As to point number 2, he gives an exact description to the 911 operator of where he is. The shooting takes place between that spot and his truck. He was returning to the truck as he was told to do. Point 2 is out. Point 1 will have little to no bearing on the case. It will be brought up for sure but is not any type of indication that he was going to do what you say. It will force the jury to form an opinion and will be strongly objected to by the defense and most likely the judge will strike it down.
No did than Casey Anthony, they over charged him and without positive evidence, ie video tape etc, the jury will not be able to convict. Had they charged him with Manslaughter they might have gotten a conviction. I dont blame you for saying what you are saying because ABC doctored the tape at the beging so many people formed an opinion. Had they not touched it up and the world would have seen the bandages no one would have said a word.