trayvan martin

Let me explain it for you. UB and others are saying that Treyvon had every right to attack Zimmerman for following him, yet when other people try the same thing they go to court, because attacking someone else is wrong pretty much all the time. If I follow you around and you hit me, you go to jail, no law against following someone and if you really don't like it, you can go get a restraining order.

And yet again you put words in others mouth that they didn't say. WHat has been said is that ZIMMERMAN FOLLOWED him and THAT is an indisputable FACT , now given the authoritarian wannabe cop attitude it's pretty much a given that ZImmerman didn't just *follow* the kid but quite likely ran his Cop game , and when you won't submit to one of these wannabe clowns they quite often get real handsy.

Put a hand on a lot of folks without a badge to back it up and a lot of them are going to kick the shit oput of you or at the least make a very serious attempt.

And a lot of y'all seem pretty drastically misinformed , it's Fla. It's not a place you run around putting your hands on folks , accosting them or throwing your weight around. Doing so is just like doing it in Hunters Point , it can have painful or fatal consequences.

Following folks and playing cop is a good way to set up a bad scenario right from the jump. And quite frankly if you're following a potential " bad guy " , ya stay out of his view and watch to see if he does something , ya don't go waving your dick around on an authority trip.

OH and the bullshit about " selling weed.OH illegal" THAT'S a right RICH slice of hypocrisy since you're argueing the point on a WEED forum..........
he was far enough away when he fired that not a single drop was reported on his shirt.

STOP. Sorry UB but the above means *nothing* whatsoever and apparently is based upon a movie concept of what happens in the progression of a bullet wound , correct me if I'm wrong. However please don't descend into the same sort of hyperbole the opposite side is indulging in.

If you wish me to go into wound path and entry and exit dynamics I can , but trust me on this one the above means exactly diddly squat.
It can't be self-defense if you instigate the confrontation. Does everyone have selective memory? Trayvon was feet away from the house where he was staying. He was on a walkway between buildings. Zimmerman got out of his SUV and pursued Trayvon several hundred yards before the murder. Zimmerman actively got out of his truck and followed Trayvon. According to the female Trayvon was talking to, Zimmerman made no attempt to identify himself as neighborhood watch. His first words to Trayvon were, "What are you doing around here?" What business is that of Zimmerman's. He wasn't on patrol. He didn't have a watch partner. He was on an errand to the store. He had a gun. This was not self-defense. Period.
I dunno about you , but I find it most effective to close the distance between me and the person I want to ask questions. People find it rude to yell. I normally do this by moving faster than the other guy. Does that make me a dangerous person who you should attack?
STOP. Sorry UB but the above means *nothing* whatsoever and apparently is based upon a movie concept of what happens in the progression of a bullet wound , correct me if I'm wrong. However please don't descend into the same sort of hyperbole the opposite side is indulging in.

If you wish me to go into wound path and entry and exit dynamics I can , but trust me on this one the above means exactly diddly squat.

If he was directly under Trayvon as Zimmerman claimed then there would be blood on him from Trayvon's wound.
The money isn't dirty, its not like they are engaged in illegal activities, hell my dad pays like $120,000 in taxes every quarter. But you are right, Oil when it comes out of the ground is pretty dirty, good thing almost never a drop gets spilled.

Thus explaining your " privileged boy " attitude. Bet you've never lived anyplace where you had to go heavily armed every single day 24/7 out of *necessity*. I'd like to toss your ass out on Mindanao or Palawan for a few months , yeah a nice term in Davao is what you need to get a bit of perspective.

Guess what happens down there when you start following folks and asking them " what are you doing" etc? You get told to fuck off in one of about 50 different dialects and then if you press the issue you get cut high , wide and handsome or maybe if you get lucky you just get shot so you don't have to feel the pain of getting stitched up and healing.

Tell ya what , there are some folks here who really should just stay in their insular little "safe" suburbs and the like where there's sure to be none of those nasty ass " different people ".

Some of y'all are just flat out and out disgusting.
I wouldn't want to be pulled over in the wrong neighborhood and be the wrong color. It is the deep south. Heck, I was called a Yankee in the hills of Alabama and they meant it in a bad way and I was with family.

