trayvan martin

Because Ronins whore of a mother fucked some real lowlifes in her day.

I can FEEL Ronin typing up a response right now, this should be entertaining.

Why bother? You , with that on statement said just about all that ever needs to be said about *you* , and your socalled ethics or anything else. You basically admitted that you will descend to the slimiest of depths , thus hoisting yourself on your own petard.
I just saw someone speculate that the reason George moved out of his home and went into seclusion is because they wanted to give the appearance that he had time to heal from non-existent wounds. Now the surveillance video blows that story out of the water. Zimmerman's friend disappeared and the father quit talking about it. hmmm..
so you have one single (notoriously unreliable) eyewitness account, which is incomplete and contradicted by the accounts of others? is that what you're resting your case on?


there is ZERO physical evidence of zimmerman having any injuries, and a video tape of him without a scratch on him walking around in no pain and without dizziness (despite his claims of a broken nose and a smashed in skull...lulz).

completely unfounded. no physical evidence whatsoever.

So you have posted no evidence whatsoever from any kind of credible source to refute me, yet I'm wrong?

The video is garbage, he was treated by EMTs, they'd be pretty shitty EMTs if he was still bloody. And his nose isn't going to look broken, and you aren't going to see a cut on the back of his head with that grainy ass jail video.
And here's your video. Go ahead, blow it up to full, you can't see enough detail to prove anything. But you CAN see, at 1:26, a cop CLEARLY investigating the back of Zimmerman's head - LOOKING AT THE DAMAGE.

There are two old women who didn't SEE anything, only heard things. That isn't evidence.

Then there is a 13 year old who was given a multiple choice answer of three clothing colors (Treyvon's hoodie, Zimmerman's shirt, and a random color), and he picked Zimmerman's color as the color the person was wearing who was on the ground. That's all he saw- a person on the ground. And the wrong one, at that. This, far as I can tell, is the only 'poor investigating' by the police.

Meanwhile, the link I posted earlier has the ONLY EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT, and he stated clearly that Treyvon was beating up Zimmerman. It's not 'contradicted by anybody.'

Go ahead, disprove me, here is the google for "treyvon martin witnesses",or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1769&bih=837
Bandages. if he was battered as bad as he claims then there would have been bandages. The police video was about 40 minutes after the murder. There would be bandages. There would be blood. There is none. Zimmerman's story is complete bullshit.
I just saw someone speculate that the reason George moved out of his home and went into seclusion is because they wanted to give the appearance that he had time to heal from non-existent wounds. Now the surveillance video blows that story out of the water. Zimmerman's friend disappeared and the father quit talking about it. hmmm..

that interview by pappa zimmerman was just LOL.

he talked in precisely hedged legal terms for plausible deniability.

tell a false tale by starting every sentence with "it is my understanding that..." and when your false narrative is ripped to shreds later on, you can just say it was a misunderstanding.

my favorite part was at about the 7 minute mark when the reporter asks him about the manslaughter charges and those being changed/dropped and, after a bit of uncomfortable hesitation, he says "i can't comment on that". of course you can't, it would entangle you in the cover up!

he tries to say that he never saw the police report, but he is intimately familiar with every other detail of the case bar none!

bad liar is bad at lying. this is one time pappa zimmerman ain't gonna get angry little baby zimmerman off the hook.
I just saw someone speculate that the reason George moved out of his home and went into seclusion is because they wanted to give the appearance that he had time to heal from non-existent wounds. Now the surveillance video blows that story out of the water. Zimmerman's friend disappeared and the father quit talking about it. hmmm..

Yeah, it wouldnt have anything to do with a 1,000,000 dollar bounty for Zimmerman dead or alive...

The most damning part is how the dad and "good friend" really talked up the injuries and used words like smashing, broken, bleeding..... Yet the evidence that everyone can see with their own eyes is the complete opposite. On top of that the funeral director stated that Trayvon had no injuries that would back up Zimmerman's account. Why is he not under arrest? WTF?
So you have posted no evidence whatsoever from any kind of credible source to refute me, yet I'm wrong?

yep, quite wrong.

the surveillance footage shows him leaning forward and walking around without any visible discomfort whatsoever.

ever had a broken nose? how'd you feel an hour later?

mary cutcher ran to her open window mere seconds after the gunshot and saw zimmerman straddling trayvon. how do you go from being pinned in the manner that zimmerman described to being on top and straddling your opponent in about 1-2 seconds, and after suffering a vicious beating in which you claim your nose was broken and your skull smashed repeatedly on the concrete?

and why did the cops try to "correct" her version of events?

sorry buddy, none of that adds up. especially not "losing sight" of someone in a long, narrow corridor with no hiding spots. sorry if you can't smell the bullshit, we sure can.
Bandages. if he was battered as bad as he claims then there would have been bandages. The police video was about 40 minutes after the murder. There would be bandages. There would be blood.

So the police report about his damage is a lie? I bet you think we blew up the WTC too.

40 minutes is awful quick to be treated by EMTs and arrive at jail after a murder. I've been arrested in Florida for something much easier, and it still took much longer than that. But if you can show me a source where it says 40 minutes, I'll buy it.

Also, what was the cop looking at the back of Zimmerman's head for? He wouldn't look that long if nothing was there.

I'd just like to see proof from ye lot who claim Zimmerman is the bad guy. Where is it? The guy was a nutjob who shouldn't have been allowed to get into that situation, but he did, and he acted in self-defense. There is no real evidence to disprove that.
The most damning part is how the dad and "good friend" really talked up the injuries and used words like smashing, broken, bleeding..... Yet the evidence that everyone can see with their own eyes is the complete opposite. On top of that the funeral director stated that Trayvon had no injuries that would back up Zimmerman's account. Why is he not under arrest? WTF?

the interview just came out as o'donnell was on last night, so you can be pretty sure that he is going to skewer that interview tonight and rip it to shreds 7 ways to sunday.