Trichomes Disappear?

Old Man of the Sea

Active Member
Has anyone ever experienced a sudden loss of Trichomes on the foliage of a late stage bud? I know what I did leading up to the event and the plts were behaving pretty much right on the timelines I have seen here, i.e. I am at the beginning of my ninth week, and I am very close to harvest w/remaining trichs good lookin'. 72 hrs ago I flushed my soil w/water in the morning and then shut off the lights in the PM for 48 hrs. This morning, I was doing a trichome check and the main colas were shiny but missing their trichomes. 72 hours ago they were just beginning to cloud, lower buds still sugary looking and trichomes are mostly clear ,some cloudy and a few dark. Sorry but the camera I borrowed does nt tk close ups. I have a 1000 w HPS w/6" intake fan, closet is kept at 80F day and 70-75 night.w/ some 90F spikes. Fans were kept on during the dark period during normal lighted hours. I will post pics of grow w/ gro journal later. Thax all my Buds out there

Old Man of the Sea

Active Member
Thank you for your inpu. I do brush against my plants so thats a good reminder but I only do very little and the areas being checked are easy to get to and not brush them. I have a theory that the soil hyperflush (1galloon/plt) followed by darkness caused them to either 'suck up' or 'spit out' the trich head at the top of the stalk. In looking at then today under 50x, it seems the heads are refilling. I may not be correct as I use a pocket microscope and so work with just a leaf tip carefully trimmed from a cola. I take a couple of samples and based on what I see magnified and how it looks to the eye, I extrapolate how the rest of the plant is doing. If I am correct, I should know within a week. The plants have at least that long to go, but not much more I think. They are displaying the extremely curled leaflets at the tips of the colas and random new white pistils over the entire plant. I will post pics and journal when it finishes.