trayvan martin

The kid didnt have a car or a bag so what could he be stealing from homes? Where is the threat except in this guys mind? Zimmerman has some responsibility to analyze the situation before acting as well. He never IDs himself and the car is unmarked. Where was Zimmerman's gun when he walked out of the car? Does he where a uniform or have a badge? Anyone following me in an unmarked car to me is a threat. Zimmerman is obviously creeping in his car not driving by Treyvon.

Again I ask how many of you have been followed by cars by people of any race? For me once it was white people in Forest Hills, NY and the second time it was a bunch of Latino men in Flushing. The one time my exes brother was followed home by a car it was a bunch of Latino kids who robbed him at gunpoint for his new Columbia jacket. 1 block from his house.

Unmarked cars creeping behind you are never ever a good thing.
I feel exactly like you do, the next time someone approaches me I will just shoot first. We all know people who are trying to converse with you are really just trying to kill you.

yeah i always creep in my car with a handgun while talking to a 911 dispatcher when i want to converse with someone
No drama have you had this experience? Then please STFU again you speak from your isolation chamber get out of your comfort zone and have a different experience please.
The kid didnt have a car or a bag so what could he be stealing from homes? Where is the threat except in this guys mind? Zimmerman has some responsibility to analyze the situation before acting as well. He never IDs himself and the car is unmarked. Where was Zimmerman's gun when he walked out of the car? Does he where a uniform or have a badge? Anyone following me in an unmarked car to me is a threat. Zimmerman is obviously creeping in his car not driving by Treyvon.

Again I ask how many of you have been followed by cars by people of any race? For me once it was white people in Forest Hills, NY and the second time it was a bunch of Latino men in Flushing. The one time my exes brother was followed home by a car it was a bunch of Latino kids who robbed him at gunpoint for his new Columbia jacket. 1 block from his house.

Unmarked cars creeping behind you are never ever a good thing.

You actually believe that only police have authority to follow or ask questions?
No drama have you had this experience? Then please STFU again you speak from your isolation chamber get out of your comfort zone and have a different experience please.

Had someone initiate a conversation with me? Nope, I always shoot those murderers first.
is the grocer following me home in a car and is armed with a handgun ? is the grocer in fantasy land trying to be robocop while on the phone with a 911 dispatcher?
No drama have you had this experience? Then please STFU again you speak from your isolation chamber get out of your comfort zone and have a different experience please.

Oh wait, you meant have someone follow me? Multiple times per day actually, but I keep an eye on them and if they try to talk to me, well BANG BANG MO FO!!
is the grocer following me home in a car and is armed with a handgun ? is the grocer in fantasy land trying to be robocop while on the phone with a 911 dispatcher?

You would be surprised at how many grocers have a handgun behind the counter, that MUST MEAN they are intending to kill you, right?
if i was walking like this kid...minding my own business and some retard is following me..then he exits vehicle to confront me ..i would absolutely take that as threatening ...i would beat his fat ass too...if he asked me a question like "who are you"? or what are you doing? i would tell him to fuck off, mind his damn business an get back in your car before i beat your ass....this kid probably felt threatened and saw the gun and reacted like most people..fight for your life..but this fat pussy shot him
You actually believe that only police have authority to follow or ask questions?

Ok now detail for us WHO besides LEO's have the authority as described above. Again , if you follow *me* you'd *better* have a badge , if you don't then we're going to have a problem when you start throwing your weight around.

All these pages later and *you* and the adherents to your position are still crawfishing and flopping to attempt to get around the central point....***** if Zimmerman had not gotten out and pursued/followed Martin there would have been NO problem*****.

And I wasn't joking in what I stated , I'm a perverse sonofabitch , start following me and I might just make it easy to follow me and just kinda oooze along to a nice quiet place where there aren't any witnesses around , then we might just have a nice intimate conversation about just exactly what you think you're doing.

And NoDrama? You strike me as someone who has never had to put up with the Drama of leaving on the *real* bad side of town , another yuppie dilettante on the InterWebZ.

Interesting video.

Personally, I object to the photos displayed of Trayvon and Zimmer. To display TM's photo as a young child and Zimmer as a bloated thug has only one intent, to push the idea that this was a match up between a young, angelic kid and a bloated thug. At this point in the story it is common knowledge that the photo being used by the media is not current and does not TM's recent appearance. I tend to dislike claims about the "liberal media", but in this case it sure looks like the liberal media has an agenda.

Somebody here posted more recent photos of Trayvon, it was some time earlier in this massive clusterfuck of a thread.
if i was walking like this kid...minding my own business and some retard is following me..then he exits vehicle to confront me ..i would absolutely take that as threatening ...i would beat his fat ass too...if he asked me a question like "who are you"? or what are you doing? i would tell him to fuck off, mind his damn business an get back in your car before i beat your ass....this kid probably felt threatened and saw the gun and reacted like most people..fight for your life..but this fat pussy shot him

Not realistic, if saw the gun he would have run, your sensationalism is scary, further more if your going to attack someone because in your own fucked up head you think someone is threatening you thats your own delusion and deserve to be shot and probably one day will be if your always so paranoid about someone attacking you.
if i was walking like this kid...minding my own business and some retard is following me..then he exits vehicle to confront me ..i would absolutely take that as threatening ...i would beat his fat ass too...if he asked me a question like "who are you"? or what are you doing? i would tell him to fuck off, mind his damn business an get back in your car before i beat your ass....this kid probably felt threatened and saw the gun and reacted like most people..fight for your life..but this fat pussy shot him

And you would go to jail for assault and battery.
Oh wait, you meant have someone follow me? Multiple times per day actually, but I keep an eye on them and if they try to talk to me, well BANG BANG MO FO!!

You've got a whole herd of strawboys dontcha , they aren't even strawmen anymore , your arguements have become that pitiful.

Funny you don't state how you'd react to some clown running up on you aggressively , asking a buncha questions he has NO authority to ask , and waving a gun around to boot.

And guess what , being some clown who claims " neighborhood watch " doesn't even remotely give someone that authority.
Not realistic, if saw the gun he would have run, your sensationalism is scary, further more if your going to attack someone because in your own fucked up head you think someone is threatening you thats your own delusion and deserve to be shot and probably one day will be if your always so paranoid about someone attacking you.

what sensationalism? will never outrun a bullet...if you are close to a gun you have two choices so what they say and hope you don't get shot or make a move for the gun....if you don't think people roll up on someone in a car and get out and rob/shoot them ..then i would love to move there ..where is this shangrila located...20 people got shot in my city THIS WEEKEND alone..sometimes it is a robbery for an iphone or ipod or cash..sometimes it is mistaken identity .. if someone is following you armed with a handgun and exits the vehicle to confront you ..that is a real threat.