trayvan martin

oh, darn these hooligans and their shenanigans! causing quite the tizzy about the town square, gallivanting about so intrepidly.

fucking coons!

was it NLXSK using facts when he said that it must be a hate crime for the simple fact that a black man was involved? or was he throwing out some bait?

clearly, this is all londonfog's fault for asking about what he heard on a tape.
We can agree on one thing, it was London's fault.
Yup in school they taught us how to sing all those great white spirituals about the days they were enslaved. My favorite is " The mayo's too hot for my bologna, Master Washington"

I can see the sweat glistening off of their freckly red backs as the black masters cracked their whips. Poor poor white people.

guess youve never heard about native americans? auschwitz? the holodomoro? North korea or china?
Shit, I wish I lived with my mother, they have 4 different homes and a Lake cabin. Instead i gotta farm all fucking spring, one good thing though, the nice temps have made spring planting a breeze, sure could use some rain though.

Yeah that dirty oil made money really helps
there will not be blood from one knock down blow that broke his nose then grabbed his head and started bashing it in the sidewalk, how would blood get on him from that?

i don't know, if i punched someone hard enough to break their nose, i would not expect their nose to bleed. if i were smashing someone's skull into the concrete, i would certainly not expect that blood from the broken nose to get anywhere.

and if i shot someone who was close enough to prevent me from having any possible avenue of escape, i would certainly not expect any blood to get on me in any way.

fluoride logic.
guess youve never heard about native americans? auschwitz? the holodomoro? North korea or china?

The difference is they stopped or were killed by white people.

Native Americans - white people
Auschwitz - white people
Japan - white people

Only white people can still enslave others. The only slavery still spoken about is white slavery.
When someone has a physical injury from an assault, pictures are taken. If he had a broken nose and bloody head it better be some pictures to go with that...

You mean the police "Always" take pictures? No they don't it isn't SOP. They take pictures of murder scenes and such, but they rely on reports from QUALIFIED medical personnel to let them know how much injury one has sustained. Cops aren't doctors and their testimony as to the extent of ACTUAL injury carries ZERO weight on a stand.

Martin's girlfriend had said in a recording obtained exclusively by ABC News that she heard Martin ask Zimmerman "why are your following me, and then the man asked, what are you doing around here." She then heard a scuffle break out and the line went dead.

Again No ID from Zimmerman just a stalking meathead with a gun.

ABC News has also learned that Martin was staying in Sanford at the time because he'd been suspended from Krop High School in Miami after school officials found him with a baggy that they suspected contained marijuana. He was staying at his father's fiance's house in Sanford.
Family spokesperson Ryan Julison confirmed to ABC News that Martin was suspended for an "empty baggy that had contained pot."

Could have been any of us.

While in life Trayvon Martin was barely 17, when it comes to justifiable homicide his size -- about 6-foot-3 and 150 pounds -- makes him an adult in death.
Zimmerman, 28, is 5-foot-9 and weighs well over 200 pounds.

How was Trayvon twice his size? Again these are the kids I see walking home everyday. I dont suspect them of anything. I dont follow them in the dark in an unmarked car and come out with a gun to ask them "What are you doing here?" because I dont assume they dont have the right to be wherever they are just because of the way they look. Even in his CURRENT facebook page Trayvon is a stringbean.

They thought it MIGHT contain pot. It was an empty baggie. What that has to do with his murder is beyond me. Amazing a bunch of stoners using an empty baggie as proof of his character being bad. Normally you all would be screaming to the rooftops over flimsy fucking evidence for suspension. The so-called eyewitness was a 13 year old watching from his house and he wasn't watching when the shot rang out. He was trying to catch his dog. Great witness. Yep.
Yup if I see it I'm going to call it out... I know certain people would love for people like me to just be quiet and ignore whats going on....THOSE DAYS ARE OVER:cuss:

If you were quiet that would be no fun, I missed you the last time you left for those few weeks, I even made a thread about it.
should we send zimmerman a get well card? i mean, his skull was supposedly smashed and his nose broken, i imagine he is still recovering in a hospital somewhere, drinking jello through a straw.
Birds of a feather flock together...The Zimmerman fan club are a bunch of paranoid pussies still living at home with their parents. No fight in them what so ever so they must carry around a pistol in case a young skinny boy beat that ass

Gosh, Londonfog, you forgot to mention how we started all the race-baiting on this thread. It seems to me that ought to get a mention too. :-)
Yeah that dirty oil made money really helps
The money isn't dirty, its not like they are engaged in illegal activities, hell my dad pays like $120,000 in taxes every quarter. But you are right, Oil when it comes out of the ground is pretty dirty, good thing almost never a drop gets spilled.
Its simple you don,t want to be bothered with some nosey ass neighbour all up in your bussiness don't go into a neighbor with a giant fucking neighbourhood watch sign on the gate.And if you do don't be suprised if someone is watch you.

I don't think the "watching" was the problem as much as the whole murdering thing. It's fine to watch people, not so much with the murder.
there are no photos, but you'd never know it by listening to mr. necessary right talk about it.

you'd think he was there to witness the whole thing the way he speaks of curb stomping and skull smashing.

UB, I am disappointed in you. Why have you not demanded the full video of the incident taken by NSA satellites overhead?