Well-Known Member
i always love hearing the stories, so please share how racism has effected you.
It taught me Ebonics...
i always love hearing the stories, so please share how racism has effected you.
Yes its me the dumb canuck behind the smear campaign.Really? I never used one 1 derogatory word in this thread.But Im racist?Like I said I don't suffer from white guilt.So that shit isn't going to fly.Because I refuse to tip toe around the issue of race Im a racist? Why is the politically correct term for a black man an African American.But if your white your not european american your just white.Its all the same.Race should be a non. just because im white doesn't mean i haven't been affected by racism.
It taught me Ebonics...
You have too much time on your hands UB. Get a job you lazy bum.
maybe buy a kitten or something. you need help.
i always love hearing the stories, so please share how racism has effected you.
IF I wanted one, I could buy one and I would not have to ask my wife or bum the money off of her like you would.
Ok well I already see where this is going but,sure I will take the bait.
I moved to my current city which is fairly small(12 000 ppl) and i didnt know anyone here.Not a soul.So on my first night here in this new town I walk to seven eleven(wow this sounds alot like trayvon and im not even making this up its all true).I grab some chicken strips and begin walking home.I lived only anout 9-10 block away.On my way home Im walking down a back alley when all of a sudden a cop pulled up from the rear at the same time another cop car comes flying at me from the from.and then a bike cop even rolls up.They told me that neighborhood watch phoned in a report of a suspicious person.I tell them my name which they run and it comes up Im still on probation and that i have a curfew.My probation expired about a month before.But it was still showing up in the system.I tell them this but they dont believe me.I was just a punk kid upto no good.Long story short I spent the weekend in jail before they could phone judge that signed my probation.After that I was released without charge.Bastards didn't even say sorry lol.
sorry to disappoint you, but i have to go and do some work now. or, as you might call it, not do work.
try not to cry too much while i'm away. maybe ask someone else to post gay porn for you.
You do work, LOL. That'a a good one. LOLOLOLOL
You are the only fag that has posted gay pictures on here that I have seen. Why would I ask anyone for that as I am straight ?
You do work, LOL. That'a a good one. LOLOLOLOL
You are the only fag that has posted gay pictures on here that I have seen. Why would I ask anyone for that as I am straight ?
cool story, bro.