trayvan martin

I grew up in so cal so did my cousin, what you know about that? Had to fight nearly every day in school, grades k-12 and no matter if you wanted to or not.
Id say that makes me and my cousin pretty bad ass.
Anyone from so cal or knows exactly what im talking about.
Socal not another state like it.
Tough Award

Just kidding, Fighting in school is what we call fun times in south Boston
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Finally, desert dude takes the bait and enters the fray with a sarcastic comment about "hate crimes". Not exactly a racial comment, but close enough.

Unclebuck, you made the charge over and over that desert dude and NXLS started all the race baiting in this thread. Enough said on this topic.

I hereby end my quest to determine "who is the racist". Readers, you decide.
Yeah, I would say you made your case pretty damn well there, I guess UB really is a racist.
I grew up in so cal so did my cousin, what you know about that? Had to fight nearly every day in school, grades k-12 and no matter if you wanted to or not.
Id say that makes me and my cousin pretty bad ass.
Anyone from so cal or knows exactly what im talking about.
Socal not another state like it.
Ah, I love it when you SoCal kids come up to Oakland and pretend how hard you are. Gettin' your friends capped must be an awesome feelin' for y'all.

Edit: Relative to the original post, there have been quite a few "hoodie" marches around my area. I don't know what it will accomplish other than keeping our heads warm at night. But I personally think the shooter was in the wrong, so whatever I can do I will.
Yeah, I would say you made your case pretty damn well there, I guess UB really is a racist.

The thing is, I don't think UB is a racist in the sense that he harbors animosity toward people of other races. In fact, I think true racists are a pretty rare breed. I do take a bit of delight in taunting UB, and that is a failing on my part. I will try to resist in the future, but I make no promises.

The malady that UB suffers from is that he thinks EVERYBODY ELSE is racist, a very common affliction amongst self-described liberals. UB seems like a pretty smart guy; he writes clearly, for example. I just wish UB would be a little more introspective, maybe then he could use his intelligence to further man's progress instead of being so mistrustful of everybody else's, exposed-only-to-him, thoughts.
Seems like another excuse to attack and persecute the non racist white man for the agenda of the media.
Why dont we here about things like this when there are hate crimes from blacks against whites. Perhaps it doesnt fit any political agenda.
so i guess by florida law anyone can go initiate a fight and get cracked in the face a couple times an then shoot the guy dead they started the fight with and it is legal huh?
Just like not all white people are crackers. Its a mentality:

Cracker, sometimes white cracker, is a pejorative term for white people,[SUP][1][/SUP] poor and Southern whites especially. In reference to a native of Florida or Georgia, however, it is used in a more neutral context.

Latinos are racist too. Its how the situation was handled and the way he instantly ids the guy as a threat instead of saying "Hey man are you looking for an address?" It the assumption that a black teen in a hood is immediately up to no good. The smart person looks for all possibilities to eliminate this kind of outcome. Ive been in confrontations with knife wielding thieves and crackheads at work those are obvious threats. If someone looks lost or is minding their own business you dont stalk them, you treat them like a normal person. This hyped up sense of authority this guy had eliminated all other possibilities but "Im in charge and because of the way you look you are a criminal".
Just like not all white people are crackers. Its a mentality:

Cracker, sometimes white cracker, is a pejorative term for white people,[SUP][1][/SUP] poor and Southern whites especially. In reference to a native of Florida or Georgia, however, it is used in a more neutral context.

Latinos are racist too. Its how the situation was handled and the way he instantly ids the guy as a threat instead of saying "Hey man are you looking for an address?" It the assumption that a black teen in a hood is immediately up to no good. The smart person looks for all possibilities to eliminate this kind of outcome. Ive been in confrontations with knife wielding thieves and crackheads at work those are obvious threats. If someone looks lost or is minding their own business you dont stalk them, you treat them like a normal person. This hyped up sense of authority this guy had eliminated all other possibilities but "Im in charge and because of the way you look you are a criminal".
Though zimm was a paranoid on alert supervisor of hood watch, i dont think he should have followed him but zimm didnt break the law, that is why he is not in jail.
so i guess by florida law anyone can go initiate a fight and get cracked in the face a couple times an then shoot the guy dead they started the fight with and it is legal huh?

I feel exactly like you do, the next time someone approaches me I will just shoot first. We all know people who are trying to converse with you are really just trying to kill you.
If anybody is interested here is a pretty good explanation of why I think Zimmer will walk on the murder charge. I believe he will be indicted for something, maybe even murder, but the way the SYG law is written, I think Zimmer has a pretty good defense.

Personally, I am waiting for this to play out before I "convict" Zimmer of anything more than being a nosy moron. Just to be clear, I hate nosy morons.
Just like not all white people are crackers. Its a mentality:

Cracker, sometimes white cracker, is a pejorative term for white people,[SUP][1][/SUP] poor and Southern whites especially. In reference to a native of Florida or Georgia, however, it is used in a more neutral context.

Latinos are racist too. Its how the situation was handled and the way he instantly ids the guy as a threat instead of saying "Hey man are you looking for an address?" It the assumption that a black teen in a hood is immediately up to no good. The smart person looks for all possibilities to eliminate this kind of outcome. Ive been in confrontations with knife wielding thieves and crackheads at work those are obvious threats. If someone looks lost or is minding their own business you dont stalk them, you treat them like a normal person. This hyped up sense of authority this guy had eliminated all other possibilities but "Im in charge and because of the way you look you are a criminal".

Now walking up to someone and asking them a question is now "stalking"

stop stalking this thread.

And all Latinos are racists? Really?