trayvan martin

I heard today on the radio that the special prosecutor has stated she is not going to convene a grand jury and will instead herself whether this is going to be held over for trial.

Looks like she isnt interested in a court fiasco.
I heard today on the radio that the special prosecutor has stated she is not going to convene a grand jury and will instead herself whether this is going to be held over for trial.

Looks like she isnt interested in a court fiasco.

Riiiight.... that's EXACTLY what it means.... :roll:

What it means is the Grand Jury is not needed to go forward with a trial. Angela Cory the Duvall County state attorney, says she feels confident in determining whether this goes to trial or not.

Corey’s office pointed out that the decision not to take the case to a grand jury should not be taken as an indication of which way she’s going to decide.

“The decision should not be considered a factor in the final determination of the case,” her office said in a release.

I expect Zimmerman to be charged and tried because there is simply too much political turmoil to do otherwise.

The problem the prosecutor faces is the SYG law shields Zimmerman from prosecution AND from civil suits for wrongful death. If the prosecutor tries Zimmer and loses under the SYG law, then the state of Florida is on the hook for wrongful arrest/prosecution, which will almost certainly result in a lawsuit against the state of Florida with resultant damages ($$$) against the state. Imagine the public outcry if Zimmerman walks away from this clusterfuck with a big pay day! All you guys agitating for a trial might want to hope you don't get what you are asking for/
says the man with a little boy with the gaping mouth as his avatar.

I expect Zimmerman to be charged and tried because there is simply too much political turmoil to do otherwise.

The problem the prosecutor faces is the SYG law shields Zimmerman from prosecution AND from civil suits for wrongful death. If the prosecutor tries Zimmer and loses under the SYG law, then the state of Florida is on the hook for wrongful arrest/prosecution, which will almost certainly result in a lawsuit against the state of Florida with resultant damages ($$$) against the state. Imagine the public outcry if Zimmerman walks away from this clusterfuck with a big pay day! All you guys agitating for a trial might want to hope you don't get what you are asking for/

i'm absolutely certain that you would say the same thing if it happened to your son.
It looks like Zimmerman's lawyers are about to put out a press release.

edit: What the fuck? A press release just to say they're not representing Zimmerman anymore?
That had to be the stupidest most biased press conference I've ever seen.

edit: I'm starting to wonder if this was a publicity stunt.
In 2004, Zimmerman called the police reporting having seen a man steal a television, and remained on the line while following the purported thief until police arrived to handle the situation. In the same year, Zimmerman again pursued an individual whom he claimed had spit on him, after having called the police to report the offense. There are no records of arrests made in either case. In addition to the reports stated above, Zimmerman made several calls about open garage doors, unattended dogs, and suspicious vehicles in his community in Lake Mary.

It seems Mr. Zimmerman has a history of pursuing people after calling 911. Hmmm....

Also, in 2001 he pulled the I-was-assaulted card in Manassas, Va. where the family resided while he grew up.
It seems Mr. Zimmerman has a history of pursuing people after calling 911. Hmmm....

Also, in 2001 he pulled the I-was-assaulted card in Manassas, Va. where the family resided while he grew up.

So are you saying he wasn't assaulted? Or are you just speculating again and trying to present it as fact as you like to do so often?
and in a neighborhood watch meeting a year ago he was told to not carry a fire arm to patrol the hood . . .. . . .

no one cares this man is unstable . . .. . all the fearful people are stlll gonna let there fear guide there life who cares . . .5-8 is hos sentence, the cops fucked any possibility of murder 2 or 1 . . . . and some how stalking cornering and shooting a unarmed 17years old is justifiable bacuse it was his hobby, zimmerman is an idiot so lets let the idiots run around and shoot people

after he stalked and harassed him . . . . .

just because martin didnt know how long mr Z was stalking him doesnt change that it was a crime . . . .as martin had done nothing wrong at the time of being stalked. . . and he defends himself from creepy boy . would too

and the little pussy couldnt fight so he shot him . . .. . .PUSSY ass American loser cant take a punch or fight . . . .gotta grab a gun to feel powerful lol
any of you supporters of the killer Zimmerman have any experience as a lawyer ??? He needs one..Apparently he told his old lawyers he was going to talk to the special prosecutor directly. They told him " we don't need you to do that" and you know he did it anyway, so it looks likes his lawyers quit. or maybe his old lawyers saw that he was a lying piece of shit and only another piece of shit could defend him. Calling all pieces of shit who likes to defend other pieces of shit... got a job opening for ya
people who need a gun to feel safe need to go to a gym and stop being afriad of getting bruses