trayvan martin

the tape of zimmerman's call to 911.

go ahead, tell me he is saying "fucking brooms".

you can make any sound what you think if you put words to it.
you can make any sound what you think if you put words to it.

Zimmerman is a rent a cop Capt,,,,in that area,,that's why he wasn't put in jail,,,,but crap will fly within the next 2 weeks
You shouldn't get more jail time for shooting someone because, "he was a nigger, all niggers die," compared to, "he was a New York Yankees fan, all them must die!" Some sports freaks get very angry. Both should get equal sentences. Race isn't ever a factor. I'm a secular humanist. We're all human. As a vegan, I care for all animal kingdom life. I never see race. I refused to fill out the 2010 census because it had race. If you feel race matters, ever, fuck you.

This for once is not a troll post. I may like to screw with people, but this here is me.
Who gives a shit? Kid dead. The end. Where's juctice for Michael Jackson? You're the racist illiterate asshole, not me. I already said he should go to jail, it shoudn't be worse based on race. Unclebuck you're just a liberal tool. Grow up.
Two different cases guy..Michael Jackson had a gun and was involved in a shoot out with other gang members...Trayvan had skittles and a can of ice tea minding his business, whilst walking back home from the can't be that dense to compare the two..or can you:confused:
Two different cases guy..Michael Jackson had a gun and was involved in a shoot out with other gang members...Trayvan had skittles and a can of ice tea minding his business, whilst walking back home from the can't be that dense to compare the two..or can you:confused:

never put anything past a closet racist.
Two different cases guy..Michael Jackson had a gun and was involved in a shoot out with other gang members...Trayvan had skittles and a can of ice tea minding his business, whilst walking back home from the can't be that dense to compare the two..or can you:confused:

you gotta admit tea in the right light looks like a gun

Hell it also states that Micheal Jackson and a friend fired the first shot...Sorry to see a young mans life be tragically taken, but this case is nothing close to Trayvan..I suggest Canna Sylvan read before he/she just stupidly post craziness..kinda reminds me of this guy who works at Wal Mart that use to post stupid shit..
Man, the stench of stupid is strong in this thread. Ever since the "Big Hack" this place has morphed from from a vomitorium into a steaming pile of shit.

We need several buttons: "sad uteris", "happy uteris", "confused uteris", "post orgasmic uteris", "sandy uteris", "randy uteris", "cheesy uteris", "more cheese", "buy your own goddamn cheese", "who moved my cheese?", "I like cheese with my uteris".

ORLANDO - A witness we haven't heard from before paints a much different picture than we've seen so far of what happened the night 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was shot and killed.

The night of that shooting, police say there was a witness who saw it all.
Our sister station, FOX 35 in Orlando, has spoken to that witness. What Sanford Police investigators have in the folder, they put together on the killing of Trayvon Martin few know about.

The file now sits in the hands of the state attorney. Now that file is just weeks away from being opened to a grand jury. It shows more now about why police believed that night that George Zimmerman shouldn't have gone to jail.

Zimmerman called 911 and told dispatchers he was following a teen. The dispatcher told Zimmerman not to. And from that moment to the shooting, details are few. But one man's testimony could be key for the police.

"The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: 'help, help…and I told him to stop and I was calling 911," he said.

Trayvon Martin was in a hoodie; Zimmerman was in red.

The witness only wanted to be identified as "John," and didn't not want to be shown on camera. His statements to police were instrumental, because police backed up Zimmerman's claims, saying those screams on the 911 call are those of Zimmerman.

"When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point," John said.

Zimmerman says the shooting was self defense. According to information released on the Sanford city website, Zimmerman said he was going back to his SUV when he was attacked by the teen.

Sanford police say Zimmerman was bloody in his face and head, and the back of his shirt was wet and had grass stains, indicating a struggle took place before the shooting.

It'll be interesting to see how this turns out now , especially since Obamas gotten involved and Likened Treyvon to a son he might of had , Which really makes no sense unless hes talking about the color of his skin.

It'll be interesting to see how this turns out now , especially since Obamas gotten involved and Likened Treyvon to a son he might of had , Which really makes no sense unless hes talking about the color of his skin.

Quit with the eye witness accounts and facts already. This is a "hate crime" pure and simple. We have heard from the "haters" and we have heard from those who are pure of thought. Zimmer's guilty, all we have to do now is figure out all the charges.
Man, the stench of stupid is strong in this thread. Ever since the "Big Hack" this place has morphed from from a vomitorium into a steaming pile of shit.

We need several buttons: "sad uteris", "happy uteris", "confused uteris", "post orgasmic uteris", "sandy uteris", "randy uteris", "cheesy uteris", "more cheese", "buy your own goddamn cheese", "who moved my cheese?", "I like cheese with my uteris".

Your on to something there Desert Dude . Insults and unintelligent conversation are a huge turnoff to me too . I am not religeous but anyone who is gets trashed and thats not cool . The same with a lot of threads - thrashing and trashing posts with slams and no facts . I some how expected more . A sad button would fit right in .
Your on to something there Desert Dude . Insults and unintelligent conversation are a huge turnoff to me too . I am not religeous but anyone who is gets trashed and thats not cool . The same with a lot of threads - thrashing and trashing posts with slams and no facts . I some how expected more . A sad button would fit right in .

This is like every other forum I have been a member of.

Like crying cause the sun rose in the sky again...
i am confident that zimmerman will be charged eventually...the grand jury will indict this piece of crap... zimmerman should also be charged with statutory rape..he has a 17 year old girlfriend for 3 years and that douchebag is 28...i will be pleased in 2 weeks when this loser gets arrested and charged.