think?

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
What exactly do you mean by the beneficial bucket? Is it a store bought product or something you brewed yourself? Either way I'd be scared to stick to plan right in it....

I always used GH FloraBlend or a compost tea brewed at my local hydro store, both pretty much the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Yea I bought some ZHO powder by botonicare. I have some of that and molasses brewing in a separate 5 gallon bucket. I was just going to take the plant in dwc and put it in the ZHO water bucket for a day and see if anything cleans up on the roots. I'll have to do some more research before hand though