trayvan martin

apparently not unless the gated community is a prison


If the government wanted to eliminate racism they wouldnt categorize and quantify people as minorities, etc. They wouldnt include race on about every government form there is. The government teaches us class warfare so we fight amongst each other while not realizing who the true enemy is.

-Quoted for truth-

Every single government program that has a box with "race" and check boxes to pick one promotes racism and people of certain races thinking the world is "out to get them." Affirmative action in jobs and schools, differing amounts of government financial aid (both welfare and school) depending on race, etc... All of that has to stop. And with names like Trayvon (or my name, which is obviously spanish), people's name would be replaced by a bar code. Only without knowing the person's race or name can a personnel/admissions/welfare department make a truly unbiased decision about whether that person gets the job/money/assistance whatever.

RE Trayvon... An eyewitness saw Zimmerman being beaten up by Trayvon. He was being punched, and Trayvon was slamming his head into the sidewalk. Zimmerman has a broken nose and bloody head to verify this. Zimmerman screamed for help, the eyewitness ran inside to call the police, and when he looked again, Zimmerman had shot Trayvon.

Yes, Zimmerman shouldn't have been following him. So charge him with harassment, stalking, etc. However, when Trayvon approached him (as all accounts agree) and asked if he had a problem (the words vary depending on the news agency), then jumped on him, broke his nose, and started slamming his head... It's still self defense to shoot someone who does that to you, EVEN if you were following them. Trayvon had the right to ask Zimmerman to stop, or to call the police. Not to start a fight.

For reference, if a robber is walking out of your house with your stuff as you arrive (in Florida), you are not allowed to shoot him, and touching him to restrain him is still assault. Only IN your house do you have domain (on your property, you have to ask someone to leave 3x before you shoot, and if he is leaving with your stuff, he is still leaving. Can't shoot in the back). Since Trayvon instigated the confrontation, even if it was Zimmerman (passively) following him, Zimmerman did act in self defense.

Things to consider:
Trayvon was suspended THREE times, and he was only a junior when he died.
-Once for bringing pot (or a bag)/pipe to school (weed isn't bad, we all agree, but you're an idiot if you bring it in school. If you used to, then yes, I'm calling you an idiot)
-Once for having a bag with a screwdriver and 10 or so pieces of women's jewelry
-Once for graffiti w/ spray can.

Point is, he wasn't a model kid... It's VERY likely that he instigated the confrontation. Ever been suspended? You're sort of pissed the whole time, even if you're glad not to be in school. It was in this mood that he confronted Zimmerman. According to Zimmerman, he even reached for the gun, although who knows with no eyewitness to that part. The guy who saw the fight was inside calling the cops.

And this has nothing to do with him being black... It's hot in orlando right now, anyone wearing a hoodie with the hood up is freaking suspicious. If you're black and you think this was a hate crime, you need to get over your race and realize that not everything that happens to black people is because they are black. Zimmerman was still a want-to-be cop asshat, and would have overreacted to the situation no matter what color the person's skin was. And I guarantee this all would have blown over by now if he HAD shot a white guy. Killing is killing, it's terrible, but it shouldn't be considered any worse because a yellow person killed a white one, or a brown person killed a black one.

Now, if Zimmerman had been screaming the N word while he killed Trayvon, and had emptied the clip into him, it would be different. One shot after your nose is broken and your skull is bleeding is self-fucking-defense.

If you want to see a hate crime, look at what this crazy b*tch did at FAU, because she was distressed over this case. If a white person had done this and hit 2-3 black people, he'd be in jail, not a mental institution. She's out now and it's all la-di-da. Would NOT happen to white girl who did this. Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson would never let it go.

