And no drama swoops and tarnishes the uniform.
LOL what uniform?
And no drama swoops and tarnishes the uniform.
Because Ronins whore of a mother fucked some real lowlifes in her day.
Because Ronins whore of a mother fucked some real lowlifes in her day.
Because Ronins whore of a mother fucked some real lowlifes in her day.
I can FEEL Ronin typing up a response right now, this should be entertaining.
so you have one single (notoriously unreliable) eyewitness account, which is incomplete and contradicted by the accounts of others? is that what you're resting your case on?
there is ZERO physical evidence of zimmerman having any injuries, and a video tape of him without a scratch on him walking around in no pain and without dizziness (despite his claims of a broken nose and a smashed in skull...lulz).
completely unfounded. no physical evidence whatsoever.
I just saw someone speculate that the reason George moved out of his home and went into seclusion is because they wanted to give the appearance that he had time to heal from non-existent wounds. Now the surveillance video blows that story out of the water. Zimmerman's friend disappeared and the father quit talking about it. hmmm..
I just saw someone speculate that the reason George moved out of his home and went into seclusion is because they wanted to give the appearance that he had time to heal from non-existent wounds. Now the surveillance video blows that story out of the water. Zimmerman's friend disappeared and the father quit talking about it. hmmm..
Watch out Drama...he can see you threw the computer...
So you have posted no evidence whatsoever from any kind of credible source to refute me, yet I'm wrong?
Yeah, it wouldnt have anything to do with a 1,000,000 dollar bounty for Zimmerman dead or alive...
Bandages. if he was battered as bad as he claims then there would have been bandages. The police video was about 40 minutes after the murder. There would be bandages. There would be blood.
The most damning part is how the dad and "good friend" really talked up the injuries and used words like smashing, broken, bleeding..... Yet the evidence that everyone can see with their own eyes is the complete opposite. On top of that the funeral director stated that Trayvon had no injuries that would back up Zimmerman's account. Why is he not under arrest? WTF?
the interview just came out as o'donnell was on last night, so you can be pretty sure that he is going to skewer that interview tonight and rip it to shreds 7 ways to sunday.
That bullshit bounty story didn't come out until this week. He moved out right after the murder, dumb ass.