

New Member
When harvest time cums do ya wait untill trichomes are actually 15/20% amber befor ya start flush?coz as ya no,just coz the packet says so long don't mean its actually gonna be da long.also abit stupid but still new'ish 2 dis,when givin seedlings ph water only,is the ph6.5?


When its time for me to harvest, should I wait for my trichomes to become close to 20% amber before I begin flushing? The reason I ask is because the package my seeds came in states "8-10 weeks to flower" but I really want to make sure she is ready before I flush. Also should I be adjusting my PH to 6.5 for seedlings?

Is that anything close to what you were trying to say?


Appreciate the translation.

What medium are we growing in here? I grow in soil and never flush, not necessary. Water with some humic/fulvic acids and Catalyst or Blackstrap molasses (teaspoon) only the final weeks of bloom. My soil is nutrient rich and so in general doesn't need much added fertilizer.

Anecdotes from other growers suggest flushing is not necessary in other mediums either. Don't overfeed in the first place; dry slowly and cure properly.

I don't pH any irrigation/fertigation solutions, including for seeds, which I would start in a soil-less mix like SAM#4 with some additional dolomitic lime and Azomite or Excelerite. The pH of the media (more specifically in the root zone or rhizosphere) is of greater concern. The liming agents neutralize acidity long term, providing minerals for plant use.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the translation Onekama :clap: Times on seed packages are averages, or approximations. Plants are done when they are done. I don't flush, but I do harvest when the trichs are about 10-20% amber. So you should probably consider flushing before you get to this point, as it's normally recommended to flush at least 3 days prior to harvest. Otherwise you may wind up with a short flush (waste of time and water), or overripe buds. Again, that's if you must flush.

6.0-6.5 ph should be just fine for your little one :leaf:

Good luck with your grow.

R2T :peace:


New Member
Yeah as soon as all the trichomes are milky white/not clear, perhaps even when a bit have gone amber your going to wan't to harvest. You would actually cut and dry at this time and flush before the trich's are in this state.

As soon as all of them go milky white, start flushing and cut when there partially amber. They wont ALL be milky white without a few being amber, this is when you harvest. When you have none that are clear.