trayvan martin

That never happened in reality, I know you are trying to say that the dispatcher said that in so many words but the dispatcher isn'ty the maker of the rules. If the dispatcher told you to stick a knife in your eye, would you do it?
I guess you want to be stupid today... Please try to debate with some common-sense
You're severely miss educated if you think blacks were the only enslaved.

remember when i asked you what racism you had to deal with in your life?

remember what you told me?

do i have to tell everyone for you?

it really is quite a hoot of a story to hear how badly you have been effected by racism.
again, mentioning the fact that zimemrman said "fucking coons" is not race baiting, it is simply stating a fact of the case.
Not a fact, Speculation. He very well COULD have said something else, the quality of audio is VERY POOR at that part of the recording, he very well could have said "Goons" and you wouldn't know the difference.

you don't seem to get the difference between discussing the facts and taunting.
Probably because only one of you is using real facts, the other is speculating, guessing, and his heart is doing all the thinking.

Hey, one of the reasons I like you is because you wear your heart on your sleeve and seem to be genuinely concerned about the fair treatment of everyone, but you aren't treating George fairly at all.
But you would beat someones ass if they approached you and tried to speak with you.

aren't the photos of zimmerman's bashed skull and broken nose damning?

aren't the photos of zimmerman's blood on trayvon's hands damning?

all that evidence. i mean, they have so much evidence, i don't know what to do with it all!
yeah, you guys are really handing it to us.

i mean, the myriad of evidence we have is astonishing. according to you guys, trayvon curb stomped this guy who had nearly 100 pounds on him and bashed his skull and broke his nose, and we know it's true because zimmerman's blood is all over trayvon's hands, and we have the photos to prove it!

those photos were taken by the police force, who did such a great job that no one had to step down. and they have absolutely no history of previous embarrassing racial incidents like this one.

man, did anyone see those photos of zimmerman all bashed o hell by this kid? damning.

Birds of a feather flock together...The Zimmerman fan club are a bunch of paranoid pussies still living at home with their parents. No fight in them what so ever so they must carry around a pistol in case a young skinny boy beat that ass
remember when i asked you what racism you had to deal with in your life?

remember what you told me?

do i have to tell everyone for you?

it really is quite a hoot of a story to hear how badly you have been effected by racism.
How about the media sensationalizing zimm into a white man?
thats anti white against all whites.
aren't the photos of zimmerman's bashed skull and broken nose damning?

aren't the photos of zimmerman's blood on trayvon's hands damning?

all that evidence. i mean, they have so much evidence, i don't know what to do with it all!
Shit what photos... ????
But you would beat someones ass if they approached you and tried to speak with you.

If it was one on one and said person had been following me in a car and approached me in the dark with a gun without iding themselves. You know what I would try to run first but fight if I have no other options. This has happened to me before you fucking hermit.
aren't the photos of zimmerman's bashed skull and broken nose damning?

aren't the photos of zimmerman's blood on trayvon's hands damning?

all that evidence. i mean, they have so much evidence, i don't know what to do with it all!
there will not be blood from one knock down blow that broke his nose then grabbed his head and started bashing it in the sidewalk, how would blood get on him from that?
curb stomping?

why, that type of thing would leave quite the mark!

can i see your evidence to prove this curb stomping?

what's that? you have zero evidence of siad curb stomping yet talk about it as if it were fact anyway?

holy fluoride, batman!

Evidence? You mean like a police report, the FACT that George was administered FIRST AID by the EMT's? They all made reports, you should go look for them instead of just blatantly ignoring any real evidence that doesn't corroborate your fantasy of what happened.
Not a fact, Speculation. He very well COULD have said something else, the quality of audio is VERY POOR at that part of the recording, he very well could have said "Goons" and you wouldn't know the difference.

oh, darn these hooligans and their shenanigans! causing quite the tizzy about the town square, gallivanting about so intrepidly.

fucking coons!

Probably because only one of you is using real facts, the other is speculating, guessing, and his heart is doing all the thinking.

was it NLXSK using facts when he said that it must be a hate crime for the simple fact that a black man was involved? or was he throwing out some bait?

clearly, this is all londonfog's fault for asking about what he heard on a tape.
If it was one on one and said person had been following me in a car and approached me in the dark with a gun without iding themselves. You know what I would try to run first but fight if I have no other options. This has happened to me before you fucking hermit.

Its simple you don,t want to be bothered with some nosey ass neighbour all up in your bussiness don't go into a neighbor with a giant fucking neighbourhood watch sign on the gate.And if you do don't be suprised if someone is watch you.
You're severely miss educated if you think blacks were the only enslaved.

Yup in school they taught us how to sing all those great white spirituals about the days they were enslaved. My favorite is " The mayo's too hot for my bologna, Master Washington"

I can see the sweat glistening off of their freckly red backs as the black masters cracked their whips. Poor poor white people.
Its simple you don,t want to be bothered with some nosey ass neighbour all up in your bussiness don't go into a neighbor with a giant fucking neighbourhood watch sign on the gate.And if you do don't be suprised if someone is watch you.

yep, trayvon should have stayed out of that community where he was residing and all would have been well.

this is clearly trayvon's fault.
Birds of a feather flock together...The Zimmerman fan club are a bunch of paranoid pussies still living at home with their parents. No fight in them what so ever so they must carry around a pistol in case a young skinny boy beat that ass
Shit, I wish I lived with my mother, they have 4 different homes and a Lake cabin. Instead i gotta farm all fucking spring, one good thing though, the nice temps have made spring planting a breeze, sure could use some rain though.
Evidence? You mean like a police report, the FACT that George was administered FIRST AID by the EMT's? They all made reports, you should go look for them instead of just blatantly ignoring any real evidence that doesn't corroborate your fantasy of what happened.
When someone has a physical injury from an assault, pictures are taken. If he had a broken nose and bloody head it better be some pictures to go with that...
Its simple you don,t want to be bothered with some nosey ass neighbour all up in your bussiness don't go into a neighbor with a giant fucking neighbourhood watch sign on the gate.And if you do don't be suprised if someone is watch you.

again leave your gated community and read the news. This happened to me on the street in Flushing, this has happened to people in Howard Beach not gated communities.