Edit: You should have seen their eyes bug out of their heads when I took out my bi-racial granddaughter in Fort Myers.

according to nodrama those people were probably concerned for the way you were holding her. was she wearing a hood?
Ok since your so interested in bring up every claim of racisim in the last 400 yrs and obsessed with peoples life experiences when conveying facts Ill share some history about my family.My great grandpa led the ukraine during the holodomoro.If he didnt flee he probly would have starved along with the 2 million other ukrainians,polish, and other slavs that did.But get this instead of bitch and whine and complain about how bad things were in the ukraine they chose to simply leave.Yes thats right the were chased out of their home land by racisism and other political bullshit.And guess what guys can do the same. If you don't like the way your people are being treated there then LEAVE.No one makes you saty in the US and put up with the white keeping you down.

exactly dont confront it dont talk about it run and hush it up. Your grandfather must be very proud of you.
Thus explaining your " privileged boy " attitude. Bet you've never lived anyplace where you had to go heavily armed every single day 24/7 out of *necessity*. I'd like to toss your ass out on Mindanao or Palawan for a few months , yeah a nice term in Davao is what you need to get a bit of perspective.

Guess what happens down there when you start following folks and asking them " what are you doing" etc? You get told to fuck off in one of about 50 different dialects and then if you press the issue you get cut high , wide and handsome or maybe if you get lucky you just get shot so you don't have to feel the pain of getting stitched up and healing.

Tell ya what , there are some folks here who really should just stay in their insular little "safe" suburbs and the like where there's sure to be none of those nasty ass " different people ".

Some of y'all are just flat out and out disgusting.

You keep referencing this shitty ass places(that I am assuming you lived at).Ever stop to think that the reason its so shitty there is because it filled with poeple like you.People that will Cut you on shoot you for the slightest look of verbal address.No one wants to look out for the community Because you might be hurt.So crime runs rampant because none talks to the police.If your community is shitty its because of the people in it.
You keep referencing this shitty ass places(that I am assuming you lived at).Ever stop to think that the reason its so shitty there is because it filled with poeple like you.People that will Cut you on shoot you for the slightest look of verbal address.No one wants to look out for the community Because you might be hurt.So crime runs rampant because none talks to the police.If your community is shitty its because of the people in it.

He almost sounds like Kurt Russel from Escape from New York
Your right i should packed up my wife and kids and my nice life here in canada and move to the ukraine and bitch about shit that happened 100yrs ago.Can't change the past bro its time to let go and realize you live in a free can leave anytime you like.So if your not happy there then leave.
If he was directly under Trayvon as Zimmerman claimed then there would be blood on him from Trayvon's wound.

Still doubtful . Don't take my word for it , do some research on wound dynamics , along with ballistics and just how a given projectile dumps it's force.

He *may* have gotten some blood on him , it's relatively speaking on the short side of the odds , call it 4 to 1 against even if he's inches away. Nobody has said anything about the *wound* , if it's a contact wound then the " on top of him " postulation may hold some water , the WHY of that and the **who initiated conflict** will tell the story if it turned out to be true.

If there is any powder stippling on either garments or the wound itself then it was quite close , the deeper and more concentrated the stippling the closer the contact , unburned powder directly deposited into the wound channel would indicate a *contact* wound.

Look I'm not outing myself any further on this subject , do the research and you'll find out what I'm stating is true. I'd also be interested in the ***specifics*** of the sidearm in question if they are available. Regardless of what anyone within this thread may say the *type* of firearm may say quite a lot.

Prediction , it will turn out to be a low to medium end 9mm parabellum or .40 s and w , Glock , Taurus , Ruger etc. It won't turn out to be a *real* shooters sidearm such as a Sig , Bauer , Kimber or Brown. There IS a possibility of it being a lower end semi-auto in one of the " Pimp " cartridges such as .380 or .32 acp. If it's a revolver ( which I doubt) it'll be junk such as a Rossi.

The other possibility is that it will be whatever was " New and Bangerific" in the last issue of " Combat Handguns and Testosterone" that Zimmerman perused.

NOW........Flip side time to a degree. *IF* Zimmerman did it as I and others suspect and *IF* he has any humanity , morals and ethics whatsoever............then HE has constructed his own ***lifelong*** living HELL that only death will save him from and which will be a far more effective punishment than anything that we or the law could conceive.

Same thing if it alls turns out to be an accident.

Some food for thought.
Your right i should packed up my wife and kids and my nice life here in canada and move to the ukraine and bitch about shit that happened 100yrs ago.Can't change the past bro its time to let go and realize you live in a free can leave anytime you like.So if your not happy there then leave.

Oh I see now. You're Canadian and you're gonna yap about how we do things in the States. I gotcha , yeah I'm gonna subscribe to that one SURE I am.

Don't like how we do things then keep your ass on your own side of the line.That's real simple isn't it?