Hell of a first post, hate away.
However, when Trayvon approached him (as all accounts agree) and asked if he had a problem (the words vary depending on the news agency), then jumped on him, broke his nose, and started slamming his head...


you're just recanting pappa zimmerman's bullshit tall tale.
...anyone wearing a hoodie with the hood up is freaking suspicious.

what a stupid thing to say.

it was raining you fucking dolt. i hate to jump on someone after their first post, but you have got to be the dumbest person ever.

it's raining here right now, people walk past my house all the time with hoodies on and the hoods up, guess how many i've followed or reported to the police?
what a stupid thing to say.

it was raining you fucking dolt. i hate to jump on someone after their first post, but you have got to be the dumbest person ever.

it's raining here right now, people walk past my house all the time with hoodies on and the hoods up, guess how many i've followed or reported to the police?, no 5...uuuhhh 11, yeah 11.
I'm starting to waiver on my conclusion that Zimmerman was at fault and would likely be convicted. If he turned to "retreat" to his vehicle and was attacked by Trayvan, as he has claimed since the moment police arrived, then nothing that happened before that matters. All of the following, approaching, aggressing, whatever doesn't factor in if he turned his back and walked away. That's "retreating" by ANYONE'S standards. I'd say I'm about 50/50 as to his chance of being convicted. He has a great deal going for him as he's the only one still alive to describe the incident. That's why you ALWAYS shoot to kill if you're going to shoot, it's always better if there's only one story.

you're just recanting pappa zimmerman's bullshit tall tale.

Unfounded. You're just recanting the other side's tale.

See how I didn't disprove anything you just said?


" "The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: 'help, help…and I told him to stop and I was calling 911," he said.
Trayvon Martin was in a hoodie; Zimmerman was in red.
The witness only wanted to be identified as "John," and didn't not want to be shown on camera.
His statements to police were instrumental, because police backed up Zimmerman's claims, saying those screams on the 911 call are those of Zimmerman.
"When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point," John said. "

That, plus Zimmerman's injuries, which were treated and confirmed by EMT on-scene, are evidence enough. It's not 'unfounded' at all.

UncleBuck said:
what a stupid thing to say.
UncleBuck said:
it was raining you fucking dolt. i hate to jump on someone after their first post, but you have got to be the dumbest person ever.

it's raining here right now, people walk past my house all the time with hoodies on and the hoods up, guess how many i've followed or reported to the police?

It was raining, and cold which I didn't know, and you are right and I'm wrong about the hoodie.. Still, there is no evidence that race had anything to do with it... All Zimmerman's 911 calls prove that he was a wannabe cop weirdo who would have jumped on ANY suspicious person, not just a black one.

I looked it up. It was raining, and 63 degrees, so I was wrong about the hoodie. You score one.

You're still wrong about my statements being unfounded. You know, besides the hoodie.
wow....260 pages of it really that hard to pick a side?....hint the guy that dies got the short end of the stick.....i have not seen a thread this size since the guy who was growing in the mountains and had a bronco and was filming a bad movie...what ever happened to dude?
If he turned to "retreat" to his vehicle ...

he said this was because he "lost sight" of a long, narrow, corridor between attached houses.

how the fuck do you lose sight of someone when there are no hiding places?

his constantly changing story is a load of shit.
" "The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: 'help, help…and I told him to stop and I was calling 911," he said.[/COLOR]
Trayvon Martin was in a hoodie; Zimmerman was in red.
The witness only wanted to be identified as "John," and didn't not want to be shown on camera.
His statements to police were instrumental, because police backed up Zimmerman's claims, saying those screams on the 911 call are those of Zimmerman.
"When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point," John said. "

That, plus Zimmerman's injuries, which were treated and confirmed by EMT on-scene, are evidence enough. It's not 'unfounded' at all.

You're still wrong about my statements being unfounded.

so you have one single (notoriously unreliable) eyewitness account, which is incomplete and contradicted by the accounts of others? is that what you're resting your case on?


there is ZERO physical evidence of zimmerman having any injuries, and a video tape of him without a scratch on him walking around in no pain and without dizziness (despite his claims of a broken nose and a smashed in skull...lulz).

completely unfounded. no physical evidence whatsoever.