I’ve read all sorts of info on get a jewelers loupe and look at your trichomes. I’ve over the years have been looking at them and seeing if it’s legit and so far I’m not impressed.
I’ve been keeping track and for example Cbd shark - trichomes cloudy like opaque plastic very early in flower, no amber, Blueberry had lots of clear for a long time, Cbd Blue Shark had lots of amber early on, Cbd Spliff Berry was a mix of amber and cloudy and waited till amber and the end result was junk as compared to earlier on. The North Thunderfuck is all cloudy early. Dolato a mix of cloudy and amber.
My point is this trichome thing seems to be way overinflated. I think I’m done with it, it’s all over the map. Im going to just add two weeks to the day of flip start the breeders number of weeks and if they sorta check the ripe boxes of majority orange pistils, swollen calyxes it’s chop chop time.
Any thoughts?