Trichy's Medical Garden


Well-Known Member
101_0665.jpg 101_0666.jpg 101_0668.jpg101_0669.jpg More pics of the exodus cheese. This new windows 8 sucks ballz too!! Just realized that. But these are the two phenos. Pics on left are exodus 2 and pics on right are exodus 1. The other one turned out male even though it was a feminized seed. It was the one I topped. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.


Well-Known Member
Trich - Windows 8 is a real bite to use at first and this site needs you to use Compatibility View in order to be able to post proper.

Inside the address bar at the top of your IE Browser is an icon that looks like a page torn in half.
It should be grey in color now.
Click it and it will reload page and the icon will be blue.
When the icon is blue you are in Compatibility View and the Enter key and other stuff will work proper.

There is a $5 program that returns the Start button to the desktop called Start 8.
It allows you to set up comp so it boots to regular desktop and looks and feels much the same as Windows 7.
I can't recommend it highly enough.

Here's a screenshot with the Compatibility View button outlined in green:


Well-Known Member

I watched this video and then jumped right over and bought these seeds.
I find it very interesting that the video showcases how advanced they are in
the field of breeding cannabis seeds and yet Exodus #3 was a male.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how to thank you enough Marty!!! I'm just under 30 and have a hard time keeping up with all this b/s technology. I still don't use or know how to operate a smart phone! I will certainly be getting the app to make the start menu appear like windows 7.

You did catch that I topped the one that turned out a male...right Glad? Don't know if that really gives it any reason to turn male but I figured I'd make sure I mentioned it.


Well-Known Member
Can't speak for the 818 specifically, but the OG I keep is like speghetti, and the ECSD I had was pretty thin stemmed too. Other possibilities are that it is stretching for light but I imagine you have enough light. They way I grow my OG, they finish with 3 or 4 main branches about 3 feet tall and only yield 14-21 grams a piece. I usually put 25 in 2 gallon bags under a 1000. I keep meaning to LST a few in 5 gal smart pots but for some reason just haven't.

Oh and anyone have a clue as to why my 818s are growing skinny/leggy stems?


Well-Known Member
Hello World Wide Web. My other computer crashed at the beginning of February and I just purchased a new one this past weekend. So I noticed my last post was 1/29 and now the ladies have been in flower for a week. I did have to battle spider mites on the Exodus Cheese ladies all of February. They didn't blink when I sprayed them with Safers End All. So I ended up using Azamax even though I hate to use chemicals to control pests. Now all is well except the 818 headbands are growing weird. Skinny leggy growth with the new growth being not the same size leaves when they push out. Here are the pictures of the 818s. View attachment 2555784View attachment 2555785View attachment 2555786View attachment 2555787

Azamax is 100% certified organic if that makes you feel any better.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your input Big Taco. These things have been growing funny from the start. They weren't growing like this the last time I grew this cut of 818 out. I'm not too sure but it'll be the last time its in the garden.

And that makes me feel a million times better Stowand!! Thanks for sharing. I thought it was toxic.


Well-Known Member
Update: Just a few pics of my new venture into DWC hydro buckets. This is my 1st go at this. I put a gogi og cut into the hydroton on 3-5 and its now got a decent amount of roots hitting the water which is 3 inches below the bottom of the hydroton. In the cloner is a few fat purple cuts and exodus cheese cuts.


Well-Known Member
Its doing well. The 1st couple of cuts turned yellow before growing roots so they got tossed. But I do have roots on a few of the new ones I put in the cloner!! Should be good to go by April. Thanks for patiently waiting.


Well-Known Member
Update: Just a few pics of my new venture into DWC hydro buckets. This is my 1st go at this. I put a gogi og cut into the hydroton on 3-5 and its now got a decent amount of roots hitting the water which is 3 inches below the bottom of the hydroton. In the cloner is a few fat purple cuts and exodus cheese cuts.
View attachment 2563027View attachment 2563028View attachment 2563029
Lookin good, you'll be happy with the DWC!
I just got a few DWC buckets going from reading your thread Huel.
They look great.


Well-Known Member
Update on the 2 Exodus Cheese females that have been flowering for 2.5 weeks now. Snapped some pics 2night. They are the bushiest plants I see. Normally I wouldn't admit that about girls but when it comes to these ladies I have to announce it loud n proud!!


Active Member
Those are some Jungle ladies very nice Trich. I'm an old dirt farmer and going to try DWC in the fall a little nervous about it though. Thank you for putting this up going to watch and learn. Good Karma and Giant sticky buds to you.


Well-Known Member
I still love my ol dirt medicine my friend. However I do like the simplicity of not having to water all the time. It was roughly 150 dollar investment to be able to play around with dwc. Not complaining as I like to play and learn. Just throwing it out there that its not all that expensive. Just a learning curve I'm sure!!


Active Member
I'm with ya. I have everything I need, and should of did my current med grow DWC but I'm just out of my comfort zone. Just gotta get the balls to do it and whatever happens, happens.