trayvan martin

i am confident that zimmerman will be charged eventually...the grand jury will indict this piece of crap... zimmerman should also be charged with statutory rape..he has a 17 year old girlfriend for 3 years and that douchebag is 28...i will be pleased in 2 weeks when this loser gets arrested and charged.

You are probably right about him being charged... for something. When you have the president lamenting the son he never had and Al Sharpton agitating you can be sure that somebody is going down.

Jorge Zimmer is not a very sympathetic character. He was an idiot to have gotten so involved in a stupid situation. He should have stayed in his car. He was an idiot, pure and simple. He should be charged with aggravated stupidity and sentenced to 100 years of common sense training.
Its funny I bet if we took a poll 90% of the,responders here are,white suburban males who have never been on the wrong end of,any kind of crime much less experienced true racism. The geraldo post earlier illustrates that mentality. Hes basically protecting his son,from ignorant idiots like himself. His thought process is completely racist. Dont dress like an urban latino or black youth unless you want to be confused with,the,negative images of black and latino youths the media put out. Wtf? im sure trayvon did confront him. If a scumbag that looked like zimerman (lets face it regardless of race the guy looks like a douche) was following me id get agitated and confront him or if outnumbered run. was the car labeled neighborhood watch ? Did zimmerman id himself? If both of those are no, then all of his other actuons add up to equal racism. Ive been in the same situation in ny. Forest hills to be exact. No neighborhood watch just a bunch of white guys in a camaro who didnt appreciate an asian and latino in their hood even though my asian friend lived there.
Its funny I bet if we took a poll 90% of the,responders here are,white suburban males who have never been on the wrong end of,any kind of crime much less experienced true racism. The geraldo post earlier illustrates that mentality. Hes basically protecting his son,from ignorant idiots like himself. His thought process is completely racist. Dont dress like an urban latino or black youth unless you want to be confused with,the,negative images of black and latino youths the media put out. Wtf? im sure trayvon did confront him. If a scumbag that looked like zimerman (lets face it regardless of race the guy looks like a douche) was following me id get agitated and confront him or if outnumbered run. was the car labeled neighborhood watch ? Did zimmerman id himself? If both of those are no, then all of his other actuons add up to equal racism. Ive been in the same situation in ny. Forest hills to be exact. No neighborhood watch just a bunch of white guys in a camaro who didnt appreciate an asian and latino in their hood even though my asian friend lived there.

Now here is your typical lets lump everyone into the same group mentality like the shooter!!!!!!!
Again you all speak abouy this academically and that is why you have no sympathy or understanding. Its either a broken moral compass or racism. Neither of which makes you good people.
Its funny I bet if we took a poll 90% of the,responders here are,white suburban males who have never been on the wrong end of,any kind of crime much less experienced true racism. The geraldo post earlier illustrates that mentality. Hes basically protecting his son,from ignorant idiots like himself. His thought process is completely racist. Dont dress like an urban latino or black youth unless you want to be confused with,the,negative images of black and latino youths the media put out. Wtf? im sure trayvon did confront him. If a scumbag that looked like zimerman (lets face it regardless of race the guy looks like a douche) was following me id get agitated and confront him or if outnumbered run. was the car labeled neighborhood watch ? Did zimmerman id himself? If both of those are no, then all of his other actuons add up to equal racism. Ive been in the same situation in ny. Forest hills to be exact. No neighborhood watch just a bunch of white guys in a camaro who didnt appreciate an asian and latino in their hood even though my asian friend lived there.

I agree that Jorge does look like a douche bag. It is kind of racist to presume we are 90% white males who grew up in the lap of luxury (because, of course, all whites grow up in the lap of luxury due to their inclusion in the white men's club), though, don't you agree?

Let's face it, all the liberal, thought-crime groupies here are confused about who to sympathize with. One one side you have a latino (Jorge) and on the other is a young black kid (Trayvon). It's so confusing, who is the hater here? What we need is a white guy with blue eyes named Chad doing the shooting, then the case would be slam dunk.
Kkeeerrrriiistttt on a damn crutch already...............some of y'all quite frankly have your heads up your asses. Speaking as a licensed defensive firearms instructor and combat tactics instructor.

This ***WAS NOT A CASE OF SELF DEFENSE*** , and don't **anyone** here had me a buncha bullshit about fucking RACE until you clear THAT frigging hurdle , then we can get to the FACT that it was racially motivated.

Now I BEG a single one of a certain crowd here to try and tell *ME* that it was " self defefense" , go ahead please do because when ya do I'm going to make you look like a thorough and complete I D I O T..........

And some of y'all here are as disgusting on this issue as the politicos who are now exploiting this kids tragic death to "make hay" O' Bummer should bloody damned well be completely ASHAMED of his asinine behavior , and that opportunistic piece of febrile detritus known as Al Sharpton , he should be consigned to a small cell with David Duke , they deserve each other and there really is very little difference between the two of them.

