trayvan martin

You know, after taking a weekend off from this site I realized something.

This thread is pretty sad. Some posters here align their view points based on color of skin, others maybe because they relate to the thugish lifestyle Trayvon portrayed. Everyone posting in this thread does not know for a fact what happened that day.

What we do know is that some here would actually belittle a military vets experiences to protect a fucking racial viewpoint. That bothered me for a bit. I then came to the conclusion that the retards here who put color of skin above any sort of fucking logic and respect for others with a different viewpoint is not worth my time.

I have children that work for free, I have as much weed (good Shit) as I can smoke. You are going to have to come up with something that has some value to me if you want me to reveal the eyewitness.

You better start paying those children you slave driver
Nothin' like fresh eggs right from a chickens butt. I don't have any chickens since the neighbor down the road a bit has a whole bunch and we barter for meat and eggs with him. Have you eaten any of your yard birds yet? Much better than that shit you buy in the store.

That Yankees ball you got is a pretty good one, hide it. I hear Obama is going to make Golf America's new pastime and is going to outlaw any mention of the ball of bases.

Bless the ones that develop a little before they are sterilized. It reminds the world that YES, you are eating an abortion for breakfast, along with Pig's ass. ;)
You know, after taking a weekend off from this site I realized something.

This thread is pretty sad. Some posters here align their view points based on color of skin, others maybe because they relate to the thugish lifestyle Trayvon portrayed. Everyone posting in this thread does not know for a fact what happened that day.

What we do know is that some here would actually belittle a military vets experiences to protect a fucking racial viewpoint. That bothered me for a bit. I then came to the conclusion that the retards here who put color of skin above any sort of fucking logic and respect for others with a different viewpoint is not worth my time.

Couldnt agree more. Thank you
Remind the world what's in hot dogs.

Gladly! :)

Basically the refuse you would normally feed a dog. The next time you let your dear friend gnaw on a bone, look at the scraps of meat, tendons, cartilage, Etc. That is what a "Mechanical separator" does. It blasts the carcass of the animal after all the "Choice Cuts" have been removed. So basically they pressure wash the carcass and recover the water which is carrying bits of whatever. OH! Let's not forget "Stock". Not your mothers recipe. They boil the skeleton, marrow, joints, knuckles, whatever, and use the juice for flavoring, YUMM. And the average hot digity contains 20% of your DAILY sodium intake. :spew:
Gladly! :)

Basically the refuse you would normally feed a dog. The next time you let your dear friend gnaw on a bone, look at the scraps of meat, tendons, cartilage, Etc. That is what a "Mechanical separator" does. It blasts the carcass of the animal after all the "Choice Cuts" have been removed. So basically they pressure wash the carcass and recover the water which is carrying bits of whatever. OH! Let's not forget "Stock". Not your mothers recipe. They boil the skeleton, marrow, joints, knuckles, whatever, and use the juice for flavoring, YUMM. And the average hot digity contains 20% of your DAILY sodium intake. :spew:

And your point !!!!!!!
Gladly! :)

Basically the refuse you would normally feed a dog. The next time you let your dear friend gnaw on a bone, look at the scraps of meat, tendons, cartilage, Etc. That is what a "Mechanical separator" does. It blasts the carcass of the animal after all the "Choice Cuts" have been removed. So basically they pressure wash the carcass and recover the water which is carrying bits of whatever. OH! Let's not forget "Stock". Not your mothers recipe. They boil the skeleton, marrow, joints, knuckles, whatever, and use the juice for flavoring, YUMM. And the average hot digity contains 20% of your DAILY sodium intake. :spew:

I love the color of hot dog "meat" before they add food coloring, so appetizing. wrong yet they taste so right.

Anyone here tried blood pudding...also deliciously wrong.
Its amazing...anyways point is, veggos suck. Bland, bloodless food? Keep it or better yet, dry it out and use it to make a book to teach people how to kill and cook meat.
lol! I'm sure it is amazing! Sounds disgusting, but most delicacies DO sound disgusting. I fucking LOVE sushi! And not the fake ass imitation shit either. I LOVE raw fish and I'm not afraid to admit it. Must be why I love "eating out" too! lol!:mrgreen:
lol! I'm sure it is amazing! Sounds disgusting, but most delicacies DO sound disgusting. I fucking LOVE sushi! And not the fake ass imitation shit either. I LOVE raw fish and I'm not afraid to admit it. Must be why I love "eating out" too! lol!:mrgreen:
Lol, I was gonna say your missus probably loves it.

Wow this conversation took a strange course.