trayvan martin


Active Member
so besides you admitting that zimm profiled martin incorrectly, what else do you got?

Actually I posted what the neighborhood watch handbook given out by sanford police deems suspicious.Martin fell into most of those categories.As would you or I, buit he was doing what neighborhood watch does reporting suspicious activity.


Well-Known Member
Actually I posted what the neighborhood watch handbook given out by sanford police deems suspicious.Martin fell into most of those categories.As would you or I, buit he was doing what neighborhood watch does reporting suspicious activity.
Yet another good analogy


Well-Known Member
Actually I posted what the neighborhood watch handbook given out by sanford police deems suspicious.Martin fell into most of those categories.As would you or I, buit he was doing what neighborhood watch does reporting suspicious activity.
he wasn't on watch, he was on his way to target.

but even if he were on watch, he would watch and report, not report and chase with a gun that he shouldn't have had if on watch.

if you wanna bring up the handbook, remember that the same handbook says not to run after people or to carry a gun while on watch.

subpar canadian education strikes again.


Active Member
he wasn't on watch, he was on his way to target.

but even if he were on watch, he would watch and report, not report and chase with a gun that he shouldn't have had if on watch.

if you wanna bring up the handbook, remember that the same handbook says not to run after people or to carry a gun while on watch.

subpar canadian education strikes again.
Thats what he did watch and report.If he was going to confront him why didn't he do it as trayvon walked past his truck? My guess would be because he had no intention of confrontation.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
if that was all zimm wanted to do, he could have done it while martin was under the eave, staying out of the rain while talking on his phone instead of deciding he was a thief and calling the police.
That's an important point right there. This would have been the opportune time to introduce himself as neighborhood watch. He even could have offered Trayvon a ride to the residence where he was currently residing. Why he never identified himself as such is mind boggling. So many ways Zimmerman could have avoided the confrontation and didn't.


Active Member
That's an important point right there. This would have been the opportune time to introduce himself as neighborhood watch. He even could have offered Trayvon a ride to the residence where he was currently residing. Why he never identified himself as such is mind boggling. So many ways Zimmerman could have avoided the confrontation and didn't.
Why would he confront a "suspicious" person? Trayvon could have had a gun a knife a grenade who knows what.


Well-Known Member
He didn't run very far in 4 minutes.from zims truck to where hes found dead.
when you think you've lost someone, not much point in keeping on running.

funny that zimm ended up further away from the addresses he was looking for in that time rather than closer to his truck and the addresses. he went looking for a confrontation whereas martin ran away.


Active Member
when you think you've lost someone, not much point in keeping on running.

funny that zimm ended up further away from the addresses he was looking for in that time rather than closer to his truck and the addresses. he went looking for a confrontation whereas martin ran away.
By all accounts I've read zim went to the next street over.Completed the 911 call and was headed back to his truck.Which would match up with the timeline that we know.


Well-Known Member
By all accounts I've read zim went to the next street over.Completed the 911 call and was headed back to his truck.Which would match up with the timeline that we know.
what accounts?

you mean by one account, zimmerman's.

his truck was parked nearby some addresses, there are how many streets in this neighborhood that zimmerman lived in for 5 years and patrolled constantly?

i lived in a similar type of place for a while as a teen, i knew most all of the street names within a few months and there were more than 3 or 4 streets where i lived.


Well-Known Member
what accounts?

you mean by one account, zimmerman's.

his truck was parked nearby some addresses, there are how many streets in this neighborhood that zimmerman lived in for 5 years and patrolled constantly?

i lived in a similar type of place for a while as a teen, i knew most all of the street names within a few months and there were more than 3 or 4 streets where i lived.
So glad you remember street names. Good for you.


Active Member
what accounts?

you mean by one account, zimmerman's.

his truck was parked nearby some addresses, there are how many streets in this neighborhood that zimmerman lived in for 5 years and patrolled constantly?

i lived in a similar type of place for a while as a teen, i knew most all of the street names within a few months and there were more than 3 or 4 streets where i lived.
Street names are easy Addresses are the hard part.

I need an ambulance on 1st street.
what address sir?
um I dont know its on 1st street.
1st is 18 miles long sir
see how an address could come in useful.


Well-Known Member
Street names are easy Addresses are the hard part.

I need an ambulance on 1st street.
what address sir?
um I dont know its on 1st street.
1st is 18 miles long sir
see how an address could come in useful.
yeah, and they were marked on the fronts of the houses near where his truck was parked, not out behind them where he saw martin run off to.

zimmerman took his gun and went looking for martin for a second time.