And guess what folks *I* don't give a shit who " saw Zimmerman on the ground" , I'm half his size too and if the cracker fuck ran up on me with his bullshit " I'm in charge" rap and waving a sidearm like a pecker I'd have beaten his ass like a fucking redheaded stepchild. If he ran up on this kid , started a scrap and then subsequent to that shot the kid 'cause he was getting his ass thumped over TROUBLE HE FRIGGING WENT LOOKING FOR!!!!! then he's just another pussy cracker asshole who couldn't handle shit he started and took the punk way SOMEBODY ANY one of you folks attempting to make a justification for all this tell me that Zimmerman didn't ****GO LOOKING FOR TROUBLE*****............and he found it.

Too bad he didn't run up on a trained licensed individual waving his dick shaped like a sidearm , a good portion of trained folks would just tap him twice immediately upon seeing the gun come out. He picked what he thought was an easy target , very little doubt on that issue.
Desert dude i said nothing about luxury. Im talking isolation and experience. Are you a white suburban male?
My boss was from guAtemala she married a white cop and moved to the suburbs. Forgot all about her experiences and now its all black peope are lazy and want handouts and my taxes. Raci$m is about experience and ignorance which could lead to maliciousness.
Man, the stench of stupid is strong in this thread. Ever since the "Big Hack" this place has morphed from from a vomitorium into a steaming pile of shit.

We need several buttons: "sad uteris", "happy uteris", "confused uteris", "post orgasmic uteris", "sandy uteris", "randy uteris", "cheesy uteris", "more cheese", "buy your own goddamn cheese", "who moved my cheese?", "I like cheese with my uteris".

The red line under uteris lets you know it's not a word
Again you all speak abouy this academically and that is why you have no sympathy or understanding. Its either a broken moral compass or racism. Neither of which makes you good people.

And your avatar makes you into a rapist woman beating , sexually exploitative fuckwad too. See how that works , now take your Al Sharpton style bullshit outa this or suffer the frigging consequences , you're no goddamned better than the borderline cracker assholes.

Here lets get something out in the open , I *am* from the Deep South born and raised , I *am* of mixed race , and I thoroughly and completely detest the Cracker/KKK style crowd , but then I EQUALLY detest the crowd that's standing there screaming REPARATIONS! ...and pissing and moaning about events a 150 years plus past..........BOTH SIDES are FREAKING RACIST .....and if any insular " keep within the ranks" fucking FOOL of ANY stripe , ideology or race is too bloody damned STUPID to see THAT and see the corollary aspect of just HOW the fucking RACE CARD is constantly played by those in power and the media for nothing more than sensationalism to keep the general public occupied and *****at each others throats********* then if ya can't see it you;re just plain fucking BLIND.
Desert dude i said nothing about luxury. Im talking isolation and experience. Are you a white suburban male?
My boss was from guAtemala she married a white cop and moved to the suburbs. Forgot all about her experiences and now its all black peope are lazy and want handouts and my taxes. Raci$m is about experience and ignorance which could lead to maliciousness.

Ah yes the usual liberal style indoctrinated mantra , ten to one you're a LilyWhite Faddist Twit following the issue ;cause it's trendy and you figure to assuage some sort of " guilt" via obsequious BULLSHIT like the above. Typical Pipe-n-Slippers fucking liberal with shit for direct experience.

Hey clown how many days have YOU had to stretch a five lb bag of rice to cover?
Desert dude i said nothing about luxury. Im talking isolation and experience. Are you a white suburban male?
My boss was from guAtemala she married a white cop and moved to the suburbs. Forgot all about her experiences and now its all black peope are lazy and want handouts and my taxes. Raci$m is about experience and ignorance which could lead to maliciousness.

I am white, mostly. I grew up in Chicago in a Mexican neighborhood that nearly everybody would classify as a ghetto. I now live in a small town in the California desert that has no suburbs because it has no urb.

You seem to want to dismiss anybody here who is white. How is that conducive to a conversation? How is that any better than a white guy who dismisses your opinion because you are black/asian/mexican/etc?
jorge is not a "cracker" he is hispanic.... it is insane for this useless police dept. to not have arrested this turd...if you creep on someone in a car and you are armed then get out and get your ass beat..then shoot the guy and he dies ..who was acting in self should be charged with murder..this loser zimmerman will be charged with murder before april 15th...the police chief should be fired asap.
All I can say is I,speak from experience not ideology. I have white skin and im latino. I grew up in the ghetto and went to the best boarding school in the country. I spent every summer with my 12 black and white cousins in Peru sharing rice and eggs and ive worked half my life for fortune 500 company. IVE SEEN RACISM AND IVE BEEN PUT IN SITUATIONS IN WHICH IVE BEEN RACIST (and im ashamed and thought back on my behavior and chNgedT The point is environment and experience play a part even though some of you dont want to
Admit it. and to zealous about my avatar ive never hurt a woman which is in sharp contrast to alot of the avatars and posters behaviors here
So eat a dick roninamok I have been there and back.
Admit it. and to zealous about my avatar ive never hurt a woman which is in sharp contrast to alot of the avatars and posters behaviors here
So eat a dick roninamok I have been there and back.

​avatar makes me want a jelly donut