trayvan martin

wow, so not only was he suspended for having an empty bag, but also for being late once and writing WTF on a locker once?

off with his head!

your smear campaign is pathetic, and often false. remember that photo of someone with sagging pants, no shirt, and flipping off the camera? it was fake.

I didnt even know that article existed...LoL
I found the pic from a facebook page called "Trayvon Martin".....
Why would someone create a fake facebook page just to bash the kid?.. How little of a life could you have...
and the smear campaign against trayvon goes on.

don't have a leg to stand on? blame the victim!

skirts are an invitation to rape and hoodies are an invitation to murder.

fucking coons.

It would seem like it yes.

Police say thirteen black males aged 17-27 participated in the brutal gang rape of an 11 year old. They video taped the gang rape with multiple cameras to show to friends. The video and photo stills were discovered circulated among students at several area High Schools and Middle Schools. Including the school that the 11 year old victim attended.

The attack took place in Cleveland, Texas and one of the alleged perps is even the son of a Cleveland school board member.
Despite the fact that the girl is 11, many in the black community claim that no crime has been committed. Instead they say that the 11 year old was a willing participate who sought out sex with adult men. Family members of several of the accused have gone on angry rants defending their innocence. A group of family members even mobbed the court house to proclaim their innocence.
Some of the suspects already had unrelated pending charges, including one for felony manslaughter.
I didnt even know that article existed...LoL
I found the pic from a facebook page called "Trayvon Martin".....
Why would someone create a fake facebook page just to bash the kid?.. How little of a life could you have...

about as much of a life as gyroscope has.
It would seem like it yes.

Police say thirteen black males aged 17-27 participated in the brutal gang rape of an 11 year old. They video taped the gang rape with multiple cameras to show to friends. The video and photo stills were discovered circulated among students at several area High Schools and Middle Schools. Including the school that the 11 year old victim attended.

The attack took place in Cleveland, Texas and one of the alleged perps is even the son of a Cleveland school board member.
Despite the fact that the girl is 11, many in the black community claim that no crime has been committed. Instead they say that the 11 year old was a willing participate who sought out sex with adult men. Family members of several of the accused have gone on angry rants defending their innocence. A group of family members even mobbed the court house to proclaim their innocence.
Some of the suspects already had unrelated pending charges, including one for felony manslaughter.

nice smear campaign. all black people are animals, we get it.
nice smear campaign. all black people are animals, we get it.

Yes its me the dumb canuck behind the smear campaign.Really? I never used one 1 derogatory word in this thread.But Im racist?Like I said I don't suffer from white guilt.So that shit isn't going to fly.Because I refuse to tip toe around the issue of race Im a racist? Why is the politically correct term for a black man an African American.But if your white your not european american your just white.Its all the same.Race should be a non. just because im white doesn't mean i haven't been affected by racism.
Yes its me the dumb canuck behind the smear campaign.Really? I never used one 1 derogatory word in this thread.But Im racist?Like I said I don't suffer from white guilt.So that shit isn't going to fly.Because I refuse to tip toe around the issue of race Im a racist? Why is the politically correct term for a black man an African American.But if your white your not european american your just white.Its all the same.Race should be a non. just because im white doesn't mean i haven't been affected by racism.
You missed the point man, White people = Racism, we're all just racist crackers ;)