trayvan martin

You mean killing, murder implies that malice aforethought was used.

Well if you listen to some of the puffed up democrats in congress, travan was hunted down like a dog...

Yep, the same people that told us healthcare would cost less, you get to keep your doctor and everyone will live forever... Oh wait.
So the police report about his damage is a lie?

why was zimmerman tagged as a john doe and left in the morgue for three days when the police report that came out just hours after the incident identified trayvon by name and date of birth? care to reconcile that one?

and how do you suppose zimmerman was never convicted for such charges as resisting arrest, assaulting a police officer, and beating up his ex? do ya suppose that pappa zimmerman, the retired magistrate judge, had anything to do with it?

you're so LOL.
Well if you listen to some of the puffed up democrats in congress, travan was hunted down like a dog...

Yep, the same people that told us healthcare would cost less, you get to keep your doctor and everyone will live forever... Oh wait.

thank Dog you are hear to drag not only race, but now politics into this tragedy.

your parents must be so proud.
why was zimmerman tagged as a john doe and left in the morgue for three days when the police report that came out just hours after the incident identified trayvon by name and date of birth? care to reconcile that one?
The toe tag on Martin definitely proves Zimmerman didn't get hurt as bad as he said.
Murder. His aggressive attitude and language recorded on the 911 tape plus his disregard of the order the dispatcher gave him shows plenty of malice and intent.

zimmerman has a history of anger and violence.

resisting arrest, assaulting police officers, beating up his girlfriend, anger management classes...and that's just what we know of. i'm sure pappa zimm has gotten a lot of other uglies swept under the rug.
why was Trayvon tagged as a john doe and left in the morgue for three days when the police report that came out just hours after the incident identified trayvon by name and date of birth? care to reconcile that one?

and how do you suppose zimmerman was never convicted for such charges as resisting arrest, assaulting a police officer, and beating up his ex? do ya suppose that pappa zimmerman, the retired magistrate judge, had anything to do with it?

you're so LOL.

fixed it for ya. LOL
Murder. His aggressive attitude and language recorded on the 911 tape plus his disregard of the order the dispatcher gave him shows plenty of malice and intent.

How long are you going to stay married to that bit of misinformation you like to tell as if it had even a tiny shred of truth to it when you say Zimmerman was ordered to not follow. You have access to the 911 call transcripts, please quote the specific ORDER from the dispatcher.
zimmerman has a history of anger and violence.

resisting arrest, assaulting police officers, beating up his girlfriend, anger management classes...and that's just what we know of. i'm sure pappa zimm has gotten a lot of other uglies swept under the rug.

He has a history of alcohol abuse and DWI as well. Very fine upstanding citizen he was. Good thing he was there to stop that hoodie wearin' ghetto rat from getting home with those dangerous skittles.
He has a history of alcohol abuse and DWI as well. Very fine upstanding citizen he was. Good thing he was there to stop that hoodie wearin' ghetto rat from getting home with those dangerous skittles.

good thing the police did their due dilligence and took a toxicology report in this guy, which is S.O.P. when the incident involves a dead boy laying on the ground.

wait? what's that? the police did no such thing?

well, that's certainly not suspicious at all.
How long are you going to stay married to that bit of misinformation you like to tell as if it had even a tiny shred of truth to it when you say Zimmerman was ordered to not follow. You have access to the 911 call transcripts, please quote the specific ORDER from the dispatcher.

I'm not going to play the semantics game with you. Zimmerman had over 56 9-1-1 calls under his belt. He knows when he is told to cease and desist and acknowledged it by saying, o.k.. He was a so-called captain of an unregistered neighborhood watch. Do you really think he didn't understand that he was told to stop doing what he was doing? Really?
It's on the surveillance video you fucking moron. it's time stamped. Why don't you do a little research before you open your ignorant gob?

Name calling, telling me I don't do research. Meanwhile, you didn't even click on the jail surveillance video I posted, because IT'S NOT TIME STAMPED. I looked at it on THREE DIFFERENT WEBSITES. About halfway in, there is the top of some yellow letters that are cut off. However:

according to

"It was taken about four hours after the deadly incident. "

It's NOT on the surveillance video I'M A fucking moron. it's NOT time stamped. Why don't I do a little research before I open MY ignorant gob?
Fixed for ya :clap:, o ye who hasn't posted a single link to disprove anything I've said meanwhile jumping on my dick for telling me I don't do research.
I'm not going to play the semantics game with you. Zimmerman had over 56 9-1-1 calls under his belt. He knows when he is told to cease and desist and acknowledged it by saying, o.k.. He was a so-called captain of an unregistered neighborhood watch. Do you really think he didn't understand that he was told to stop doing what he was doing? Really?
We don't need you to do that.
Bandages. if he was battered as bad as he claims then there would have been bandages. The police video was about 40 minutes after the murder. There would be bandages. There would be blood. There is none. Zimmerman's story is complete bullshit.

Then why did the police officer's report state that Zimmer had a bloody nose, was bleeding from the back of his head and that the back of his shirt was wet and grass stained? Why would a police officer lie (actually it would be perjury, a crime) about that? Is it a conspiracy between the responding police officer, Austin Brown and "John", is that why all of their statements corroborate Zimmer's account? Presumably the EMTs will also corroborate the statement by the police officer. Are the EMTs also involved in the conspiracy?
i tried to see what people thought about you calling this a "necessary right", but they were too disgusted with such a thought to even entertain the idea of discussion.
I never said anything about "necessary right" i said it seems like self defense why else is he a free man?
why was zimmerman tagged as a john doe and left in the morgue for three days when the police report that came out just hours after the incident identified trayvon by name and date of birth? care to reconcile that one?

and how do you suppose zimmerman was never convicted for such charges as resisting arrest, assaulting a police officer, and beating up his ex? do ya suppose that pappa zimmerman, the retired magistrate judge, had anything to do with it?

you're so LOL.

I have no knowledge of this fact, but I am not disputing you. Why is this important? What does it matter whether Martin was tagged as John Doe for three days?