trayvan martin

i didn't lie.

the affidavit says profiled. zimmerman's actions meet the definition for stalking. and martin's girlfriend's testimony includes cornering.

6'3'' and 155? string bean. 17 years old? kid. was there a gun zimmerman had and was it pointed at martin? i'd say so.
The lie? Martin was cornered and couldn't get away. well your right he WAS cornered and could not fly up or dig down fast enough to escape, but being a 17 year old football player he had a 359 degrees of escape in a lateral direction. He was "cornered" on a lawn which was near a sidewalk in the outdoors. Don't be a twit please.
i said the wrong thing the first time, i meant "little bit". but since zimmerman described martin as a "kid" in his "late teens", that puts him at 17 years old. we'll be kind and say 19 though. zimmerman is twenty eight. 9 years difference = just a little bit younger?

not buying it.
a little bit is a subjective phrase, I once went to buy a used truck and asked the guy over the phone if there was any rust on the frame. He said there was " a little bit". when I got there I could have put a finger through some of the rust that went all the way through the ladder frame. It was a little bit to him, because if you saw his vehicles you would see that most were about to turn into dust they were so rusty.

He should have said that the "guy" (which is what he calls him several times in the 911 call) was younger than him but he was unable to determine exactly how much since trayvon wasn't wearing his age on his sleeve or carrying a sign or anything. The only way Zimmerman could be sure of age (Ask any liquor store owner) was to get his ID.

His statement contradicts nothing, you are grasping at the really small straws, they aren't straws UB, you use those ones to stir your coffee.
The lie? Martin was cornered and couldn't get away. well your right he WAS cornered and could not fly up or dig down fast enough to escape, but being a 17 year old football player he had a 359 degrees of escape in a lateral direction. He was "cornered" on a lawn which was near a sidewalk in the outdoors. Don't be a twit please.

by the same logic then, zimmerman wasn't cornered either and had to "exhaust all reasonable options of escape" to claim SYG.

trap sprung.
a little bit is a subjective phrase, I once went to buy a used truck and asked the guy over the phone if there was any rust on the frame. He said there was " a little bit". when I got there I could have put a finger through some of the rust that went all the way through the ladder frame. It was a little bit to him, because if you saw his vehicles you would see that most were about to turn into dust they were so rusty.

He should have said that the "guy" (which is what he calls him several times in the 911 call) was younger than him but he was unable to determine exactly how much since trayvon wasn't wearing his age on his sleeve or carrying a sign or anything. The only way Zimmerman could be sure of age (Ask any liquor store owner) was to get his ID.

His statement contradicts nothing, you are grasping at the really small straws, they aren't straws UB, you use those ones to stir your coffee.

9-11 years is just a little bit of time for a 28 year old, i'm sure zimm won't mind spending a little bit of time locked down 23 hours of the day.
9-11 years is just a little bit of time for a 28 year old, i'm sure zimm won't mind spending a little bit of time locked down 23 hours of the day.

Just thought i'd throw this in here.....

by the same logic then, zimmerman wasn't cornered either and had to "exhaust all reasonable options of escape" to claim SYG.

trap sprung.
Trap Sprung? What trap? SYG basically says that you can meet force with force, you already have an eyewitness that says Martin attacked zimmerdude first. Justified, cry me a river and call it denial.
Trap Sprung? What trap? SYG basically says that you can meet force with force, you already have an eyewitness that says Martin attacked zimmerdude first. Justified, cry me a river and call it denial.

if you can find me a witness that says who attacked who first, i will send you a free ounce of my finest and work on your farm for free all summer.
if you can find me a witness that says who attacked who first, i will send you a free ounce of my finest and work on your farm for free all summer.

I have children that work for free, I have as much weed (good Shit) as I can smoke. You are going to have to come up with something that has some value to me if you want me to reveal the eyewitness.
I have children that work for free, I have as much weed (good Shit) as I can smoke. You are going to have to come up with something that has some value to me if you want me to reveal the eyewitness.

i'll send you some pics of my cock and balls. :hump:
As long as the pics look like this...

and this....

Then we might have something.

damn. fuck me for having only hens. about to complete a second coop and get our broody birds on 6 new eggs now that it's warm. might have some cocks in a month or two.

i only have a tommy john autographed baseball and one with the 1978 yankees. reggie jackson and ron guidry are good, so is billy martin.

looked it up, i should have catfish hunter, lou piniella, graig nettles, and thurman munston on there. yogi berra was a coach, but i promise you i would know if he signed it. i guess the coaches didn't sign.
damn. fuck me for having only hens. about to complete a second coop and get our broody birds on 6 new eggs now that it's warm. might have some cocks in a month or two.

i only have a tommy john autographed baseball and one with the 1978 yankees. reggie jackson and ron guidry are good, so is billy martin.

looked it up, i should have catfish hunter, lou piniella, graig nettles, and thurman munston on there. yogi berra was a coach, but i promise you i would know if he signed it. i guess the coaches didn't sign.

Nothin' like fresh eggs right from a chickens butt. I don't have any chickens since the neighbor down the road a bit has a whole bunch and we barter for meat and eggs with him. Have you eaten any of your yard birds yet? Much better than that shit you buy in the store.

That Yankees ball you got is a pretty good one, hide it. I hear Obama is going to make Golf America's new pastime and is going to outlaw any mention of the ball of bases.
I witnessed the whole thing. Zimmerman got tired. He rested a bit. Then he got mad and bashed his head against the curb a few times, all the while yelling help, but no one comes. At which point Martin comes back and tries to steal Zimmerman's belongings. Martin finds the gun and takes it, looks at it with glee. The gun accidently discharges in Martin's chest. Zimmerman is so embarassed he decides to use SYG rather than admit what really happened.

Now give me my ounce Bucky, and I could use a hand with my garden this summer too.