trayvan martin

Retarded Americans, see I can do it too, doesn't win the argument tho.

A private, gated neighbourhood is private property, you keep intentionally ignoring that fact.

trayvon was murdered just feet from the residence where he was staying, it was his private property too.

dumb, drunk irish.
Asking questions is now "use of force" whoever decided that one has a small IQ.

you don't seem to get what it means to stand your ground. you don't stand your ground by following someone for 15 minutes and then getting out of your car and following someone several hundred yards.

that's the type of mistake that someone with an IQ two standard deviations below average would make.
Asking questions is now "use of force" whoever decided that one has a small IQ.

zimmerman had plenty of time to either ask martin what he was doing there or just sit back after he called the cops. he didn't do either. he aggressed the young man for no other reason than he was black and that made him suspicious in zimmerman's eyes.
you don't seem to get what it means to stand your ground. you don't stand your ground by following someone for 15 minutes and then getting out of your car and following someone several hundred yards.

that's the type of mistake that someone with an IQ two standard deviations below average would make.
Stand your ground law has nothing to do with this, its going to be simple self defense, wait and see.

This has already been stated multiple times, you seem to ignore most things that are posted, if you can even remember who posted them in the first place.
zimmerman had plenty of time to either ask martin what he was doing there or just sit back after he called the cops. he didn't do either. he aggressed the young man for no other reason than he was black and that made him suspicious in zimmerman's eyes.
You don't know what he did. Again, you are purely speculating on the events.
he himself said twice that he was pursuing him and called him a fucking coon. it's on tape. that's solid evidence.
You can make out that terrible audio? Really? you 100% sure he didn't say "goon"? and he never said he was pursuing, not ever. Zero facts for UB again.
trayvon was murdered just feet from the residence where he was staying, it was his private property too.

dumb, drunk irish.
Maybe if all of you were "dumb" and "drunk" like us your society wouldn't be quite so fucked? Just a little thought for you to try undertake.

Its a pity (so called) Liberals can't use their brains a little more liberally.

By the way, as a graduate of the American public school system, youd do well not to try call people from other countries "dumb"...youll never come out on top of that argument.

wow, so not only was he suspended for having an empty bag, but also for being late once and writing WTF on a locker once?

off with his head!

your smear campaign is pathetic, and often false. remember that photo of someone with sagging pants, no shirt, and flipping off the camera? it was fake.
unfounded. you have absolutely zero physical evidence of this claim.

Actually, from the police reports, Zimmerman had a broken nose and lacerations on his head and neck.

But I supposed he did that to himself while Travan sat on top of him saying hello.

You are going to be wrong about this one too UB...
SO?, its self defense. I can claim kingdom over you, doesn't make it so.

you said it has nothing to do with stand your ground laws, when his entire protection is stand your ground laws.

don't blame me, blame yourself for a full-blown fail there.