trayvan martin

BWHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA.............shot yourself RIGHT in BOTH feet and the pecker to boot. ' Cause sorry that's NOT the " process" in " all fifty states".............apparently you've never heard of the " waiting period" go do some very basic research and get back to me on this. You can then detail for us all exactly which states are " waiting period states" and for WHAT firearms , and you can also detail items for us such as The Sullivan Act ( NYC).........and since you're so well informed perhaps you'd care to detail the *specific ammunition laws* as regards *specific locales*.

Now go ahead and sidestep , crawfish all you care to , however mere cursory research as regards the above will show that your original statement was in drastic error and the corollary FACT that you're woefully misinformed as regards the firearms acquisition process and it's variable within the various States.

SHOW us all where you claim I'm incorrect.Anything less is just more bullshit on your part.

I think he's just a brainwashed yuppie who believes weird media propaganda about not having gun rights in america or its really really hard to obtain guns in all 50 states. Only the most certified graduates of firearms schools can buy gun's under extremely strict guidelines. Something like japan's gun laws.

Holy shit, I MUST be psychic, he absolutely does think you are talking about all 50 states and not the one you live in. LMAO reality is indeed stranger than fiction.

You can't make this shit up folks.
BLAH B:LAH BL:Ah yet more ad hominem attacking the person , with no proof of error. It figures. As I said you're done. Now since his postulation was that you can walk in just about anywhere and purchase a handgun you will of course be able to show evidence that it's a TRUE statement.

It really is as simple as that. And all your faux intellectual bullshit in an attempt to prop up your ego won't change that in the slightest.

And the whole purchase issue , like the CCW issue is nothing more than deflection from the central issue here , it's not pertinent to that main issue.

And if you demand that I sit and let erroneous hyperbole stated as Gospel truth fly by uncorrected then you demand that in vain.

Holy shit, I MUST be psychic, he absolutely does think you are talking about all 50 states and not the one you live in. LMAO reality is indeed stranger than fiction.

You can't make this shit up folks.
It was like a revelation, I swear i typed out my last comment before i read him saying all 50 states.
Thats right i can literally walk into a gun store look at their wide array of pistols long guns and all other guns, buy it in 5 min walk out the door and carry it in the open anywhere i want except as defined under my state statute.

And YET another blanket statement that's incorrect. Would you actually care to cite why you are incorrect ( which I'm sure you knew you were prior to posting) or do I need to do so.

AGAIN bullshit hyperbole from either side ain't agonna get it.

I go in the store.
walk to the gun counter.
look at guns.
ask to see one or two.
Say " I like that one ill take it"
I do my paper work, 3-5 min later im out the door.
Now actually at that point i can walk anywhere except as defined by state law court houses, police station, etc open carrying my fire arm fully loaded and chambered.
That is the process any day of the week.

BLAH B:LAH BL:Ah yet more ad hominem attacking the person , with no proof of error. It figures. As I said you're done. Now since his postulation was that you can walk in just about anywhere and purchase a handgun you will of course be able to show evidence that it's a TRUE statement.

It's plain as day. you don't understand.
only one way to solve this................THUNDERDOME!!!!!!
"two men enter, one man leave, two men enter, one man leave....."
New Black Panthers are going to offer Million dollar reward for the capture of George Zimmerman.

It was like a revelation, I swear i typed out my last comment before i read him saying all 50 states.

And more bla bla , again your original implication was that it's relatively speaking an EASY process to legally obtain a sidearm in any location in the land. That is an incorrect assumption.

And now you arrogantly assume , after the CCW sidetrack and the associated address of open carry that you're going to " inform" me of something I don't know as regards carry law and/or ccw and acquisition laws.

And yet AGAIN you both miss my central point in favor of your continued deflections and digressions. I ask you yet AGAIN just exactly how any of these issues are germane to the central topic. CCW is a moot point in this case since Zimmerman was carrying legally.

If you want to get right down to the nitty-gritty of the firearms laws , right down to the transportation statues , the NJ " hollowpoint law" and specific others we can do so , you'll find that I already know them. We can even discuss the prohibition against specific chambering and specific firearms both short and long in specific States. Again how is it pertinent to the question.

And quite frankly a method of arguement whereby one will detail an example as PROOF without detailing the opposite end of the spectrum is both misleading and dishonest.

There's one HELL of a difference between purchasing a sidearm in Wyoming as opposed to NYC.
And more bla bla , again your original implication was that it's relatively speaking an EASY process to legally obtain a sidearm in any location in the land. That is an incorrect assumption.

Stop being so WRONG!!!! That's your problem, you can't admit when you are wrong even when the evidence of how wrong are you is staring you in the face.

Thats right i can literally walk into a gun store look at their wide array of pistols long guns and all other guns, buy it in 5 min walk out the door and carry it in the open anywhere i want except as defined under my state statute.
Umm yeah, its the EXACT same way you are treating Zimmerman, you didn't understand that?

Im judging him based on his actions and the facts discussed here. He crept up on Trayvon in the car, approached him with a weapon in the dark, never identified himself.

Trayvon was walking in the rain with candy and juice, even if he was just meandering around the community, its his right to walk to his fathers house anyway he wants to. That is the point. We are giving Zimmerman powers only the Police have. Who the hell goes to the store to run errands with a gun? Paranoid much?

Come on lets get back to common sense. Who runs errands with a gun? Is this gated community in the middle of Fallujah?
No place in the USA is that bad that you have to walk around armed to run errands. No gun to run errands, its just a simple ass whooping and Trayvon is probably in jail. What mindset must you have to follow anyone around with a gun?
This new black panther party is a joke. I would respect them more if they actually did want to overthrow the governement or patrolled their neighborhoods a la the Guardian Angels.

Fuck even when NYC was at its worst, the Guardian Angels never carried guns. Perspective folks, gated community does not equal Afghanistan tribal areas.

Even when I was in Colombia in the middle of car jack city (my dad was carjacked twice) we didnt carry guns.
You know why? The real thugs were ex military and could outgun you and outmaneuver you anytime.