trayvan martin

Yeah, I was in Somalia draggin our boys out of that place, you can go eat shit now.

Why don't you just see if ya can make me do that? Like I believe you were in that Debacle , you know how many times I've heard that sort of shit?

And it means exactly WHAT in this? Beyond you swinging that short straw you call a pecker and thinking it makes you some kind of authority.
It was a 9mm something i dont remember i dont know much about guns.In canada we settle our difference the old fashion way.....Snowballs LOL
I live where I live and Im actually safer for it because when crime is organized its invisible. Most people in NY dont get killed randomly, its usually because they fucked with someone else. Thats why I can walk through what you consider dangerous neighborhoods and not get bothered. I mind my own fucking business and know the guys on the corner are doing what they do but its not my problem. They actually arent making the neighborhood any worse than some dudes waiting for a bus. If kids or women are involved Ill risk it but otherwise, everyone knows why theyre there. We dont have methheads or crackheads because we have common sense.

My hood, there are no gates and the buildings arent as pretty but the people sure are a hell of a lot more decent.

I feel a lot more unsafe walking through Philadelphia's suburbs than 110th st or South Jamaica.
NOW........Flip side time to a degree. *IF* Zimmerman did it as I and others suspect and *IF* he has any humanity , morals and ethics whatsoever............then HE has constructed his own ***lifelong*** living HELL that only death will save him from and which will be a far more effective punishment than anything that we or the law could conceive.

Same thing if it alls turns out to be an accident.

Some food for thought.

You are assuming he has a conscience.
Any neighbourhood at any time can form a neighborhood watch.You dont have to be registered with anything.You keep saying his violent history.He had no criminal record and he did pass his watch program class.

And any one of those theoretical neighborhood watch members that acts like Zimmerman did put themselves on the other side of the law as far as illegal detainment , false police powers and a whole host of other things.

So you endorse vigilanteism do ya. YAH HANg those " dangerous looking different people ".
Your right i should packed up my wife and kids and my nice life here in canada and move to the ukraine and bitch about shit that happened 100yrs ago.Can't change the past bro its time to let go and realize you live in a free can leave anytime you like.So if your not happy there then leave.

Too bad you dont speak up when it happens again. Go Grandpa's legacy. Did he suffer for your subdivision? Then it wasnt in vain.

Damn I love Rush!

Read the lyrics theyre in Canadian:

To be an aggressor means to attack NOT approach.

No approach no attack. And he had no authority to make an approach and even ask authoritarian questions , if he then made the slightest move to detain the kid then **MARTIN** would have been in " the right " under the " stand your ground " statute.
Respect for your service NoDrama but still there are plenty of racists in the Marines, my brother is one of them.

Funny thing is he wasnt until he joined the Marines then moved upstate after his 2 tours and 6 years of service.
And any one of those theoretical neighborhood watch members that acts like Zimmerman did put themselves on the other side of the law as far as illegal detainment , false police powers and a whole host of other things.

So you endorse vigilanteism do ya. YAH HANg those " dangerous looking different people ".

Zimmerman didnt detain him at least that not what the evidence show so far.I said i before Ill say it again since repeating the same shit over and over is the theme of the day.skittles was suspicious cause he was black.He was suspicious because he was unknown to the neighborhood.He was walking staring at all the houses and acting strange like he was on drugs.It was also pouring rain out.One of the 911 callers when asked if she heard or seen anything else suspicious she said "I heard them talking outside.I thought i was strange because it was raining.Who would be outside in the pouring rain?"
So is this woman a racist too without even seeing trayvons skin color she said it was suspicious for someone to be out in the rain.
Respect for your service NoDrama but still there are plenty of racists in the Marines, my brother is one of them.

Funny thing is he wasnt until he joined the Marines then moved upstate after his 2 tours and 6 years of service.
You sure he is a racist and not just a Bigot who throws stereotypes around?
Why all the suspicion for someone walking in the rain? You motherfuckers are so isolated. People walk to work everyday and they have to walk to their cars in the rain if theyre parked far away. You people must not work when it rains. Oh I forgot Florida is the sunshine state.
It rains like almost every day in parts of Florida, short spurts mostly.