If anything was the pinnacle of proof it would be a domestic he said she said.nope here is one link with video from the news..poor punk azz Zimmerman
If anything was the pinnacle of proof it would be a domestic he said she said.nope here is one link with video from the news..poor punk azz Zimmerman
Hell no...she usually starts it by saying "raise and shine and give God the glory". I got lucky and got one of the good ones. Now if you debate with your ex like you do on here...then maybe you should have expected it..lol...j/kDoes your wife start the day by trying to bean you in the head with a 19" tube TV?
Right now, if I knew your ACTUAL name, I could get an injunction against you. its easy, you don't even need a shred of evidence to get it either.
o.k. ND step away from your stereotype soaked thought processes and actually use your brain. Assaulting a bus driver? He would have been arrested. Caught with marijuana? He would have been arrested. Florida has some of the toughest drug laws in the nation. Do you really think this young black man would have avoided arrest twice for criminal offenses he supposedly committed? Really?
If anything was the pinnacle of proof it would be a domestic he said she said.
Carne, don't use FLA drug laws as an example. The first thing they do is dicker with you. Plead to this or give us this person and we drop the drug charges (which come with a mandatory time). If they didn't there wouldn't be any room in the jails there.
I think there is much more to come from both sides.
Again you dont need to be registered with anything to be a concerned member of society and watch your community.
Its cool for black to smack bitchez and pimp hoez.Zimmermen does and he is a violent monster.I Blame gangstar rap.
Are you sure this applies to minorities as well? I know you have seen the disparity between white and minority drug arrests. Florida is not exempt.
his defense is self defense nohing to do with his credentials as watch man
Im sure the were many war hero that were minorites and as a minority yourself you should have taken this oppurtunity to mention a few and been proud of your heritage.But no you didnt , you spout more of the same.your pity party bullshit.
It can't be self-defense if you instigate the confrontation. Does everyone have selective memory? Trayvon was feet away from the house where he was staying. He was on a walkway between buildings. Zimmerman got out of his SUV and pursued Trayvon several hundred yards before the murder. Zimmerman actively got out of his truck and followed Trayvon. According to the female Trayvon was talking to, Zimmerman made no attempt to identify himself as neighborhood watch. His first words to Trayvon were, "What are you doing around here?" What business is that of Zimmerman's. He wasn't on patrol. He didn't have a watch partner. He was on an errand to the store. He had a gun. This was not self-defense. Period.
And then there was OJ simpson. we could go like this all day if you like.
Any neighbourhood at any time can form a neighborhood watch.You dont have to be registered with anything.You keep saying his violent history.He had no criminal record and he did pass his watch program class.
I know that but they fought against the opposition of their governement and fellow soldiers. A lot of soldiers still do.
Wake up!