yes, we are already aware that there is an anonymous witness by the name of john who has no idea what happened before the gun shot because he did not see it.
yes, we are already aware that there is an anonymous witness by the name of john who has no idea what happened before the gun shot because he did not see it.
yes, we are already aware that there is an anonymous witness by the name of john who has no idea what happened before the gun shot because he did not see it.
BAWAhAHAHAHAAAAAA...........oh damn I DID break a rib laughing. YAH that's Zimmerman...sure thing.BAWHAhahAHHAAAa
I guess because you did not see it, it did not happen.
He says he saw trayvon on top of zimmerman beating him right before the shot when of lol.Thats why i posted the video.
He, whom wish not be named, says he saw the opposite of she who is openly talking to the media and police?
Fishy. I'll bet this John Doe isn't a court credible witness anyways.
He, whom wish not be named, says he saw the opposite of she who is openly talking to the media and police?
Fishy. I'll bet this John Doe isn't a court credible witness anyways.
He, whom wish not be named, says he saw the opposite of she who is openly talking to the media and police?
Fishy. I'll bet this John Doe isn't a court credible witness anyways.
Even the "witness" thinks it is a "little boy" not the reality of a 6 foot 17 year old. She must not have seen a thing.
She reported him as a black man because she is racist.She calls 911 and reports the guy on the ground as a black guy.Police say she didnt want to get involved at first.
Even the "witness" thinks it is a "little boy" not the reality of a 6 foot 17 year old. She must not have seen a thing.
I figured as much , that will most likely mean Glock or Ruger the two mid lines of choice for cop wannabes , lesser chance it will be a Taurus or a CZ.
I'll give you some food for though here 501, Ask me how many idiots like Zimmerman we flunk out of defensive shooting , combat tactics and LEO training courses. And news for you , one HELL of a lot flunk of **attitude** , not quite as many who flunk out on the criteria of unsafe weapons handling but pretty close.
Now before you go running off with more ad hominem THINK about that for a moment. A lot of those individuals turn out to have records quite similar to Zimmermans.
And here's where I part company with *some* firearms aficianados in the States , I don't think that ALL folks should have a firearm and indeed there are those that are THOROUGHLY and COMPLETELY unsuitable to own a firearm.
Zimmerman was one of those.
If you are a CCW you bring your gun to the grocery store, the theater, the gas station......You only bring a gun to dangerous situations.
You only bring a gun to dangerous situations.
If you are a CCW you bring your gun to the grocery store, the theater, the gas station......
Depends on the state, you can't carry it into Federal buildings and the such, or into businesses that sell alcohol, or schools etc. Guns put food on the table around here.Can you literally carry your gun everywhere? just curious not being cheeky.In canada if you have a handgun and want to leave your house with it you need to go get a transport permit from the police station.The only grant transport permits to the gun range and back anywhere else is illegal.Long guns are different although I dont know much about these things i have no need for such machines of death.I dont own a gun and frankly I dont really want too.I feel safe.